So two challenges I'll probably never complete

Both survivor and both requiring one thing blind the killer while they are carrying a survivor. You know how hard that is. While righting this flashlights are disabled I barely understand Flashbang or Firecrackers even then the killer will just face a wall or scout the area. I hate flashlights I've tried doing the challenge before when you needed to use Background player I seriously can't not in the slightest can I get close since the timing is super wonky to me and I can barely tell where the killer's face is for killers like Dredge or Alien. "Why not just watch a tutorial." I have multiple types I've practiced in matches I can't flashlights blind so in the end this might be the type of survivor challenge I just refuse to do because I have no idea how to do that since if I killer sees someone has a flashlight they just face a wall and friendly killers are impossible to find now even then I get them when I'm not doing the challenge so even more salt in the wound.
It took me a lot of practice to be able to blind with a flashlight. Flash bang can be handy but the timing takes a bit of practice. Sometimes it works and sometimes not. Depends on how aware the killer is.
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Oh my dear boy you seem to full understand it expect one small thing. You see my smart fellow the game hates me and decides that I must face killers who seem to have no eyes when I flashlight blind them as they for some reason just don't get blinded because both accuracy being very weird as it's 3rd person while first person or behind the survivor in 3rd beside would work better as I aim better since FPS usually go behind the back that way your still in the middle. But even then MY CLEVER BOY the killer faces a wall just will not let me get a single chance at all.
(Read this in a fancy british accent to get the authenticity)
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just use flashbangs, the challenges don't specifically need flashlights if i remember correctly. after the blindness delay buff bang saves are super forgiving and easy. and pay attention to the survivor's aura when the killer is picking rather than the killer themselves.
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One thing that might help is this challenge counts if the flashbang goes off as the killer is hooking as well, so even if you don't get the actual save, you can still get the challenge done if you hail mary throw at hooks often.
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the thing about blinding the killer... is that all you need is practice to get good at it. get a friend, get him to down a bot, get that timing down!
if you live in brazil, or just play in the SA server, hit me up. I'll play killer to help you. (at night... cause work)
I used to suck at those too. until I stopped sucking and was just kinda bad. then I became inconsistent. then semi consistent! which is where I am at currently.
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jamally, I just want you to know you're among my favorite users on this site. Your posts are absolutely sublime, and this one where you indicated the accent meant to be imagined while reading your post is just another prime example. Never change buddy.
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The escape clause for this tome is 'while carrying', so what that means is during the hook animation you can blind the Killer (even though it doesn't stun or drop the Survivor). I do agree that this is a stupid tome that doesn't work against Killers that have functioning senses and care to put effort into preventing a save. After I finally finished the tome the week of release, I noticed people throwing to get a blind, not even needing a save, so when I secured my victory (4gens 2-3 Survs left) I let them blind+rescue me over and over then killed them.
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For this challenge I plan on letting the killer hit me while he is carrying a survivor and I have a flashbang. Dropping at the same time as I get hit always guarantes a blind for me. But the elephant in the room is that this challenges is undoable because the perk necessary for this challenge "Residual Manifest" is currently killswitched.
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This. A Leon once pulled this on me at the hook and it took me totally by surprise. I was too impressed to be mad. I think it's a good way to complete these challenges because the killer is going to be so focused on the bodyblock that they won't think of the flashbang until it's too late.