Breakable walls

Breakable walls just aren't a very interesting gameplay mechanic. Some are essentially mandatory for (most) killers to break, others are simply walls because you basically never want to break them. There isn't really any decision-making involved. It's a bit sad the only new general gameplay mechanic to have been added in years is still in this lame state years later. Breakable walls are present on many maps now, I think it's time to spice things up a little. While there could be more ambitious redesigns such as allowing survivors to break and/or repair walls themselves, I know that isn't very realistic. So here's a very simple suggestion that would already make them quite a bit more interesting:
Decrease time to break walls to 1 second.
This would enable killers to actually proactively use breakable walls to get surprise hits, in and out of chase, making survivors have to be much more wary of them and play around them. It would also give incentive to killers to break walls they otherwise never would, because they may get a hit out of doing so, as a trade-off of course opening up a path for survivors to be able to use later on. And it would just create more of that horror movie jumpscare effect of the killer bursting through a wall.
Perks that affect breaking speed should still apply. Whether killer abilities that can break walls should be adjusted accordingly is debatable.
Agree, only a single map have unique walls, it's Dawg Saloon. You have a wall at the shack, which makes it more playable and walls that act like pallets. Which is great, but refuse for some reason to put walls on every shack or make. Like WHY not, what was the point???
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Making them faster to break doesn’t actually fix any of the walls that are better off never being broken. Certain breakable walls just need to be revisited and/or removed, they don’t need any change to the breaking time or how they work, they just need to be placed in more strategic locations where they actually mean something. Midwich does a good job with them.
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Yeah, I think bHVR made the right choice by making them. But in most cases they just screw over Killers and they are not so interesting, they should do more with them.