I think TCM (combined w extreme community toxicity) is the reason this game will finally die.

MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533
edited September 2023 in General Discussions

IMO this game is in danger of eventually dying.

I know, I know...there are die hard forum fans who will immediately counter.."everyone says the game is dying, yet here we are"..."skill issue"..."just don't play it".."bhvr doesn't care if you stop playing, game will never die" etc

So let me start off with a few things...

Not a skill issue. I have thousands of hours in the game, in the approximate 2 years I've been playing.

Over 2000 escapes and almost 5000 kills. I don't feel my issues, come from a lack of skill. Am I the best? No. But I think i've got enough skill to have functioned in this game (and had fun)....at one point.

Before I explain my problems with the game, I want to say a couple things.

  • I used to devote almost all my free time to this game. I was addicted and it was all I could think of. I streamed on Twitch literally only this game. I couldn't picture getting into another game, even when this one was going bad. However...I've gone from playing at least 3 hours a day..to 2 matches (max) a day. It's all I can tolerate, and even that is barely..barely tolerable.

  • Before TCM (there I said it) came out..there was no other horror game that could touch this one. Evil Dead was big, but short lived, it was a different vibe than DBD..therefore not any real competition. Without the threat of something better replacing it, it was incapable of dying. However..90% of my free gaming time, now goes to TCM. It has a DBD vibe, except with WAY less toxicity and sadly, no super cool cosmetics. But still much more positive. Whenever I check my friends list and Twitch streamer list..almost all of the ones who used to be in DBD are all in TCM. I don't think it's a phase. I don't think it will die out.

As I stated, I've spent thousands of hours in DBD and a disgusting amount of money on cosmetics (I love cosmetics! No shame! I will probably keep buying them..but will it keep me playing? No.) But the game is zero fun. Zero fun sounds like such a dumbed down comment, but honestly that's what it is. A complete lack of fun..and most people play games to have..fun.

IMO- Bhvr only caters to SWF's. Not everyone has the time or capability or social desire to want to only play this game in a SWF. SoloQ is disgusting. 99% of matches are the same. Survivor instantly sandbags you, Killer tunnels and/or camps you as soon as they see you. Slugging for the 4k at 3 gens. It's a gross situation. I got tunneled directly off hook at 5 gens last time I tried to play, when I messaged the killer after they told me, I was considered "a high priority survivor, to kill immediately. All killers have them." No, I don't have a high priority kill list as killer...and it was such a dumb comment, I didn't even bother responding. I'm not an aggressive or toxic Surv.

Then the comical part, when playing Killer almost 90% of my teams are the Navy Seals coming up in here to destroy everything, bust out gens faster than you knew was possible and go out of their way to be as disgustingly toxic as possible. What a fun time. People on the forums try to disregard prestige, but fact of the matter is, if you have at least one P100..you definitely invested time (time = experience) in the game. I don't want to load into a killer match with 2/3 P100's every time. And even the ones that are not, are usually experienced Survs playing low level characters so they don't get lobby dodged.

The DBD Community is by far the most toxic gaming community I have ever come across, which is unfortunate because at one time I loved this game so much. I know Bhvr can't really help that...the players have no self control, and apparently thrive on toxicity...that is an issue of the very people who love this game, destroying it.

It's just sad that it's in such an unplayable state...it's been stripped of all it's fun, and tbh as much as many people wanted the Alien chapter..I think it was the final nail in the coffin. At this point, idk what could even be done to make this game fun again...as bhvr can only do so much I suppose and players are going to abuse every toxic play style they can to win (on both sides)..and what's sad to me, is I don't mind losing on either side..if i've had a fun match. But you know Bhvr can't even do us the solid of not depipping when we get immediately tunneled out. You work so hard for a pip and can lose it in 20 seconds.

Anyway...feel free to weigh in, unless it's just to have some snide toxic remark. How do you feel the game could be fun again? What do you think could be done to make the game better? I do strongly believe now that Texas Chain Saw exists, this game is in serious danger if changes are not made. It may start as a slow fizzle, with everyone expecting the DBD crowd to return "once the newness wears off," but I don't think that is going to be the case. TCM creators are very involved with their game and listen and act on things almost immediately. They want their game to feel like a real life horror experience...the scary feeling of what would you do? (And it does.) They don't want their game to become toxic, and shut down anything that could lead to gross toxicity right off the jump. I don't feel Bhvr does that, and I do feel they cater to one side. That side being SWFs. I don't think they even care about their Killers at all. Again, my opinon.

I love all the cosmetics, I so very much enjoy events and such, and the time that Bhvr puts into them...every detail...look at how beautiful the masquerade was, and how fun the BBQ was with their slushy gens...but all of that doesn't matter if the game is completely unenjoyable. I do hope something changes in the near future.



  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    I do think it has potential for long term success...it is what it is now, it doesn't mean there won't be plans of things they will do and add on to keep it going..

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    No. People can totally disagree with me in an intelligent manner. I think comments that lack any kind of points or discussion and rather exist just to say something insulting about me, are rude, unintelligent and unnecessary.

    I was interested in hearing debate, or how this game could be better..sorry i'm not excited about being insulted for wanting to discuss a specific topic. People that don't want to discuss it, could have just kept scrolling.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    I do hope it does survive. Ultimately I don't want it to die..I wish that they could deal with real issues that matter, instead of throwing cosmetics at everyone. I do love cosmetics, but they are more fun when I actually want to play the game. I think that for the most part, the majority of DBD problems are fixable..but they have to actually acknowledge them and work on fixing them. Games typically do not last forever..at some point, something will be the ultimate downfall and it will fizzle out. Maybe it won't be for a long time...maybe it will be soon, there is no way to tell.

    I look forward to the movie!

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,610

    Damn, can this game just hurry and die already? It's been 7 years of it dying.

    Seriously, the only the way this game is going to die is by it killing itself. We are not talking about a small colony of ants here. We are talking about giant mountain, that inhabits billions of ants. You need a nuke to get rid of it at this point. And even then DBD would probably survive. With all these licenses, there is absolutely no way another game takes its place.

    What other game allows you to play Nicholas Cage versus Michael Myers?

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    This. I literally have had people track me down on Instagram and wish death on myself and my children...in horrible ways/words I will not repeat here..all because I killed them in a game.

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 576

    Sorry that happened to you.

    I normally agree with a lot of your posts & & takes on things but personal experiences & all at over 10,000 hours across 5 platforms thats just not my experience.

    Never been doss 'd on any game

    Been told to end my self exactly twice ever. I get positive messages from the otherside every week if killer or survivor plays well against me on xbox (only place I play now) i'll always send them a good message just like I give the thumbs up to players that do well (if only it notified players & actually did something even if it was just a few xp or blood points)

    Admittedly only online games I play these days are dbd & overwatch but i've never had real issues with either.

    Rainbow 6, league of legends, fortnite (that I played with the kids hate the game myself) & even fifa & madden! forever getting insults, slurs or death threats. & I had toxic messages from the handful of tcm games I played too not why I dropped the game it just wasn't for me.

    Wish you luck for future games

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 388

    This game will not die, but I’ve definitely noticed similar trends to OP and OP’s actual match experiences match my own. I’ve noticed quite a few streamers I follow now play a lot of TCM or have given up on DBD altogether and moved exclusively to TCM or variety. I’ve also noticed a lot of killer players who seem to have packed in- I saw one streamer recently saying they hoped Xeno would freshen things up but within a few days it was the same old DBD and they, and I quote, “couldn’t bear the thought of playing killer”.

    IMO this game desperately needs some form of ranked mode now with good enough incentives to lure the sweats away. Both solo queue and killer can be miserable far too often and nothing is being done about this. Get rid of depipping in the casual mode and add in built in perk randomisation for people to use if they want it.

    Just a thought before I stop writing as well: I suppose the question is can a game be fun for someone after years of playing? Or is a feeling of staleness natural? I would say yes, but it’s not the game itself at its core that feels unfun. It’s the player base making it that way and the devs refusal to try new things.

  • HauntedKnight
    HauntedKnight Member Posts: 388

    The problem is the focus on new content though. I get it, new chapters, especially big licensed chapters earn the company money. But it feels now like there’s new chapter hype for about a week (less tbh) and then it’s back to the same old discussions about the same old problems with the actual game.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    I agree with most of what you have said, i'm glad i'm not the only one eperiences these types of things. Though it is unfortunate to be experiencing them in general. I think that just the no depipping once you've earned a pip, would be a game changer on both sides. And maybe killers would be a little less nasty in their play style. But yeah definitely a big change..I like to rank up and all that, but idk..I just want to have an actual match that is worth having.

    100% agree with that last sentence.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    And the game is in such a bad state, that new chapters are not even enjoyable. I love events. I love cosmetics. New chapters i'm less excited about lately and you're right..the joy wears off pretty quick.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,475
    edited September 2023

    TCM can definitely coexist with DBD, they're both different enough to attract their own playerbases and plenty of people play both just fine.

    Personally I can't see TCM 'killing' DBD, it's not overwhelmingly successful enough to actively steal that many players from DBD and certain questionable decisions by the devs have had them actually lose quite a lot of players since launch, more than might be expected.

    What would 'kill' DBD would be the same thing that 'killed' World of Warcraft and Overwatch, itself. Bad decisions and a general ineptitude of the devs. Literally all BHVR has to do to keep DBD even moderatly successful is to keep churning out good chapters, though that's starting to be a challenge for them.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    I can respect, and agree with some of this POV. I do hope the game turns around soon.

  • Alice_pbg
    Alice_pbg Member Posts: 6,556

    I could ellaborate... but I hope everything can come accross with this...


  • PotatoPotahto
    PotatoPotahto Member Posts: 250

    Don't worry, TCM will die way faster.

    * You can already see a lot of toxic players there, people who will stunlock the family for fun, tbag and wait at the exit gate to mock them last time

    * It has way more issues in swf vs solo department. When you are watching the intro animation joining the match, coordinated victims are already halfway out

    * The way the devs of TCM deal with hackers is worse than the fact there are hackers. Oh, there are hackers on PC, well, that's your problems, you stinky PC players, stay away from our precious console players

    * The ability of this game of long term development is questionable because of the setting. They can't make something drastically different from what they have now, so it will get pretty stale rather soon

    So, I don't think this game will live more than a couple of years.

  • MeanieDeeny
    MeanieDeeny Member Posts: 533

    I respectfully disagree. I don't want to go into details with my opinions, because I want to keep this focused on how DBD can be better..but I am hopeful TCM will remain healthy.

    I do agree however there is some toxicity...after i've died or got out and am spectating, watching people hold up the game ending because they need to sit at a gate for 230489203984 hours is def toxic, and just annoying honestly. There will always be some toxicity..but I don't think it's to the level of DBD.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    If you have fallen out of love for dbd, then thats fine. Maybe its best to actually move on from the game. But please do not ruin that for other people who may actually still enjoy dbd for all these years.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Not gonna lie, this feels dramatic. I’ve been playing DBD from the start, and have never been ddos’d. I also don’t see death threats ever. This community is very mild and I’d even say mostly positive. Games like call of duty and R6S are games that you see toxicity every single match. DBD is nowhere near that.

    I play every single day. I play alch ring blight majority of my games, one of the more hated builds. I also stream and advertise my channel in game. Why would I not be experiencing any of these things that you do?

  • MimiDBD
    MimiDBD Member Posts: 302
    edited September 2023

    OP I completely get it. I got really into the game (all my free time) and played nothing but DBD from Deathslinger release until Wesker. I have around 4500 hours in that time span. My first (guesstimate) 2000 or so hours was purely killer. I enjoyed it so much. Then I got to a point where killer was no fun so I switched to playing mostly survivor. That continued until Wesker released.

    When Wesker released it breathed new life into the game for me and I played him to Iri 1 and have bounced back and forth in roles since barely playing an hour before switching to other games. The gameplay has become tedious, sweaty, and just plain boring to me. I don't have fun playing solo survivor nor do I playing killer. To be clear I still play killer at a high level still winning most of my games with Pig, Freddy, and Mikey. Wesker feels OP to me since I'm used to the previously mentioned lol but it's just not fun even winning right now in DBD.

    I'm not sure if it's me, DBD, or the fact there are so many great games I'm playing currently. I am still dumping most of my hours into Monster Hunter Sunbreak (amazing game), Outriders, and now Starfield. If I am having fun playing those games I see no reason to play DBD when it's just not fun (what everyone should do honestly). Saddest part Alien is my dream license and I just can't be bothered. This game needs spiced up dramatically (games modes, mechanics, etc) for me to return.

    P.S. TCM died out for me in less than a week. No competition to DBD what so ever. The ball will always be in BHVR's court and unfortunately that's a double edge sword as it means they are required to do very little.

  • Rogue11
    Rogue11 Member Posts: 1,410

    TCM seemed like the fun casual game I wanted it to be...for a few days. Now it feels like the worst solo queue mmr teammates vs 3 DBD killer mains on comms.

    Major balance issues that players on both sides have immediately chosen to abuse to the fullest extent, making the game feel even sweatier than DBD.

    Stun lock Sissy build where you just die as soon as she catches you. Two tap kill leatherface build same thing. Johnny spamming m1 constantly to move 20% faster the entire match.

    On survivor side, no one plays in a remotely "role playing" way. As soon as I load in, everyone is spamming loud noises, waking up Grandpa and tbagging killers after stuns. Connie instantly opening doors and escaping in 1 min. Survivors using bone scraps and door stuns to bully chain stun killers.

    I've ended up mostly going back to DBD for a more casual experience and that's really sad.

    I do hope they improve TCM and maybe foster a more fun community over time but they have a lot of work to do.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,481

    Only thing I can possibly think of is console just being a more toxic community in general. Most people I see talking about major toxicity are usually on console.

  • Pulsar
    Pulsar Member Posts: 20,775

    You can literally go back through my posts and see me struggling with how to handle all of the abuse thrown at me.

    It starts to really affect you after a while.

  • Hannacia
    Hannacia Member Posts: 1,283
    edited September 2023

    Sorry to break your bubble but TCM has become just as toxic. I'd even argue it has more toxicity now since the voice chat + normal chat. Ive heard and read so much horrible things already and i only have 20 + hours in the game. ( reason i have so little hours is because im already bored of the game and stopped playing due to the unbalanced mess and toxicity ) People wait at the "exitgates" and theres no endgame so if the family doesnt go watch them Tbag they can just hold you in the game. Also the endgame chat has been quite the cluster...F... of people yelling slurs to eachother.

    Also it has lost most of the PC players i think 4k+ players remain atm from 17k.

    All this being said. Why can't both games just live their own lives? Play what you enjoy playing and let others play what they enjoy playing. 1 game does not have to "kill" another one. Both can co exist.

    DBD needs to stop pushing new survivors and killers + perks in the game. Do 1 good healthupdate. Leave the DLCs and just concentrate on the health of the game. Give us more stuff to do, new gamemode even maybe. I think most of us would be extremely happy if you would instead of a new DLC give us healthpatch and game improvement patch.

    Post edited by Hannacia on
  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Maybe, idk. Console players can send me messages, as well as PC players in the end game. I just don’t see this aggressive toxicity they talk about. Tbags and hits on hook sure, but nothing that’s “abuse”.

  • Shroompy
    Shroompy Member Posts: 6,481

    Console players can't use endgame chat, if you see some one with a crossplay symbol message you they're either from Epic Games or Windows Store

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,328

    DBD is like a roach or the Nokia 3310. It won't die, despite everything that goes wrong with it.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,436

    I've seen it. That one person hasn't seen it doesn't mean it doesn't exist. It's been rare for me to but I've definitely seen it.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,174

    The game isn't "dying" as in "sprawled on the floor with their guts spilled out", but it nicked an artery and is haemorrhaging. We all feel it, everyone knows that something changed, a lot of players vie for this or that balance change, but no one really hits the core of the problem.

    Well, I figured it all out, just listen (haha, don't gimme that look): the audience and player base has FAR outskilled the games base machanics and is constantly pullying at its seams, picking it appart with new broken builds or tactics that were never even imagined at the start. A casual player of today has so much game knowledge, map awareness, game sense, techs, if you were to throw them into a 2016 or 2017 game it would look like they were cheating. Ant thats just a casual. You can try to balance and handle things differently all you want, but you can't take the skills out of the player base. And all BHVR can do is balance everything at the razors edge, but one slip and one half of the population suffers while the other will mercilecly hammer down their momentary advantage and living the moment. Yolo hard, because tomorrow that fun high will be gone.

    What could save this game were a full, dedicated health update: ditch the next chapter and dedicate fully 3-6 month to make the game fun again. DBD could need a big, hard reset that establishes a few new hard rules and caps. You wan't killers not to tunnel? Then use a combination of the carrot and the stick. Right now, everytime I cornered and downed a survivor on death hook at, lets say 3 gens, and I didn't seal the deal but left them on the floor to be picked up, ie gave them another chance, this game back to bite me, because 4 healthy survivors are impossible to defend against. How could this be solved? With something like giving the killer old BBQ blood point boni for each hooked survivor that only goes up as long as no one died, but also giving the survivors some sort of debuffs for each hook while no one died. On the survivors end they get increased repair speeds and maybe +1/2/3% permanent haste for each dead survivor. Essentially, a killer who plays for 9 hooks before the first kill will get rewarded with BP and debuffs holding the survivors back, while the survivors get a chance to reset. A killer who tunnels will get mediocre BP gains and a harder time. This is just a rough sketch, but the general idea that I would advocate, ie device a system that rewards the good behaviour and sorta punishes the bad one.

    Then we got the perk bloat. Maybe we could condense all the perks we got and take a hard look at them and do the following: move over a couple of them into the general use category and pick one signature perk for each survivor and killer. Thats their perk that they come with and it should be quite strong or cool or bend some of the rules. One signature perk per character will open up much more design space, as they don't have to come up with three perks per character. Each character have their own signature perk equipped and can equip two other signature perks and one general use perk. The signature perk us unlocked with prestiging the character to P3. Maybe we could have two versions of the signature perk, but that would already eat into the bloat reduction aspect.

    Last but not least the game needs some hard caps on gen repair speed, heal speed, regression, haste, vault speed etc. While one trick pony builds that take one of this aspects to absurd levels can be fun, it also breaks the game in a mostly unfun way for the opposition. Its best to have some caps that everyone knows and don't later powercreep them out with new perks that break them.

    This is just some general ideas of mine, but the game can't go forward like it used to be at this point, we all feel it, and I think a big reset would be the best approach.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Texas chainsaw has over 3 million players across all platforms and the issues with steam not showing how many pc players there actually are because the game is free on gamepass, why pay 40 on steam when it comes free through the Microsoft game pass ? Steam was doomed to fail on the tcm player base out the gates because of that but dbd started only on steam and didn't come to gamepass until years later so only newer players have it on gamepass free, but steam charts aren't anything special to go by because they aren't a accurate reflection

  • Crowman
    Crowman Member Posts: 9,384

    If you find yourself not enjoying DBD, you can just stop playing and go enjoy other games. I'm not sure why people need DBD to die in order for them to stop playing.

  • The_Krapper
    The_Krapper Member Posts: 3,259

    Lol right? Also it's totally okay to play more than just dbd in your life I don't understand the points of the whole "game is dying" , did it really die if it completely controlled this genre darn near a decade? I'd say even if they stopped tomorrow and announced they would leave the servers on but no new updates, the game would still have players and even then how many games can you say retained a solid player base for this long?

  • Smoe
    Smoe Member Posts: 2,851
    edited September 2023

    Sorry but no, dbd does need more changes but many of these suggested ideas just ain't it chief.

    Also apart from disagreeing with your idea of a big reset, a 3-6 month content drought would harm the game alot more than it'll benefit.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,181

    You're right on one thing: that what will eventually kill DBD won't likely be the devs but the community. However, I use the word "eventually" because this will not happen for quite some time.

    To say TCM will be ending the game is unbelievable at best. It doesn't have the longevity in it, although I do hope it has some time left. The devs for TCM are just looking for a fun game and see where it goes. They've done well, but to say TCM will kill DBD is just not going to happen.

    What MIGHT happen is that the success of TCM may inspire a different apprpach to assymetrical horror. A developer may get an ambitious idea from TCM and, alongside working with the successful aspects of DBD, and gradually wprk a game which eventually - over the course of years - supercede DBD. However, that will take a lot of time.

    DBD is likely tp be killed by the very consumers it attracts. The only other alternative will be a catastrophic business decision of such massive proportions that everyone leaves out of absolute disgust. It will have to be something inhumane. TCM is not going to be the game that will directly contribute. DBD has a few years left.

  • HugTechLover
    HugTechLover Member Posts: 2,482

    Yes, I’m well aware of that. Lol

    I said PC players can message me in end game chat.

    I’m not saying it doesn’t happen. I’ve seen it too. But to say the DBD community is far more toxic than other games is false. This community is very mild compared to others.

  • pseudechis
    pseudechis Member Posts: 3,904
    edited September 2023

    I always find it interesting when people think a game in the same competitive space will result in the immediate death of current content.

    DBD is a juggernaut when it comes to PVP survival horror not many games stack up. TCM looks like a really good alternative but what is the long term viability of it?

    If they are based around a single license TCM, much like FF13, how much customization around that is there?

    Its new and its great so it'll probably vacuum up a lot of current and former DBD players but I doubt it will stop people from playing DBD. I think DBD has had the lifespan it does because it's rather generic template lends itself to a lot of different killers, licenses and maps.

    I don't think you are going to see a Xenomorph pop up in TCM, maybe one day when it gets stale they'll need it branch out but it'll be a disjointed affair.

    I'm sure DBD will truck along just fine regardless of the existence of TCM.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 940

    No you're not the only ones dbd stinks right now you can feel it even in content creators, but when you come here all you read is how's the game is SO survivor sided because they only get 4 kills 80% of the time and it should be 100%, it's ridiculous at this point

    you're not fooling anyone we know most teams are easy to beat because we play killer too, devs keep listening the wrong most vocal people or "comp mindset" like Otzdarva. Anti camp thing looks promising but if they back up again after PTB i'm done, I already play other fun games i'm just waiting that spark from the devs if they still have it

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,230
    edited September 2023

    No? I don't see how TCM could possibly make up for dozens of licensed characters. I love DBD, and I have zero interested in Bubba the game.

    "DBD is dying" is a platitude at best, and a self-fulfilling prophecy at worst, as in, if it's dying it's because the players are killing it. The game is largely improving with each update, but the playerbase is getting jaded because it's not improving fast enough for most of them.