The new Onryo meta is boring

brenkn Applicant Posts: 15
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Just go from tv to tv for the whole game, never hook anyone, just tunnel until you can mori them, no matter what the outcome is no one gets any bloodpoints. It shouldn't be this way.


  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    bhvr could change this rule:

    Being hit with a Basic Attack while carrying a Cursed Tape adds +2 Stacks of Condemned, which destroys the Cursed Tape.


    Being hit with a Basic Attack while carrying a Cursed Tape adds +1 Stack of Condemned.

    Being downed while carrying a Cursed Tape adds +1 Stack of Condemned and destroys the Cursed Tape.

    This would require more in regards to Condemn Tunneling and require more active gameplay from Onryo than how the meta in currently unfolding.

  • AlphaYandere
    AlphaYandere Member Posts: 66

    how do they tunnel if they dont hook? thats not even possible... i think you mean they slugg... anyway these people dont care about bloodpoints, they care about there own fun and about the win. I know its boring from survivor side but theres counters, she's a m1 killer, so if you can chase long enough you shouldn't have any problems and use the tapes.

  • Venusa
    Venusa Member Posts: 1,481

    It's so funny how all Onryo enjoyers asked for was a fun chase power that makes her viable outside of condemned playstyle and the devs took that as "let's make the most dreaded and unfun playstyle the easiest and mainstream way to play her"...

  • Emeal
    Emeal Member Posts: 4,954

    They tunnel in the way of using TP to get stacks of Condemned and following one survivor making sure they cant use tapes and if they do, they just get hit and speed up the process of getting stacks of Condemned. I have seen it its very hard to counter, cause even as m1 it requires the onyro to lose track of you, which is very hard atm cause survivors dont usually bring perks to hide themselves.

    Like current Ultimate Weapon is candy for Onryo cause the scream is survivor specific so you can find your condemn target super easy.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,287

    Personally, what bugs me about some of the newer killer mechanics is that it's often a terrible deal for survivors in terms of BP and emblems. - I don't mind a completely different playstyle, what I mind is that it's gonna feel like losing even if it was a 4E. If they want to introduce different side objectives / different ways to play matches then they also need to tie a bunch of new score events to it. "Chase" against a killer like Onryo (but also Wraith or Spirit and a couple other phasing/semi ranged killers like Slinger, Knight or Artist) is just not really existent in a match, they just remove an entire score category simply because of how they work on a mechanical level. And in case of Onryo she removes two; chase related score events and unhook related score events.

    If playing a match against Onryo correctly would result in eng game screens that reflect the match I'm fairly certain my attitude toward condemn-Onryo would change as well.

  • Skitten56
    Skitten56 Member Posts: 383

    Not to mention that in the process they reduced the viability of non-condemn playstyles by nerfing her mobility and some select add-ons, so now using the unfun playstyle is even more important if you want to get wins against good teams.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699
    edited September 2023

    I love how tunnel has become the new buzzword for anything DBD players don't like. "you never chase you just tunnel" "stop tunneling gens" "wow noob survivor really had to tunnel that exit gate huh?" "brought a key and tunneled hatch what a noob" "wow this killer really is tunneling this 3 gen huh!"

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,017

    I suggested this when tbe rework was first complete, and after playing against her and as her a while, I still think this change would improve her a lot... as even the best of us fall prey to TP spam when it makes sense to do so.

    Adding the incentive where good reads and prediction can grant you greater rewards on Sadako, while weakening the blind spam does re-introduce the skill element of Sadako tp, and makes her more fun to play.

    Yes you CAN still blind teleport, but this change makes it 33% less effective, and actively encourages Sadako to be more deliberate to get max value.

    It also helps her against high level players who just grab tapes, where a solid TP prediction can swing a big 2.5 condemn on one hit.

  • brenkn
    brenkn Applicant Posts: 15

    I play more killer than I do survivor, you totally missed to point of the topic. Its not so about tunneling but more about the condemned meta that totally ignores hooks. You can go to another thread if you want to cry about survivors.

  • dbdthegame
    dbdthegame Member Posts: 699

    I'm aware what the thread is about. You see, I didn't miss the point of the thread. But it's obvious you missed the point of my message. I wasn't commenting on Sadako's condemn strat, I was amused at your use of the word "tunnel" in an obvious out-of-context sentence to express dislike for a killer strategy; and by extension, the improper use of the term by DBD players (I make no distinction between killers and survivors) to attack anything they dislike. Tunneling refers to hooking someone over and over again and hard targeting them the entire game until they die. If Sadako isn't chasing anyone and just spamming teleport, she is, by definition, NOT tunneling.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,326

    she is fun to play. i love playing sadako now. ever since ptb changes, she is the best state that she has ever been.

    he is using word tunnel in correct context. it is just you are misunderstand what he means by tunneling because what you classify as tunneling is different.