If BHVR listened to the volume of complaints they'd have nerfed Blight years ago.
We are on, what, year 3 of Alc Ring C33?
How many years has Nurse been queen? How many years was Iri Head around?
BHVR is just glacially slow at changing things, even simple numbers.
Alien nerf is a message, play Nurse/Blight/Wesker instead
Nurse got changed a lot over the years.
She ignores mechanics the survivors can do to delay the killer. Her design is plain outdated. Nerfing her movement speed or blink distance would just make her one thing: bad.
We want killers to be good. Nurse is like Freddy in that regard. His snares either slow you down so much that he is guaranteed a hit or they don't do almost anything.
You can only have one extreme. Good or bad. Nurse would need a complete rework that changes fundamentally how she is played.
Blight is also more fun to verse from survivors from what I've seen.
About iridescent head, I will agree with you.
However. It is odd that the Xenomorph is nerfed this fast and made for this isn't despite an equal amount of people being upset.
On top of that: as killer I always play against survivors. They dont change. They don't have different power or abilities. Therefore I can always see made for this, resilience, Windows, adrenaline, lithe, sprint burst and the like on every survivor, every game.
As survivor you don't see the same killer every game, despite what some people say. Blight, Nurse and Huntress are 3 killers.
What do I do when I play Pig? Myers? Trapper? Wraith? Doctor?
I cant just switch to blight mid game and even the odds.
I would argue that survivor sees a bit more variety than killer does. Therefore the things that are unchanged sting a bit more. Killers see them every game. Survivors do not. For the most part.
If something is seen every game, players will be upset.
Just like with Xenomorph.
Again : I know where OP is coming from.
2 -
Really? Both Nemmi and Mendslinger would have hit here.
14 -
The hitbox feels larger than it should be. Perhaps bugged wasn't the right word.
Remember when Wesker released and he had the massive hitbox for objects but a small, reasonably sized one for Survivors? Feels a bit like that.
5 -
itll be soon. same with nerfs for Wesker and nurse
1 -
even more annoying the tail hitbox is sometimes very surprising, you hit directly in the back and the tail goes through the survivor and the hit doesn't count.
2 -
I loved the message from Friskk in the DBD-Stream yesterday.
"You dont have to 4K to have fun".
Or, in other words:
"Accept that when the survivors just do their job by holding M1 on diffent gens while pre-dropping safe loops you dont have the power to 4K with most of the roster. Accept, that you 4K when the survivors do mistakes, not because you played well".
22 -
They confirmed MFT nerf in next patch stop doing same thread everyday, it will be a massive nerf to all survivors across the board comparable to dead hard nerf...
the slight xeno nerf (just a revert to PTB) is absolutely nothing compared to MFT nerf, you guys always cry first and think later
1 -
Not all of us play pc and even they miss it often.
2 -
What MFT-Nerf? I havent seen one till now. Currently, its just your imagination how a MFT-Change could be.
7 -
Blight is not fun to face if he has OP add ons.
1 -
yeah ok buddy, when BHVR nerf a perk it's totally not gutted , like dead hard and DS
3 -
Couldn't it be that this is not a 'Dev's message' to go back to wesker/blight/nurse and more of a normal procedure for a every newly released killer to get nerf/buff/bugfix from the PTB?
BHVR has already stated before that newly released killers usually get more priority into getting some tweaks if they are over/underperforming and this seems to be case where it was overperforming due to a bug.
Would you also consider a 'Dev's message' when the newly released wesker was buffed by fixing the awful hitbox his power used to have? Or when they buffed knigth power by making survivors not being able to see the green orb and buffing the guards? Or like the 2-3 EMP nerfs the singularity received from the PTB?
Not everything is a conspiracy against killers
7 -
Well, according to some people in this discussion it's a skill issue. By no means it's the tail being wonky or tricky to use, it's killer player not aiming properly. Let's add that to the list.
5 -
Alien's M2 is now unreliable, where sometimes the tail looks like it directly hits a survivor, but the hit doesn't connect. And the M2 tries as hard as possible to collide with the environment, so that it can cancel itself. Why pick a killer, if it's a random dice roll to whether or not the attacks will connect? Unreliable killer powers are not fun.
And the turret placement logic should be changed so that the turrets can be placed close to the environment, but not close to other turrets, because double turrets is much more powerful now, because they can be placed close together and because Alien is massively slowed if it attacks a turret.
I'd say this is a message to players, that Alien is garbage now.
8 -
I run both every game and dont feel handicapped. Yeah, they are not as strong as in the past, but still very good perks. There are far more perks weaker than this two.
2 -
It was a nerf on top of a bug fix.
No one would have said anything, if they just fixed the bug. But they also nerfed. Thats why people complain.
11 -
Blight is getting nerfed anyway, so enjoy the last weeks/months of this broken killer.
1 -
I don't see the nerf... Only when he miss is tail, but the hitbox seems always as broken, even more now (got one who touch survivor trough wall)
0 -
meta, meta never changes
1 -
Regarding your 'in other words':
It's a PvP game. If the killer were able to effectively 4k even when the survivor team played perfectly, that is wildly out of balance.
The entire point of playing versus other players is to capitalize on the other team's mistakes.
9 -
Thats not what the current gen rush record attempts look like. Last time i checked, completing all 5 gens, open the gate and exit was possible in 02:57 Minutes. Main mistakes killers made, was to not take corrupt and no way out. As those 2 were the only perks that could partly slow down the record attempts. Not by much though.
7 -
All around, I share your sentiment. However, I feel like there is a good amount of players that actually enjoy the challenge.
1 -
Both are still good in certain situations.
But not "take it every game, always get massive value" - perks.
1 -
Do you have any idea what a huge time it would be to place two flamethrowers near each other in good places?
It's one change that was present in PTB , no one complained about him and he was considered a good killer, and now after the buff and then undoing it, the xenomorph has become unplayable? What a contradiction
4 -
Huntress has entered the lobby...
0 -
The devs have nerfed Nurse several times and have said repeatedly that Blight will be getting looked at. I can't remember what changes Wesker has received.
Almost every aspect of the game will receive nerfs, buffs, or a combination at some point in time.
2 -
It’s not very much time if the places are near a control station. The same control station can be used multiple times.
And it doesn’t matter how long it takes if it’s a SWF coordinating turrets. Survivors only care about time when at least one of them is being pressured by the killer. SWFs can coordinate times where all of them are moving around turrets, which means the killer won’t hear any generators being repairs from the tunnels, and the survivors are immune to footstep detection when they are carrying turrets.
We’re also thinking under the bad assumption that if survivors put any time or effort into something, they should get a guaranteed reward out of it. Placing two turrets next to each other doesn’t take skill, and shouldn’t be an uncounterable situation if the killer doesn’t have the reduced turret range addon.
Honestly, the turrets should have a rule where they can’t be placed close together to each other. This was an unecessary buff to turrets, just because people wanted to place turrets next to walls. Or the turret range should be the same range as Xeno’s M2.
1 -
Yeah, I don't think 3 of the top competitive players in the world+Hens against random pub killers is an accurate illustration of where the balance currently is. Especially when they were solely attempting to break the record. It's the equivalent of someone getting hit with a sucker punch.
3 -
I want to correct something with this (which is why I always advise players use the patch notes that we put out). This is part of an AB Test - it's not something that all players will experience (am referring to the Prestige Levels being shown in the lobby). It's also not confirmed that it will be implemented as it's currently in the testing stage.
5 -
Killers defend camping, tunneling, and slugging tooth and nail, in large part because that's how competitive DbD is played.
Competitive survivor DbD is gen rush, comp drop, and run to comp corner.
I'm all for making the game less competitive personally, but the general trend over the past year has been to utterly destroy any aspect of casual play. And for the record, that's for both sides.
But in order to make casual play the focus, they would have to address all of those play styles together.
Almost every person who posts on here wants 'the other side' to be addressed separately while leaving 'their side' with all the sweaty tools. That's never going to work, and it seems highly unlikely that the game will shift away from being hyper competitive by addressing everything.
9 -
Are you sure about that? Because it seems whenever my killer is, I got always the same team of survivor, so I can't play a new killer with weak survivor, and I got a hard time to win
1 -
Its possible to balance the game for both casual and comp at the same time, but that involves addressing things that can be abused while empowering things that put fun above efficiency. That applies to both sides, unfortunately their current philosophy seems to be balancing around averages, leaving some things exploitable for each side and saying things like "the game isn't P2W because nurse."
1 -
No proof? I gotchu.
nothing like having your tail strike getting stuck in the air molecules.
4 -
lol wut
he should be able to break the turrets, keep the same distance on a survivor or opt to not break them, remain in power, and still be on the survivor's ass????
######### are you supposed to do as a survivor at that point?
8 -
Huntress when she throw a ######### car at you?
Each time I try to play her, my hatchet touch the dust and disapear, I don't know how to.. XD
2 -
You'd rather spam the same thread and say the exact same thing over and over again, instead of actually playing the game. There are still tons of Alien players. They have not quit.
5 -
Wesker got a buff, after the PTB, the hitbox from his rush was... Strangely make, like, smaller than Wesker (and he is not the biggest one or the tallest one, little wesky) after that, they make is hitbox bigger
2 -
Oh my bad! Thanks for the clarification @Mandy
If feedback is useful, I think this is a really good change myself. The benefits for not targetting p100's and making lobby shopping harder are good ofc for survivors, however...
From Killer side the main difference is you just go, you don't even think about the lobby beyond items. Even as someone who doesn't lobby shop, one can't help but be intimidated when one sees a high level lobby, whereas now, instead of having to deliberately remind myself to not pay any mind to it, I just go with my own game plan, and thus far seems to work out fine...
My experience is it's a great help to preserving my own mental, and focus more on what I am doing rather than thinking about survivor levels. I've been surprised to have done pretty well against some quite high level lobbies. This was true before, but it doesn't even enter head in game, you just get on with it...
So for what it's worth, that's one thumbs up from a low level scrub!
4 -
those are quite awful... damn...
that's the difference between me and this killer... I would have looped in circles to continually try to hit over the hay and see where it works and where the hitbox ain't bad (and not down 3 people as a result)
2 -
Then why is every second streamer attempting to break that record? If its only the top competitive players, that can achieve this?
0 -
Considering I'm on Xbox, I am well aware.
1 -
Like I said to someone else, it feels like the object collision hitbox is bigger than it should be or at the very least, misaligned with the hurtbox
5 -
After i got the nancy on hook i spotted the silent hill girl on main basement with BBQ and she decides to try to loop towards the hook, then that crapshow unfolds...It actually ended up being a 4k slug because adam (you can see him on the right side near main building) decided he wanted to get involved on that mess instead of allowing me to hook one and then swooping in for the 2 saves.
That clip is a perfect example of "yall got slugged because you screwed up extremely hard."
0 -
Dude seriously lets not get into technical aspects and using math to justify (bad) mechanics.
There's killers with powers that literally break the laws of physics and it s just fine for killer mains, as long as things are broken in killers favor, its not a issue.
2 -
yep... we take those.
0 -
Will this ever stop?
0 -
I feel there needs to be a middle ground, it’s too slow now, it just feels clunky to use.
4 -
Oh please the melodrama.
Xeno plays pretty much the same. At least I didn't notice much of a difference really.
5 -
you clearly missed? seems fair to me.
1 -
You have a choice to either lose power OR lose distance.
If turrets dont lose you either one of those. Whats the point of turret?
- Survivors spend alot of time to setup turrets
- You lose distance
- You lose power
Pick 2 of them, what do you prefer?