*Please* let killers ban maps

edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,603
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Half vent/half suggestion, but I'd really like to see some sort of map ban feature for killers. I've played 7 games of Singularity between last night and today. I got Lerys in 3 of them and RPD in another one. Players shouldn't have to burn map offerings to ensure they have a trial where they can use their power effectively. It wouldn't break anything to be able to ban the worst map for a killer. You could even have offerings take precedent over bans so players wouldn't have their offerings lost. Just have something so that a player with a specialized killer power isn't stuck on a super unfun map repeatedly.

Again, for the people in the back, I am fully aware that map offerings exist. I am saying that players shouldn't have to use them to AVOID maps. This is a basic QoL and fun consideration. The devs have stated in writing on these forums that they know some killer powers are not good on some maps. So let those killer players avoid those maps. Why force players into bad trials? What does that add to the game?


  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    Imo, a system that prevents killers from being RNGd to maps that directly conflict with their powers should be implemented.

    For example, ghostface and myers shouldn't be sent to ormond / borgo because the maps are very open and there's no stealth.

    110% speed killers like trick,huntress, slinger etc. Shouldn't be sent to maps like red forest or any other overly large maps.

    Or singularly getting sent to extremely indoorsy maps like RPD and lerys that turn him to an M1.

    Of course offerings could still work as normal , but the goal would be to reduce the auto-loss via RNG that some killers are forced into via map.

    (As a sidenote, screw badham and all its 5 itterations that feel horrible to play as a whole.)

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    I totally agree with a Map ban for Killers, alongside a Killer ban for Survivors. Same logic if I bring a heal build for my tome and run into a Plague.

    The worst thing about RPD is how many Biopod spots are rejected 'just because'. There is no reason it shouldn't stick there, but it won't let you anyways. Lerys is bad too, but as long as you have a solid enough of a core perk build you can rely on the map size and your M1 skills to carry you. I feel like Billy is hurt less by these maps than Singularity, but he is hurt colossally as well. It is so miserable I just want to play camera simulator in the middle of Lerys and RPD rather than play out the match (as Sing).

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    your suppose adapt and learn to play on said maps with singularity. Maybe burn some lery offerings and try to work out a strategy to win on the map.

    Of course offerings could still work as normal , but the goal would be to reduce the auto-loss via RNG that some killers are forced into via map.

    if the killer is losing to map rng and it is not skill issue, then killer should be buffed to not have unavoidable losses or alternatively... some say to nerf the map. weakening map can buff stronger killers that don't need any aid.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287

    Same as nobody should be forced to play midwitch, saloon, wrecker's yard, azarov's, rancid and a lot other maps that favor killers

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,603
    edited September 2023

    Or I can play killers that are map agnostic and have fun while I play DbD. I understand the thought process, but no amount of learning Lerys on Singularity prevents survivors from running around a corner and blocking LOS on a biopod.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513
    edited September 2023

    on lery's, singularity is kinda like playing hag. you need to place bi-pods in places where the survivor is going to go. you have to understand survivor pathing and how they loop/transition to tiles. singularity is not as versatile at gap-closing in that map, but he can still use overclock in creative ways. the maps that i dislike playing singularity is rotten fields.

    Post edited by Devil_hit11 on
  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,302

    Thoughts and prayers about getting lerys as singu bro i feel you

  • DjEnderFox107
    DjEnderFox107 Member Posts: 145

    Just give killers built in bloodlust 1, brutal strength, and enduring and we will be all gooodddd

  • WilliamSN
    WilliamSN Member Posts: 524

    - someone points out how factually unbelievably hard Singularity is to play on lerys.

    - viable suggestions and ideas are posted to make the game less *miserable* and remove auto-loss via map RNG

    - someone points out that GOJ is undeniably busted beyond belief and extremely safe for survivors and needs a rework

    Then there's you... coming up with a "killers dont deserve to play on fair maps" hottake.

    Is it your day job to be unbelievably survivor biased? You can't be out here saying that with a straight face, i refuse to believe that.

  • thisislastyearsmodel
    thisislastyearsmodel Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 636
    edited September 2023

    I agree that Midwich is an equally problematic map. It reminds me very much of the original iteration of The Game with how confusing it is to navigate — sometimes you can spawn in and not even know if you're top or bottom floor.

    The rest? Nah. Saloon is very easy to run if you know how, and the Autohaven maps have a nice spread of pallets throughout the middle with chainable tiles. It's not nearly as bad as some of the Macmillan maps (Suffo Pit, in particular) but it's not too bad against most killers.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,287
    edited September 2023

    Ah. Again you. I said something which does not fit into your world view so you need to twist it somehow AGAIN. I reacted specifically to some specific comment. I even agree that singu on lery's is absolutely horrible to play on (same as playing against nurse on midwitch btw).

    My comment was specifically aimed at someone that said "NOBODY" should play on map X Y Z. I said that the same thing applies to the other side. Yet you had to see it in some different way. Go figures.

    But why am I even surprised if 250ms is PLENTY of time to react if it's for survivors, but 400ms is absolutely not enough at the same time...

    Saloon - is fine to play until killer decides to 3gen whole game. Where there are very good odds he will just win. Especially (but not limited to) if you are soloQ. What does it matter that main is strong if killer never goes near it (because he doesn't have to)? Same thing for azarov's.

    Wretched shop is a little different. That map has just very low density of loops and even those loops that actually are there are mostly weak - but it's at least somewhat large one (but RIP if you get blight).

    Also you skipped Rancid. It's very empty now, is tiny and boy... Did you see the hooks on this map?