Blight vs. Every Other Killer
Why does Blight get special treatment? Why can't other killers do stuff like this without getting nerfed in the same week? Thoughts?
People still pretending like Blight's only issue is his addons. I don't even think the guy with the 1500 win streak uses his best addons. How much longer are we going to let this ridiculous killer continue to exist in his current form?
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it is his only issue
plus his bugged collision of course
any nerfs to his basekit is absolutely unnecessary.
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Disagree. He has absolutely no downsides whereas all other killers do (with the exception of maybe Wesker as well).
You can't have a killer with that strong of a power with zero downside.
You could nerf him a little bit and he'd still be plenty strong.
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Probably because restricting skill might be good for survivors but not enjoyable for killer, I do understand that there is a pleasure in looping an m1 killer aka a fun/ balanced killer, as you as a survivor have full control of the chase, I do its fun af tbh, but it gets old at least for the killer player, blight is one of the few killers that actually rewards sick plays, yes alch ring, iri blight tag and all that bs should be erradicated but at his core blight does something few killers do, make the players skill count, even when facing opponents who are also good.
Other more simple explanations include: mclean is the only one that understands blight's code, or stats say blight is ok due to newer people picking him and lowering his killrate, same scenario as nurse.
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Billy - Got butchered.
Nurse - Gets well-deserved nerfs every few patches.
Spirit - Got her addons nerfed.
Wraith - Got his lunge nerfed.
Freddy - Became a nightmare indeed.
Demo - Got one of his best addons nerfed.
Slinger - Got nerfed.
Nemesis - Had Marvin's Blood nerfed.
Hell, even DH got nerfed!!!
Meanwile: Blight - Got buffed.
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Like helloooooo?! Why are mediocre killers getting nerfed casually meanwhile Blight is untouched for years? #wewantjustice
Either nerf Blight or bring the other killers to his level. Why would I try and challenge myself to learn Billy/Slinger/Twins... when Blight can do everything better and more?😕
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that's cause wraith obviously isn't an atheist like blight
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Tome 17 Wraith Backstory leaked?! 🙉
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SM is gonna be reworked.
Camping gonna be nerfed.
Even Xeno got his judgment after they saw problem with him.
Blight will dodge another bullet.
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A killer who has the best mobility and one of the best chase powers in the game tied to a max 10 second cooldown is just ridiculous. Guy doesn't just need add on nerfs, his basekit also needs addressing.
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At least we know now he’s getting nerfed eventually since they said so in the AMA. I’m still wondering why it took this long though.
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I heard they had to find ol' boy's number who designed Blight and ask him to come back.
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1) Blight had his large angle turn speed nerfed 3 times.
2) Blight had his secondary collision object sliding nerfed.
3) Blight used to be able to object slide on almost every tile in the game, because tiles used to mostly be vertical smooth walls at 90 degree angles. But now with the new maps and map reworks, we have a bunch of irregularly shaped loops, anti-Blight objects thrown in regular loops, and so much line of sight breakers that we have a much larger percentage of tiles that can't guarantee a hit with Blight's M2.
4) Blight STILL, after multiple years, can't bounce off of objects that stick out below his waist, which means we STILL have a bunch of objects in the game with broken collision.
5) Blight still doesn't overperform according to the stats. For the vast majority of the players, Blight has an average killrate. We even got stats for the top 5% MMR, which showed Blight at exactly average kill rate.
It's almost like Blight's performance is fine, and streamers are making clickbait content to get clicks. Blight didn't even do do the fancy hovering in the video, and still would have gotten the hit if he had just dropped forward, to the right of the hook instead of to the left of the hook. The bigger question is why did the survivor decide to continue to loop in the giant open room, instead of turning left at the end of the stairs, into the smaller rooms that are way harder to navigate? Are we saying Blight should get nerfed because some survivors make giant mistakes they shouldn't have made?
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Wraith is a beginner killer who is also free with base game. Plus very low skill to play as. They'd need to bring his skill up to Hillbilly's or Nurse's if they want him strong.
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Did they say that they will nerf him tho? Because "changes" does not mean "nerfs". I remember the last time Blight got changes and everyone was running Alchemist Ring (because everyone knows that it is busted) and it turns out they just buffed his worst Add On to one of his best Add Ons.
I am not 100% sure if Blight only needs Add On-Nerfs, but personally I think this should be the first step, because it is an obvious one. Then we can see how he will perform with nerfed Add Ons. And if then changes are needed, they should be done (but faster, please). Other than that, it is a joke to think about any Killer Nerf while Blight stays untouched.
I just hope they make interesting Add Ons when reworking them. They dont even have to be strong, just fun. I would rather have Alchemist Ring turning into something gimmicky and fun which is not strong than it simply becoming an Add On which inflicts Mangled.
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The nerfs actually happened though....
1) Blight got a nerf that prevented him from being able to turn 180 degrees in 1 frame.
2) Then Blight got a nerf to DPI scaling.
3) Then Blight got a 3rd nerf, that flat out nerfed the large turning angle, which means that after 90 degrees, the turn angle gets literally capped to a slow speed for a short time.
4) Blight used to be able to slide on just about everything by looking at the ground. There's videos showing this. BHVR later nerfed the "looking at the ground" mechanic of the secondary collision system, so that it gets stuck on a lot more stuff than it used to.
5) Maps really did used to mostly be vertical smooth objects at 90 degree angles. There are videos showing this too.
All these things literally happened.
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Do you think those were intended things? DPI scaling, 180 degree turn in 1 frame, no-cap turns... Those are fixes not nerfs.
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Anything that makes a killer weaker is a nerf. It doesn't matter why the changes were made.
You're confusing cause and effect. If a bug fix occurs, that is the CAUSE of the change, and a nerf is the EFFECT of the change. Things can be nerfs and bugfixes at the same time.
And besides, if you want to get unnecessarily picky about words, I could just say Blight was made weaker 5 times. Yes, BHVR has made Blight weaker multiple times, so we shouldn't pretend that Blight has remained the same power level that he had before all the the changes that made Blight weaker.
And if we really really want to get picky, you do realize that some of these changes weren't in the bug fix section of the official DBD patch notes, right? For example, the large turn angle nerf was in the Balance section of the official patch notes, so you can't even call it a bug fix with your definition of "bug fix"
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@Coffeecrashing I have a challenge for you and I know this is going to challenge you so much. Even if it's off-topic I want to hear your answer because I want to think your commentary is valuable.
Is there anything you would add to this game or change about it that would be considered a "buff" to survivors and a "nerf" to killers? It can be anything and everything. I'm really curious about your answer. Because whenever I read your comments it's extremely one-sided that it comes across very perplexing after a while.
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Point #5 gets ignored too often in all these posts. Even right now on site for stats reported in the past 28 days for over 24,000 games, Blight is ranked #20 out of all killers in terms of kill rate while Wraith is #7, and this is with Blight being #3 in the pickrate ranking on that site.
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Very true. How Blight has escaped being nerfed is beyond belief. How much evidence do we need to prove there is something horribly unbalanced about Blight?
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Blight is a killer with a really high skill expression. Hug tech, bump logic, etc. etc. Other than his good add ons needing a pass, how he performs is very much based on the player. People who perform well with Blight have generally put in a decent amount of time to get good with him. As an example, I couldn't really hit anything with Blight when I started with him (I'm on console). Now, I've figured out bump logic and can pinball between objects to down survivors. I'm get good results with Blight because of practice. This is probably why he dodges nerfs. Bad Blights are on average no better than M1 killers, because they can't actually hit you with a Lethal Rush.
My conspiracy theory is that, on top of this, Blight dodges nerfs because he's the killer player's answer to SWFs and unbalanced maps. If a SWF sends a good Blight to Garden of Joy, the Blight will probably still win. I think BHVR are keeping him the way he is until the maps are mostly balanced and they figure out how to balance solo que and SWFs. That's just a conspiracy theory, mind you.
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@Coffeecrashing said it perfectly. And this video clip doesn’t prove anything. That survivor made the worst choice of pathing possible. He could have 100% avoided that.
90% of players can’t play blight for nothin, and his stats reflect that. Outside of his 2 problematic addons, his basekit is completely fine.
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I can confirm this. He's currently at a 51.89% killrate on Nightlight, which seems to place him solidly in the middle of the list when ordered by kill rate. Almost half of his kill distribution is either a 4K or nothing at all. I think most people mainly remember the Blights who beat them.
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Nurse also gets special treatment.
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I disagree. He has more problematic add-ons and he has exploits as well.
I believe BHVR will make him balanced , they are listening community thankfully. Only problem is they are kinda slow.
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So what? Nurse also had and still has a lower kill-rate. It didn't mean she wasn't extremely powerful and didn't need any changes. Flawed argument.
In fact this was the mistake BHVR used to make notoriously. They would look at Nurse's kill-rates and say "Well according to the kill-rates she isn't over-performing so we don't have to nerf her." And what did that lead to? Years of unbalance and suffering.
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While I suppose you are technically correct, the question they responded to in regards to Blight specifically mentioned his addons and them being too strong. Given that, I doubt BHVR would have answered that question in the way they did if they planned to buff him overall.
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I wasn't clear enough in what I was "confirming" in my last post. I was talking about a lot of Blights not being able to play him properly.
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That is not an indicator of balance. After you have some experience with him and know how to exploit him, there is nothing survivors can do. Hence why players are literally winning thousands of matches without losing. He is broken.
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I wasn't referring to "balance." I was referring to a lot of Blight players not being able to play him. I wasn't clear enough in the original post.
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On nightlight Nurse's current killrate is 56.45% while Blight is 51.89%. I don't think BHVR has released any stats on kill rates recently so these are the only stats available and Nurse has a higher kill rate.
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Ok. I thought you were saying he was balanced because he only had that killrate.
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I don't rely on kill rates as a statistic of balance because I feel like there are so many ways to skew the data. Tunneling, camping, and the like. The bar underneath the killrate that shows the kill distribution over 0ks through 4ks is more interesting to me, because I feel like the distribution says a bit more. Blight has most players getting either a 0k or a 4k, with very little in between. I was just saying that this seems to indicate that a lot of Blight players don't know how to play him. However, it does seem to suggest that Blight does need balancing, since the other most common outcome is essentially Blights that destroy the entire team.
He doesn't seem to have a lot of in between.
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Still kill-rates aren't an accurate representation of how strong the killer is. So we can't say "Blight's kill-rate is %52~ which means he's perfectly balanced and there's nothing wrong with him!"
By that logic we would say "Look at these kill-rates. Myers and Wraith are as strong as Nurse!" which is untrue.
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He's very hard to play with a controller like trickster and few others, console playerbase drag the stat down, you can find good blight mains on twitch and youtube (or just good killer main) and they lose with blight once in a blue moon, be serious pls
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Is the console playerbase represented on Nightlight? I thought it was all data taken from PC players' endgame screens.
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Blight sliding around like that is basically a bug. That's not something you "nerf", they literally need to fix the collision for all the maps in the game, including all the updates and the new ones. If they simply removed the sliding, we would have killers that would get stuck in the walls.
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You can submit a survivor game against a console killer i'm pretty sure, anyway for official global stats from bhvr console is represented, nurse and blight have always kinda low killrates because they are harder to play not weak
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A console player can get screenshots and then upload them but I'd imagine it requires a few more steps than on PC. I think it is safe to assume the vast majority of Nightlight users are PC but it would be cool to know the official percentage.
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Thanks. I knew BHVR's stats were global. I just thought based on Nightlight's description of itself that you couldn't get console killers on it.
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So then you nerf them and make them even HARDER for people to try and learn to play. Many many players will play a game of blight, get bullied, never land any hits, and never touch him again.
“Nothing survivors can do” is farrrr from true. Most survivors just lack the skill/knowledge to counter him. And it’s not “players”. It’s one dude, and I would argue it was less of a showcase of blight, and more so hard tunneling at 5 gens. Not to mention a majority of the games were won during the gen kick meta.
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I mean, but it is OK for players that know how to exploit Blight to bully survivors?
Signs of unbalance when most can't win against something.
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1) The frequent ragequitters should get matched with each other, so they don't ruin the games of the players that actually want to play every game. In my killer games, an early ragequit is pretty much a guaranteed loss for the survivors, even with the wallhack bots that BHVR created. One of the biggest gaps between solo and SWF is the fact that in a SWF, you're not getting games ruined by random teammates early ragequitting.
2) Nerf the perks that encourage "lone wolf" strategies, like Wake up, Left Behind, Sole Survivor, and Low Profile. Another big gap between solo and SWF, is that in a SWF, all the players actually want to work as a team. In contrast, Lone Wolf survivors are perfectly happy lowering their team's survival rate, so they can personally survive the match. For Lone Wolf survivors, a 3k where they escape is far more important than a 1k where they lose the match... and these Lone Wolf survivors often lower the escape rate of their team, because they're not even trying to get all the generators repaired, and instead they just want to excessively hide until all the other survivors are dead. Maybe match "lone wolf" survivors with each other, so they can ruin each other's games.
3) Yes, I think that survivors excessively hiding is problem in solo q, for survivors too. When I'm playing survivor, I shouldn't feel like I'm being punished for trying to repair generators, because my teammates are excessively hiding, and therefore the killer decided to tunnel me because they can't find anyone else. Excessively hiding can be fine for survivors in a SWF, where everyone is coordinated and all agree on the strategy. But excessively hiding is yet another solo q problem that encourages killers to tunnel the survivors that aren't excessively hiding.
4) There really should some solution, so that survivors that actually want to win a game aren't getting matched with survivors that are fine with throwing the entire game for a Rift challenge. Yes; it is a big solo q issue, when only 3 survivors are actually trying to repair generators, because the 4th survivor is literally spending 5-10 minutes trying to find and cleanse all 5 totems for their Rift challenge. I have no idea how this idea should be implemented.
5) I still, to this day, do not understand why the Myers instakill addons haven't been removed, considering how many times Pig got nerfed over and over and over, to make her headpop potential severely lower than before. And the instakill addons don't even work on survivors that know what they are doing, after the survivors figure out that Myers has an instakill addon. Yes, we know that we can jump in a locker, repeatedly vault a pallet, or repeatedly vault a window, to stop the instakill (and if it's the last generator, we might even just repair the generator right in front of the killer, to give us instakill immunity until the generator is 100% repaired). The whole Myers instakill mechanic is garbage, and should be removed.
6) I think the matchmaking needs to stop having ridiculously lopsided matchmaking scenarios. There's zero reason that some of my killer games are against survivors that literally have zero idea how to play against my killer. Does the game do this on purpose, so that players can take turns feeling like they played awesome, and really feel like they stomped all over their opponents? Or is this happening because my survivor queues are so long that BHVR is just throwing survivors in any game possible, instead of waiting for a good match? I know people like to blame lobby dodging for this issue, but I really don't think this problem is 100% the fault of lobby dodging.
7) I think there should be some in game solution, that makes it much easier for solo q survivors to find other players to SWF with. Maybe a better friends list solution, better ways to chat with each other outside of games, and yes, add in game voice chat specifically for SWFs, so PC players can easily voice chat with console players (or console players can easily voice chat with players on a different console), because many console players don't have Discord properly set up to work with their console. To be super clear, solo q should never get in game voice chat, because random solo q survivors can be VERY AWFUL in voice chat to their teammates.
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It's so funny how some people act like playing Nurse or Blight is some task that requires godly skills or talent. If you have any experience playing video games you'll get the hang of them after a few tries. If you've never played a game in your entire life you might struggle for a while but it's not that difficult. I don't understand the notion of "Nurse/Blight is so hard they can be as OP as they wish." It's silly.
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The guy with the winstreak uses hyper tunneling, slugging, full slowdown and is on a region where the average skill of the survivors is bad.
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Thank you so much for answering even though I asked if you could do something off-topic, I really appreciate it. I honestly agree with everything you said and I see your points. I think sometimes the forum just shows one side of the story and it's hard to get a full picture of other players.
It really means a lot that you actually took time to share that with me. Even though sometimes debates get heated there's value to what everyone is saying. I hope I never made you upset in any way!🤞
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Then why isn’t blight’s kill rate sky high? Riddle me that. Please enlighten me why he doesn’t have a 90%+ kill rate if everybody can hop on him and dominate.
It’s very obvious you are the survivor I am referring to.
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The same reason nurse was left in the state she was for years lmao
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Thanks. As a bonus piece of trivia, I really would like for ALL of Blight's collision bugs to be fixed. I'd gladly trade hug tech, for actual functioning reliable collision, that doesn't break when an object sticks out above Blight's shoulders or below Blight's waist.