Blight dodged another mid-chapter

Mid-chapter is good, i won't complain but it's just funny how lucky Blight is.
If SM was not problematic like that, maybe this mid-chapter would be about Blight. But at least SM 3-gen is gone. She sounds more interesting to play as and against.
Anyway good job Blight, you dodged another hit. But how many vests do you have Mr Blight? When hammer of justice will visit you 🤔
They focused on reworking Skull Merchant. I find that more important than busted Killer add-ons we are all used to for years.
You can't want everything in one patch. They can't rework freddy, nerf blight addons, rework skully and also remove tunneling and also nerf pig in one patch I am sorry.
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I don't get it, even a skull merchant got rework faster than anything being done to Blight.. Yes skull merchant is broken but Blight has been broken killer for years overshadowed by Nurse.
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I already said this on my post. It makes sense for them to focus on killer who refuses to play and hostage everyone in match.
But Blight is seriously so lucky.
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He has like 7 problematic addons
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Blight would be the best Paintball-Player in the world.
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Are you surprised?
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Being able to win 1500 games in a row once you reach a certain skill level is not fine. There is no other game on the planet where the community would attempt to defend this. He absolutely needs and should get basekit changes.
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at least blight and nurse have counterplay, exlcuding certain addons. SM just... made the game take... f o r e v e r ...
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its 1 player who is probably the best blight in the world tunneling every match with the most broken addons. I'm a mid blight and I'm on a 22 winstreak by abusing alch crow. its really just the addons.
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They only have limited bandwidth or whatever in their updates. I'm glad they prioritised SM over Blight tbh.
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His base-kit is fine but Ring is not only one , he has more problematic add-ons. And he has exploits as well.
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This must be a sign. I'm not sure what it means but it must be. There is no way they STILL don't nerf him.
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Blight running from nerfs like:
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His base-kit is fine.
But they should fix his all bugs. Some bugs are helping him (exploit) and some of his bugs just destroying him. I want all of them gone.
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I saw the sign. Y'all thought I was joking when I said Blight is too fast for the devs to catch.
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Fair enough but how did they manage to nerf Billy then?
My guess is BHVR are held hostage by the Blight and threatened to get hug teched, if they do end up nerfing him.
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I keep telling you people. They are listening to you, they are doing exactly what it is you all keep asking for. Balancing the game around average players. Now look at blight's statistics with "AVERAGE" players. He is below the bottom half. So he is fine.
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Great! We agree that the game should be balanced around top level players! When can we nerf survivors as whole, while also nerfing nurse and blight? Because survivors like Ayrun and Hens exist and exploit the hell out of how OP survivors are.
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Talbort has speed and Intelligence advantage as the main difference. Being an intelligent chemist lends itself to his elusiveness. Billy was not as quick, and unfortunately, his upbringing, or lack of I should say, made him to be very unintelligent.
Kinda like that old saying you don't have to be the fastest, just faster than the guy/girl behind you. Blight was faster than ol' Billy.
BHVR blink twice if Blight has you hostage 😂. Does he have you at cane point?
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Ok, let's nerf Pig, Wesker and other folks who has high kill rates by your logic.
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anyone got the patchnotes??? Cant find it anywhere
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Trying not to derail the thread, but this is how I think they caught Billy. I would assume he has the mind of a child in lore, so probably went similar to this.
Didn't the question of "Blight nerf when" get vaguely addressed on the AMA? Something vaguely along the lines of SoonTM to loosely paraphrase?
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not to mention also the hug tech exploit which once again was confirmed not intended by the devs neither something that blight need IMO.
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He just runs away from them.
When will BHVR catch up?
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I mean, by that logic they should.
I'm not saying it is "MY" logic, i'm saying it is YOU ALL'S logic. I think they should balance this game around the highest level players like literally every other multiplayer game ever made. But you all keep telling me i'm wrong.
So all i'm doing is, pointing out that the devs are giving you exactly what you asked for.
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And we ignore the fact that such massive winstreaks also exists for survivors and other killers?
And that they are done by the best players of the world, not just the casual dbd players?
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Almost like multiplayer games should be balanced around high level players not people with 10 hours.
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Can't we just all celebrate the demise of 3 Gen SM without going through this again?
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If you wanna make game balanced on high level, then you can't have 2 different groups. Because anything will make solo-q even worse.
You need to buff solo-q to make them closer SWF teams.
And you need better matchmaking, the current version is so garbage.
If you are fine with these, sure. But it's not me or you are balancing game, it's BHVR.
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Thank goodness. I still have like 650 rings to go through before they are made useless. 💀
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650 rings huh, damn 😶 Sounds scary
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Not true. And you are conflating solo queue with SWF. Solo queue can be "fixed" simply with voice chat, or more ways to communicate.
As for high level vs low level play, there are definitely decisions you can make to nerf survivors at high level, while not hurting them at low level, and vice versa for killers.
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Skull Merchant was even more of a problem than him.
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I would like to hear how
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Yes haha, I’ve been flying through them because I know it’s coming soon. I used to never use them and just horde them up.
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What if they rework this add-on to be very fun to use. You will out from numbers
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Given their track record with reworking addons, it probably won’t be. But chances are I’ll still have a couple hundred. I’ve been playing a ton of SWF lately over killer.
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It's not. His power recharging this fast for how many tokens he has is pretty ridiculous. Just compare the amount of commitment and risk an addonless Blight has to deal with compared to a Wesker for example and, most especially, a Billy.
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Only 1 killer perk changed and it’s the worst one in the game and guess what it’ll still be worst perk, furtive chase needs a rework not this trash.
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The issue is they can nerf all the busted add-ons by simple numbers tweaks, the stuff clearly in their toolkit as seen with Legion's BFF 4->6%, Deathslinger's 2.75->2.6s reload, 1/2.5->1.5/3% add-ons, Huntress/Trickster 4->3s reloads, and seen in other patches.
Easy numbers tweaks (or feature removals) for the busted add-ons that still are strong enough. C33 Hindered or Pallet shred removed keep the other, Alch Ring - delete (Or Reduces Rush Fatigue time by .75s as a T3 Fatigue add-on), Adren Vial loses 10% speed, Blighted Crow and Rat are now a static 4/6% and not a stacking boost (use Adren Vial speed boost codebase). 5 quick and easy fixes that can be done while waiting for a better overhaul.
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Let's nerf demodog too oh wait he was just nerfed...
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I think it comes down to, basically anyone would rather face an alch ring blight then a 3 gen merchant. The game is over so so much faster and it is vastly more fun to face.
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I feel like if the game was playable for casuals, balance would be easier to achieve. I've played plenty of technically challenging games, old school Guilty Gear games for example, but the growing pains in DbD seem so much worse by comparison. Getting casuals over the skill floor and up to a competent level of play takes way too long.
I don't know how BHVR balances the game, when it takes new players a good hundred hours to be competent. Maybe if BHVR could find some way of streamlining that process, they could balance the gamer easier.
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Oh no.. this reminds me so much of Hillbilly’s tragic story.. where a killer was literally perfectly balanced and fun to play against, but just needed very minor changes to his addons. And got absolutely gutted instead.. trust me y’all.. we do not want the same fate for blight
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For the, nerf survivors at high level but not low level, its simple. Trickle down balance. There's a great video that explains the concept that i'll link you. The video is about Team Fortress 2. But the concept applies. Specifically, the concept about the B.A.S.E. Jumper item, which i think is very relevant to the discussion around DBD. The timestamp i linked is the relevant timestamp.
Now, take a look at this clip from Ayrun, who is a comp survivor player:
He mentions in the video: "this is one of the worst pallets in the game" but look how he plays it. Look how he angles the camera, so he can see under the cars, making it impossible for the killer to do a mindgame. Look how he is able to abuse the new chemical trap perk, forcing the killer to not want to break the pallet, but also use the fact that you can cancel a drop by vaulting a pallet.
Or this one from hens:
Look how long it takes for that legion dealing with shack. This is before the pallet is dropped, and i'd argue that the legion played it pretty well most of the time. Remember, legion is an m1 killer. But shack is just so powerful in the hands of a skilled survivor.
This doesn't even factor in situations where you can have shack window spawn into a jungle gym window which is just a pure infinite at that point.
Now, what about low skill survivors, what are they doing with shack? They are doing this:
So, for example. If you nerfed killer shack to not be as powerful, you won't be hurting those low skill survivors, because they are doing the above, not doing the kind of stuff that hens and ayrun can do. And in many other examples you have say, unmindgameable loops. Why do unmindgameable pallets even exist? If you took those away and made them all mindgameable 50/50s, it would be a massive buff to killers, while not hurting low level players. Because in low MMR, killers aren't doing mindgames anyway.
So, nerfing these structures like jungle gym, shack (i think dead dog for example would be a good way to deal with shack) and/or making it so you can't spawn these ridiculous structures into each other (no more jungle gym, into cow tree, into shack). You won't be hurting low skill survivors by doing this. Doing so might even allow them to LOWER the amount of time it takes to complete gens.
On the flip side, what are some things that you can do to buff survivors in low skill, or nerf killers in low skill games, without hurting high level games? Well, i bring forth, the greatest balance decision that DBD has ever made. The change to Hex: Ruin in patch 3.5.0. Old ruin was this:
Then they changed it, to this:
This change, was the single greatest balance decision that BHVR has ever made in this game. Because it was perfect. The old ruin, was TERRIBLE for low skill games. Low skill survivors can barely hit regular skill checks as it is, and suddenly, you are forcing them to hit GREAT skill checks, or LOSE gen progress? So much so that people would often resort to "gen tapping" in order to avoid getting skill checks. (i know, i was one of them).
But, on the other side, in high skill games, this perk basically did nothing, but nullify the bonus from great skill checks. Because high skill survivors, are hitting great skill checks in their sleep. On top of that, high skill survivors, generally know where totems spawn. So old ruin typically lasted maybe 45-60 seconds before it was cleansed in high skill games. Meanwhile in low-skill games, survivors barely know what a totem even is.
So, how did they fix it? By changing it to the above. And what did that do? This HEAVILY nerfed it in low skill games, by doing a few things. First of all, now it wasn't tied to skill checks anymore, but tied to "not working on the gen". It also changed it to something that no longer "just passively worked" but that the killer needed to pressure multiple survivors, and pressure them well, in order to deal with. Pressuring multiple survivors, isn't something that low skill killers are going to be able to do.
However, in high level games, this was a MASSIVE buff. Because now, it actually hurt high skill players. And high skill killers could capitalize on it, by pressuring multiple survivors.
And even better, just a few short months after that, we got hex: undying, which made it even stronger in high skill games by making it something that actually had to be dealt with early on.
So in summary. There are definitely things that can be done,
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They LITERALLY want Blight to get the Billy Treatment. He has like no worthy add on outside of speed
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They said Blight and MFT were getting looked at, yet both are absent from the Dev Update. I wonder if they're "saving" these big changes so they can focus on the anti-camping and SM rework. However, this midchapter seems suspiciously small, so I'm wondering if there's more they haven't told us about yet.
Might be copium, but I am suspicious.
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Trickle-down / top level balance - I both agree and disagree at the same time here. The best players can show the abuse cases, and the intended use/effectiveness can be separate for lower hour matches. I'd liken the TF2 parachute to things like bugtech on Blight and medium strength pallets/windows when matchmaking backfills (lower skilled Killer than the Survivor). I think BHVR is currently going for massive amounts of medium to weak pallets, because they aren't re-usable, whereas fair medium strength windows are the centerpoint of Survivor main YT vids. When they win every 50-50 in that match, or can read the player to shift the odds in the player with more hour's favor, those are the matches showcased. Totally agree that Shack is nutty in the hands of a skilled Survivor (against bog standard M1s). I almost wonder if swapping the first locker and the doorway would be just enough distance to shift it to a fair medium strength. Personally I feel the Dead Dawg shack is too weak once the wall is broken. At the same time though, I feel as though stronger windows and pallets should still exist for variety. If every loop is the exact same strength, it feels too boring and samey. I can win on Borgo and Garden against most teams, but it isn't fun, and it largely is formulaic gameplay. (Use power for a 'free' hit, then Bloodlust a filler pallet for a down if you need a hook soon. Alternatively keep taking the risk of power for 'free' hit and bounce between Survivors, and hope they heal slower than you damage them.) Those 2 maps just feel like an attrition fight, and I can't say that is enjoyable on either side.
"One of the worst pallets in the game" - To be fair, I think that is more a macro statement there than a micro statement. In the macro of the match, it is on the edge, near the gates and in a mostly deadzoned corner, and if the Killer Bloodlusts/perfectly plays it, then the hit is guaranteed before swapping loops. Micro though, you explained how it isn't actually that weak, with Survivor being able to track Killer, and Killer unable to track Survivor (unless audible while injured), as well as it likely is large enough to function with checkpoints due to the mismatched visibility. Just like the Lery's corner pallets (at one point showcased I think by Hens?), I actually kind of like stronger pallets being in the corners instead closer to the center.
Ruin - This is a perfect example of a change that flattens a perk's effectiveness across skill levels. Honestly Chem Trap I think is 'hidden OP' right now, but only with haste. When I've used Chem Trap with Sprint Burst/when Healthy, I've noticed I often stay in chase when they kick the pallet. At the same time when I'm injured with MfT (and once when a rando brought Dark Theory), it was just enough speed to drop chase. I'd rather Chem Trap make chase linger for an extra 4s (the slow duration), just to flatten that gameplay experience. Even then, the strongest feature of Chem Trap is probably forcing the Killer to overcommit on a pallet to get them to stubbornly refuse to break it.
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The percent of survivor who DC against Skull Merchant is probably around 60%. Probably something they needed to do something about sooner rather than later.
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Which 7?