What was the thinking behind the Furtive Chase perk buff? BHVR
I am curious as to what the thought process is behind this change, allow me to explain.
This perk is widely known as one of the worst killer perks in the game. The reason being is simple: The swapping obsession is its best part but is not that impactful still and it gets power creeped by more recent obsession swapping perks.
The reduced TR part has a pretty steep requirement of building up tokens via unhooks. The reward is reducing your TR by 4 metres (now 5 with the PTB change) when in a chase.
Now the problem is making your TR even 0 when in a chase has very little value. You could have buffed this perk to have that effect at base kit permanently with no requirement and it still would not be a good perk. I as well as basically anyone on this forum can tell you for a fact that this buff if it goes to live will have basically no impact on the perk's usage or viability.
This leads me to the question of: what was the point? You could have just not done it and saved a bit of time or done some number changes to other perks (even to ones around the same Power level if that is what you were looking to do) that would have actually had much more of an impact and would have made those perks see a bit of play even.
The perk as it stands if you really want it to see play, you need to either rework it or give it another effect since with what it has no matter how you tweak it, it will always be a non-existent perk.
Thanks for reading.
The only explanation is they don't understand the purpose of the perk or how it works, and think "increasing the values" will make it more useful.
It needs to apply the reduced Terror Radius outside of chase, that's it, That makes it a viable perk.
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It's so sad that everyone understands this except BHVR 😐️
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I'm guessing they don't want people like slinger or certain other killers to be walking around with a super low TR. Surely players would stack it with monitor and abuse.
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Worst thing is there are a few perks in the game that actually would become much better with a few numbers changes, like Oppression, I'm All Ears, Thrilling Tremors, Gearhead, Grim Embrace.
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My bet.
Bhvr 1: Damm we forgot the mid-patch.
Bhvr 2: Just buff whatever to have a bigger patch notes instead of 2 parragraps.
Bhvr 1: 1 second here, 1 token there and 0,5% to slinger addons.
Bhvr 2: Nailed it.
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Might actually be true lol
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100% agree. Most of these cooldown perks have quite "oppressive" cooldowns huh?
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I'm not a mind reader and I don't work for BHVR, so I don't know for sure, but I'd imagine the thought process was something along the lines of;
Furtive Chase is not a trash perk, it's just a very niche one, so buffing its values as part of the "extra changes" section in the update budget will help it out for when it's used in those niche scenarios as well as remind people that it exists so they might give those niche builds a go.
I think they probably could've picked a better perk to give the "extra changes" number tweaks, but eh. It'll be nicer in the builds you already use it for, and not much else.
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simple change, you put a cooldown on it, say like during 40 sec after a obsession is unhooked your terror radius is reduced by x%
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very smart buff. I would never thought of that one. /s
almost like a perk that you would want to equip. what a crazy idea.
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I think the point of having it active During Chase is that it gives other survivors less warning if the chased survivor runs into/nearby them.
Chasing a healthy survivor who leads you to another that is currently healing themselves. You break chase and down the injured survivor quickly because they had no TR warning.
Chasing a survivor near a gen that's almost complete and has 1 or 2 survivors on it. Break chase and possibly grab one of them off the gen/chase them off and down any that were repairing the gen while injured.
So in essence, it's really all about catching Other survivors off guard while chasing one, and taking advantage of the sudden panic.
Of course, none of this matters if you're playing a very large or loud killer, or on maps that are wide open, wherein survivors can see you coming from a mile away, and it definitely doesn't work at all if the other survivors have Empathy, Bond, Aftercare, etc, equipped because they'll see their teammate being chased their way TR or not, and its absolutely defeated by SWF survivors on comms.
Then there's Dark Devotion: you smack the obsession, lose your TR, break chase, and catch survivors elsewhere off guard much easier, simpler, and they don't have to be in the running path of the one you were chasing... in other words, DD does what Furtive Chase is intended to do, only much better.
Sigh, Furtive Chase's one of those perks where the intentions of it "sounded good on paper", but in practice, it's just... worthless.
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That could work but i might just be overthinking it completely. Probably would be fine to reduce the TR even outside of chase. A mid range killer with no lullaby could be the only slight issue (slinger or PH with range addons).
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You forget that even at its max this perk never completely hides your TR, so it is even worse than you think.