Who else is excited to see new SM and anti-camping feature?

Vanishlord Member Posts: 555
edited September 2023 in General Discussions

I play on console so another few weeks for me but I'm going to watch videos or streams. She sounds like she has a decent power but I don't know at this stage. The anti camping feature is what I'm looking forward to. Bubba's are actually going to suck now since that's all most of them know how to do. No offense to anyone who doesn't play him like this. Anyone have any thoughts?


  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 300

    The anti-camping sounds like it'll be great Quality of Life for my solo que matches. I don't facecamp as killer (don't even own Bubba), so nothing should change on that front. However, I am cautiously excited for SM. She could be really fun now, as long as she's properly balanced.

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 555

    Yeah I'm a solo queue survivor and I too don't facecamp as I think survivors should have a chance to play. I make exeptions for T-bagging survivors at the exit gate though. Most people don't do it cause I'm nice endgame though.

  • Vorahk08
    Vorahk08 Member Posts: 300

    Hopefully, the new anti-camping feature will encourage people who do get camped to stay in the game, because I would bet there are going to be people who still camp after this. A lot of my solo queue games have been lost to a camper because the person being camped kills themselves on the hook. Now, people will hopefully stay. I ultimately feel like camping is a sign that the killer needs a better build or needs to get better at chase and gen control.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Anti-camp mechanic seems good and will definitely help out solo survivors.

    I'm interested in seeing how new Skull Merchant works. The only problem I have is that they're changing her chase music. I know a lot of people complained about it (Mainly because of the main part) but I really liked it. Hopefully it stays similar, but they change that loud, washing machine like, part of her music.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    I look forward to the anti-camping mechanicz though I do think it will probably incentivise tunneling more lol.

    As for Boring Merchant, I couldn't care less if I never saw her again. The Dredge can do to her as he did to Maurice. Good riddance, and stay away, unkike that damn snitch horse.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I am looking forward to facing the SM. It will be an interesting experience.

    I'm also hoping the anti-hook camping mechanic will be enough to cost five gen hook campers every match they play. I have absoloutely zero sympathy for these people.

    Every Booba I meet is incredibly good, I'm guessing they are character specialists. So I never see them hook camping.

    Also, 👉️🐽

  • GannTM
    GannTM Member Posts: 10,910

    The anti camp mechanic will for sure be better for the game. In terms of SM, this will need to be tested but I’m overall excited.

  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,257

    Sadly I just got done with a full hour Hostage Merchant match. It seems people are afraid their abuse is going away and 'getting it while the getting is good'. The incentive finally swapped to Killer but I was just much too drained to play it, due to the hostage gamer. The next few weeks are going to be rough, and I wouldn't blame any of my teammates for DCing against her on TR/HUD reveal (even more than the 'normal' amount of SM DCs). I'm too stubborn, and consider a win against a Hostage Merchant the 60m timer or a single escape, so I'll go for that.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,649

    Im very curious about the anti camp. Especially on multiple floors. Maps like Midwich are already notorious for having terrible hooks.