Killers Deserve a Discount in Bloodweb

In all fairness, they do. As someone who is getting more into killer, please hear me out.
Survivors have the same Bloodweb, Survivors are just skins. Killer mains who play multiple killers have to make more difficult decisions on who to invest in.
I propose no changes to the cost of Green, Purple nor Pink add-ons. I do want to see Brown and Yellow add-ons reduced to save the killer some BP and make it hurt less having to spend BP on garbage just to get to what you want in the Bloodweb.
Before anyone yells at me, I mostly play Survivor during the day because of matchmaking incentives and it's more fun. I play about 3 or 4 killer games a day at night.
But it's super easy to farm BP as Killer. Most of my Killer games net me over 30K in BP. Consequently, I barely ever run out of my favourite add-on. Survivor on the other hand... I'm lucky if I can hit 15-20K BP per game (less than 10K if the Killer sweats).
I get so much Killer BP that I end up spending most of it on my Survivors anyway.
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i'd say the complete opposite, survivors have so many useless crap in their bloodweb. i'm i think equally 50/50 player and won't ever p100 my zarina because it would be just a waste. nothing worth buying there.
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I do somewhat agree because all survivors are just cosmetics and if you plan to invest into a killers power yes you have to level each character individually.
My personal solution would be weekly certain killers are selected to grant a Bloodpoint bonus to weekly but also the Bloodweb gets discounted for certain characters weekly too. Could affect survivors too honestly.
I feel survivor should get adjustments too - Mostly if you're lacking in certain categories during your game you receive a bonus amount of BP after the game fully ends based on a percentage of what your teammates did. Ran the killer all game but couldn't touch a generator? A % of the BP your teammates earned while you were distracting the killer will go to you once the lobby ends.
To me those would be fair changes for everyone.
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To be fair, the investment is roughly the same, whether you buy the current Bloodwebs or hope for Bloodwebs with more useful stuff. But I can get behind not wanting to see your BPs go to waste for all the stuff which is not useful anymore.
Survivor-Bloodwebs really need to be decluttered, they have 3 times as many Bloodweb-Items as Killers and many of them are not really good anymore (e.g. basically everything for Keys, green Maps and their Add Ons should not be a thing anymore, almost all Flashlight Add-Ons, no need for 4 Medkits anymore and so on...).
Killers geht more BP on average and their Bloodwebs are already smaller. Furthermore, reducing brown and yellow Add Ons would even hurt some Killers, because some of them have decent Add Ons in that category. E.g. I play Pig or Demo only with brown or green Add Ons and did never change it. Nemesis also has his best Add On in the yellow category. So it would make it harder for some Killers to get the good Add Ons.
But to be honest, no change really needed. As Killer you roughly get 50% more BPs anyway (at least), so you should get through the Bloodwebs faster anyway. And since you have less Items in it, you get the stuff you want more frequently.
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The bloodweb needs to be purged of useless offerings. No one uses the grey bloodpoint offerings. The fog offerings look like ######### on daylight maps and the hook placement addons get only used by bully squads. Remove them all. Survivors can´t lose their items anymore unless they die. Which saves quite an amount of bloodpoints.
Killers used to earn more bloodpoints than survivors. But then survivors complained and now both survivors and killers get roughly the same amount of bloodpoints. Killers earning now 50% more is a myth from bad survivors. Do good killers earn 25k+ bloodpoints per match? Sure! But so do good survivors! Bad killers will earn considerably less, just like bad survivors.
Killers need a perk like Ace in the Hole. That allows them to earn addons during a match. Tie it to an extra objective like finding green glyphs and both sides benefit from it.
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What? Survivors are the ones who need more. I get significantly more bloodpoints playing killer than I do survivor.
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yea it's my fault when my solo teammates constantly dc, give up on the hook, or are just bad in chase. All causing the game to end quickly. How many bloodpoints you get as survivor is directly correlated to how good your teammates are. I DO get bloodpoints when my team isn't full of idiots. In solo queue that's asking a lot.
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You realize that the killer will also earn less bloodpoints during the short match, yes?
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Option to sell useless staff for both sides would be good. Im fine just getting 10% return I just want rid of them. But no killer does not need any discount in bloodweb. Normally you earn more bp on killer than on survivor. Im able to get good amount of add ons and still invest that bp to survivors. If I ever choose main one killer I would then invest my bp to mostly him.
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I've seen killers earn pretty good amount even for quite short matches. Mainly if they don't slug everyone immediatelly and still get some hooks so most of the time it's choise on killer part to not earn bp in matches they dominate.
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No you are killer player
We don't care about killer player's feeling here.
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BP earning is fine on bothside. They already reduce 33% of addon/offering cost, while increase the earning by 25%. Almost double earning already.
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It's way easier to farm BPs on killer compared to survivor. You already have a discount LOL.
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honestly... the issue now is that both sides have a bunch of useless crap on the bloodweb.
from reagents, to luck offerings, to bad map offerings, to maps and it's addons, broken keys, the oak ones...
a crafting system could solve this... like, you put 2 or 3 map offerings in and out comes one you want.
stuff like reagents and oaks can just be deleted
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I´ve seen survivors earn pretty good amount even for short matches. Mainly because the points are based on interaction. For both sides. The more people interact, the more points they earn.
I´ve seen survivors die during the EGC and earn less than 10k bloodpoints, because they didn´t do anything during the match.
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IMO we should let people refund stuff they don't want for a fraction of the BP back (even 5-10% would be acceptable)
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Killers get more BPs than survivors in their matches, so they already have their "discount". Also killer have by far more useful adds in their bloodweb, while as survivor you basically auto-finish every bloodweb without much of a loss, as there is maybe about a handful of adds you even would want to have.
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Yes, an Entity Buy Back Program.
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i feel like thats not a very good idea i say just lower all the cost if we are doing that but then again you can test out a survivors perks or a killers perks in custom but you dont get to test a killers power which you should be able to do
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No side should be able to get discount BP over the other. Nobody "deserves" a discount. It would make more people play one side than the other, provide actual ammunition in slagging off other players (the whole "BHVR favours..." bollocks) and just isn't needed.
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True. But for example, i had a match where the first survivor i hooked was a Bill. Then didn´t saw him during the rest of the match and killed him after all gens were completed. He had like 5k bloodpoints. On paper it looked like i tunneled him out early, but in reality he just didn´t do anything that awarded points during the whole match.
I´ve also had matches where i doubled the killers bloodpoints as survivor. Sometimes it happens. People had bad matches and good matches.
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Awww you're victim complex is so darn cute.
They're talking BP my guy, not feelings.
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doing gens gives close to nothing. so if you play optimally and the killer ignores you/teammates keep them busy enough, you won't get much unfortunately.
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when in reality…
- survivors need every single one of their BP point category increased by at least 25-30% (I.x. a good skill check grants 62.5 or 65 points up from 50 going based off the 25-30% increase i suggested).
- globally all brown offerings should be reduced in BP cost from 2k to 1000. if anything, rarity’s should score from.
Brown: 1000 (originally 2000)
Yellow: 2000 (originally 2500)
Green: 3000 (originally 3250)
Purple: 4000
Pink: 5000
and make the Auto Bloodweb available without needing to prestige.
BP grinding is very high, and making the prices of things such as BP and making the auto bloodweb available without needing to prestige will help tremendously. killers don’t solely need to have a reduction in add on costs.
Post edited by oreoslurpee on1 -
Killers on average get by far many more BP per match than survivors. Especially in solo q. Even when a killer holds a slugfest, all survivors get like 5-7k BP tops, and the killer gets 20k+ BP.
Killers do not need a help with BPs, trust me. Survivor do though.
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You are 100% correct! It's ridiculous how small an amount we get for fixing a generator. I want the Prove Thyself Bonus Bloodpoints back!
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That unusual generally killers will earn lot more bp. Swf maybe can if they gen rush effiently in groups with prove thyself and tooboxes and killer switches targets and most of them got stuns and healed in groups quickly.
But this probably not happening anymore as prove thyself bo bonus got nerfed. But usually in short matches in soloQ killer slug 2 survivors quickly and there is hook trades and early kills so survivors will not earn much bp. But killer can still get solid 25-30K.
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Playing solo. Don´t know if my teammates are swf. So no idea. But i usually end up on the top end of the bloodpoint category.
I could post screenshots of the endgame screen, if you want.
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You're not considering that survivor players still need to reach prestige 3 with every single survivor if they want all perks.
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Which killer have you gotten to p100?
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My fixes:
1) Survivors share the same bloodweb and the same items/addons
2) Both killers and survivors can purchase the especific addon, item, or offering they want
That solves every issue with the bloodweb
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I agree for part one. For part 2, do you basically want to remove the Bloodweb and make it a Blood Shop where you can buy as many Iridescent add-ons as long as you have BP to spend?
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I have like 3000 addons I dont use on my main, not to mention lots and lots of offerings that see literally no play
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That would lead to an almost endless buying of the strongest add-ons for either role. The rarity of them appearing in the webs is a check against stockpiling the best stuff, and then running those each and every trial.
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Killers already make on average mire then survivor. It's fine the way it is.
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I know that, but it's ridiculous that you end up with lots and lots of stuff you don't use and waste lots of BP only to play with the same addons you'd get if you could directly buy them