When Your Ping is So High, You Look Like a Hacker

I'm not sure what the counter play to this is.
This exists for both sides. But there is really nothing BHVR can do other than maybe try and get more servers in some regions?! Even that won't eliminate these cases though, as sometimes a player's connection will do a funny.
I'm sure most of us had at least one instance of sudden packet loss, which led to something similar to this. It can happen unfortunately.
The best we can do is laugh it off.
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It scared the crap out of me.
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Looks like lag switching to me.
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I'm with you on this one, usually normal lag doesn't move you in such a precise location, usually in dedicated server environments you just start doing the animation of walking, but never skipping your position.
Might be a "rare" case tho, anyhow for the fellow poster, usually you know in advance if a lobby is lagging, so you can dodge it.
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Nah, probably not lagswitching. The Killer most likely lost connection to the Server for a brief moment. You see this when the Huntress is moving in one direction and then teleports to another. This happens when the last input the Server got is used (moving into a specific direction) and when the Server receives the next input (the new location), the Killer switches to this location.
This can happen on both sides and it can be beneficial or not.
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Bad internet makes dbd scary again.
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That was either lag switching or the fattest packet loss of the century. I used to play on 10mbs down 500kbs up and had mad packet loss every minute or 2. This is not what bad internet looks like lmao
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Cross-solar system play should be disabled until BHVR puts servers on Pluto.
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I genuinely don't know. Somehow the entire match played out. I have no clue how their internet didn't die mid-match.