Ultimate Weapon is way too free.

This perk is way too good. We need some limits to its power or something.
I mean... what's there to do? It's not even an aura perk; it just gives you a scream blip, so it's not like the info is too good.
Reliability? It already needs lockers. If you up its cooldown it's also competing with the likes of BBQ, so it'll basically be a dead perk.
Lack of counter? I mean, it as just as much counter as an aura perk. Either bring a perk (Calm Spirit) or simply deal with it.
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With BBQ and chili you don't get revealed if you're close enough to the killer. With ultimate weapon you get revealed for hiding near the killer. The play killers make now is hook a survivor and open the nearest locker. It basically forces every survivor to stay away from lockers or anyone who is about to be hooked. If you're trying to hide while the killer is carrying a survivor to a hook then you risk getting into a chase with the killer right after they get hooked if they open a locker. If the killer sees multiple notifications in their terror radius then they're just going to camp the area because they know you're nearby and have no reason to begin traversing the map again.
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Made for this is way too good. We need some limits to its power or something.
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It has already been announced that MFT will be nerfed. follow the news
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Do i need to tell that there is no way to counter perks since you can't see them? DbD is not MOBA or Card game. Just use "Perk name" is such ######### exuse.
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I was comparing it to aura perks...
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Why do you keep doing this with people's posts? It doesn't make their statement look bad, it just makes you look weird.
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UW is overtuned because it remains active so long, reveals AND blinds, which can really screw with survivors on maps like Midwich or Game.
Trying to get unhooks vs. UW is a really big pain in the ass, and even if the killer let's you go for the unhook, they find survivors so easily, that unless you're build is setup up for chase, you're screwed and you just cycle hooks constantly or get tunneled out.
UW basically says sod your build, take Calm Mind and limit your build, or set up for chase. Anything else is a throw.
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I've played about 20 survivor games since first seeing this post. 1 killer was running this perk. We all escaped. How is anyone arguing that this perk is too strong?
Is this some kind of conspiracy among Nurse/Blight/Trickster mains to distract from how these killers need serious nerfs or reworks?
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Should just limit duration (5 seconds or something like that) after first scream.
That would fix ultimate snowballs.
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So you played 1 game against it, against a killer who didn't secure a single kill? Likely doesnt know what they're doing to get a 0k. Hardly a concrete argument.
This perk is so good on any strong chase Killer and is especially punishing vs. SoloQ. The fact you can proxy sweep areas and have it pretty much whenever you want is so valuable, I'm surprised anyone argues that "it's just a weaker than BBQ & Chilli info perk".
On very large maps like Borgo it's certainly not as strong as it is elsewhere, but on any smaller maps, it's a God Tier nearly always up radar that makes all your decision making trivial.
Unless survivors take Calm Spirit, you can: -
- almost always ensure you chosen gens are covered just by sweeping nearby.
- almost always ensure you catch whoever comes for an unhook with a trade, or sometimes totally intercept and slug underneath hook to increase your pressure.
- almost always ensure you can find your dead on hook target by listening carefully to the voice of screams.
- almost always find your recently unhooked target and prevent them from being healed/ tunnel them out.
- blind the whole team easily so they can't even use Kindred, Bond, Empathy or any other aura perks to see what each other are doing to try and work around you.
It's so versatile as a tool, I genuinely dont understand how anyone defends it with a straight face. Usually it boils down to "survivors have MFT" or "survivors have anti camp charges coming" as a legit defence... which means the conversation is over.
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All of this is correct.
Ultimate Weapon does way too much,for way too little. It replaces Barbeque,Infectious and Lethal Pursuer all in one package on top of ignoring Distorion and OTR. Also it screws over solo queue more than SWF with it's Blindness. How this perk got released is crazy to me.
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My point was about how few people are using it. If it was OP, why wouldn't I be seeing it as often as Fearmonger, Sloppy Butcher, Starstruck, etc.? It sounds to me like it disrupts you particularly when you come across it, but that isn't often enough to build against it, which is a statement that could be a good standard for defining a well balanced perk that adds diversity to the game and disrupts the meta.
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Not an unreasonable point, but the key line is "on any strong chase killer".
Killers with a small TR (Huntress, Trickster), stealth killers (Freddy, Wraith, GhostFace, Myers), weak chase killers (Trapper, Hag), or killers that have a lot of buillt in detection (Legion, Artist, Singularity), or Killers with low mobility/natural slowdown (Nemesis, Bubba, Twins) aren't suddenly gonna become God tier with this.
Other characters like Dredge, Sadako, or Pig are pretty much gimmicks...
However if you go up against a decent Wesker, Nurse, Blight or Oni with it then you're in for a hell of a rough time. Even Spirit can make this perk insanely strong... and ultimately even outside of these, it's still a God tier perk for tunnelling and proxy camping, and disproportionately punishing on small maps and in soloQ.
If you couldn't have it WHENEVER you wanted it, it would be fine, but as it stands, it's a Swiss army knife for whatever purpose you need it for at any given moment.
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Ok. So we can now revert back to on-release Circle of healing? You had shattered hope and still nobody used it. By your standards it was balanced perk
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Nobody used it because it was only useful in a very niche situation, and not extremely useful even then. Shattered hope has always needed an additional function. Maybe allow dull totems to be stomped as well as show the aura of dull totems for so many seconds after a gen is completed. Even then it would only be meh unless paired with pentimento.
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Ah but equipping calm spirit makes u more vulnerable against totem builds. So either both are bad counters or both are good counters. You can't have cake and eat it too.
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Are you really comparing shattered hope that should be a basekit ability whos only job is to counter boons a bit better with no other effects (99/100 times its a wasted slot since no boons) , to calm spirit ... a perk where even if the killer doesn't bring scream perks you still get a couple of other strong benefits...
Where does the bias stop with you?
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Ah yes. Strong benefits. Like having totems take 30% longer. Or chests. VERY GOOD BENEFIT.
As I said before - this is one of a few perks that would make sense if killer could FORCE the perk on survivors (no mither being the obvious other option).
Post edited by BoxGhost on1 -
it has drawbacks that limit on what killers it can be effective on and when you can activate it as well as taking time to activate and no guarantee on value (although its likely if you put it in your build) as well as how much information you get out of it. It looks good from the outside but it does have limits I assure you