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Trickster need changes

LeGranEmi Member Posts: 80
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I think the trickster needs a little love, the changes to the lockers are good and help but he needs a buff on his 2 main problems The first is his speed when using his power, I think it does not deserve to be so slow, a change that they could make is that when using the knives he goes at 4.2 m/s and when he throws he goes at 4.0 m/s since it is too slow and the loops kill it unless they are in open places

Secondly, I think the wind should change. my 2 proposals are The trickster when using his power goes at 4.6m/s and when damaging the surv's speed boost is reduced The second is that when activating the main event the trickster can go to 4.6 during that time but the knives are no longer automatically thrown but must be thrown normally even if they damage you it applies a deep wound and destroyed effect, in addition to activate it all the survis shout for the presence of the trickster

Perhaps this sounds like a very strong change but the trickster at high ranks finds it too difficult to compete and there are perks that are used a lot to increase the speed of movement by the surv, at 4.4 it is difficult for them to hook the surv Also, as a console trickster with 200 hours, I can say that the main event of 10 games only uses 2 since it is an extremely situational power, plus his movement speed when using his poser makes him very slow in high loops found in 80% of the maps, it is not a hunter to justify its slowness and its poor motor control, it should be justified with a power in chase that is lethal, not situational. ps: sorry for my english

Post edited by Rizzo on


  • Chocolate_Cosmos
    Chocolate_Cosmos Member Posts: 5,735

    Trickster overall is such mix bag and I don't like playing him since he is very about luck of your map.

    Lot of open tiles? Ezi downs, eating health states.

    Big map with lot of line of sight blockers? Awfull experience where you barely can use your power and you will get destroyed.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I don't understand why they buffed locker reloading? As a trickster/artist main there was so many more reasonable buffs to him. Like letting main event be kept for much longer or even forever if not used.

    the buff to lockers in my opinion just takes away survivors reward for dodging knives/hatchets. (Less time to get away)

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,009

    Yeah he to slow when running most loops with the knives up. I understand most killers slow down when pulling up their power but this man just take forever to down. Run the loop! 2 to 3 blades, run it again...1 to 2 blades, run again..finally you injure them. This is how every Jungle gym chase go with this man. Forever trap

    Give him the cage heart shoes at base.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,961

    I wouldn't call this an unwelcome change... I think this does a nice job softening him up for console players. It's hard to be accurate on controller, so you tend to take more darts add-ons and be a little more spammy, but good looping still makes that tough.

    Though I definitely agree about Main Event... its duration to trigger is so short, all the Main Event add-ons are worthless because its so unreliable for it to trigger when you actually want it. You either have to stop using darts once you're one dart off, which can deny you a hit, or you just have to accept its probably not gonna be useful to you...

    Then ofc Main Event itself is great in the right locations with good LOS, but is actually worse in locations with high walls. Once you start firing you're moving slower, so on a decent high wall loop it's a bad idea to Main Event. So not only does it take a while to charge, when you do finally get it, either the chase is over and you don't need it, or the location you're in is really bad for Main Event anyway...

    I'm sure some Trickster Mains have some clever thoughts about planning around main event, but personally I just ignore it and every now and again go "Oh Main Event! I can use it here!"

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258

    Main event is time-limited, because of camp potential. Like it would be OK if he could turn it on/off if there was like 12m (or more) radius around hook where trickster will just refuse to throw any knife.

    As is, I consider this killer one of those weaker from the pool. But at the same time he is (arguably) already 2nd best camper in game (right after bubba and before huntress/clown/meyers) and new anti-facecamp mechanic would not change anything about it. Proxy camping is more effective way anyway.

  • Alen_Starkly
    Alen_Starkly Member Posts: 1,161

    Trickster should get his Main Event changed imo. In a match, it is either too strong (especially when camping a hook), or useless - it activates when you down someone, and can't find someone else before the activated state runs out.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    I mean i know trickster is just frustrating with controller. i guess im more confused on huntress getting a reload speed, even tho neither really needed it. especially now that it STACKS with iron maiden, so the idea that less people will use iron maiden is weird in my opinion

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 8,176

    trickster has camping potencial without using main event. main event is snowball tool. a slugging tool to be more precise that barely works properly because.... throwing mode itself is poorly balanced for most players to use trickster at an average level. you have to work hard to try to negate trickster's weaknesses. regular throwing mode is sufficient for tunneling survivors off hook.

    As is, I consider this killer one of those weaker from the pool.

    Since he is weaker among the pool, they should buffing his chasing capacity so that average killer player that selects him is less reliant on tunneling survivors off the hook to have closer matches.

  • TheTom20
    TheTom20 Member Posts: 453

    I think trickster is very map dependant if you get maps with high loops he can't really use his power.

  • Gandor
    Gandor Member Posts: 4,258
    edited September 2023

    I agree he needs buff. Selfishly I would say he should get nerf instead (personal bias - I don't like to go against him) but objectively, he definitely needs buffs.

    As for main event - sure enough it is snowball tool, but imagine someone is endgame hooked just on a hill (not even basement) and trickster can decide when to run main event - even 3man save would end with at minimum 2 people down (so no - trade is not possible). The chance to use main event freely as camping tool would make him better camper then current bubba

  • Chadku
    Chadku Member Posts: 729

    I think both killers had a higher usage of IM, so instead of nerfing IM they just buffed the base reload speed hoping for a lower usage of IM.

  • IlliterateGenocide
    IlliterateGenocide Member Posts: 6,016

    Except from clips of seen, people are still gonna run iron maiden and reload addons, and then reload at ridiculous speed