Why should Killers play nice and fair?



  • XshyguyX
    XshyguyX Applicant Posts: 107

    I play how I want. In the early days being toxic was a "trend" and players like Ochido started comp vids of 360'ing killers and bullying until they would DC. It was a culture and was popular on YouTube bc it garnished views.

    It got better over the years. Back then I feel like people were nastier in game. Survivors feel way more chill now then back then.

    I don't get a ton of teabags after every pallet and window like I used to. Back then I used to be way more stressed then now. Teabagging used to drive me crazy especially at the gate.

    Not anymore. I laugh now. Or I'll be goofy back to them to show them I down to goof around some. Or teabag back if I'm a killer that can. Bc over time I realized no matter how good or bad the match is once the match is over everyone moves on and forgets and it's not a big deal. Also learned that teabagging isn't always to spite the killer. Sometimes it's a thank you... or it's a hey stay on me I want you to chase more.

    I stopped reading into it so much and just have fun and focus on trying to improve or pull off cool plays.

    I usually let a survivor leave if I stomp a team. You can kinda gage quickly in a match weather your going to do well or not and in the matches I do really good or survivors mess up and it snow balls fast I pull back and try to allow everyone to get more points including myself.

    When I start getting stressed on the matches where I'm losing badly because that particular team is really good I just say to myself this isn't my match and just take.the punches and hope we all have a good time.

    In the end man we all love this game and I always try to keep it in my head that if everyone has fun then the game will last longer. So I try to never be toxic on purpose.

    However, there's always a bad apple in the bunch that rubs you wrong sometimes.

    And for God's sake don't spam in the chat at the end. Makes you look dumb, and once you calm down you feel stupid. Take it from me I learned the hard way over the years. Just gg and bounce.

  • miniwengsel
    miniwengsel Member Posts: 410

    Some Survivors will thank you for playing as people call it "fair". If you can see you stomp them go for 12 hooks if they have full meta and op Items play mean.

    But after all is your fun your property and there fun isnt yours. If the say gg ez just say gg wp and move on. Maybe they played better or brought op ######### it doesnt matter, because you have a life and have better things to do them write with someone, that just want to mean to you.

  • squbax
    squbax Member Posts: 1,526

    I am sorry to tell you but the satisfaction of giving the bad person the chilli candy outweighs the "good feeling" of being generous and the guilt of giving the hot candy to the nice person by miles.

    Not to say OP should always camp and tunnel, I personally preffer a 12 aproach, but your example is flawed, revenge/retribution is way, way more satisfactory than empathy no matter how much people try and say otherwise because it sounds bad.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2023

    The answer is simple: Play "Seriously and fair". This is my personal "Killer's Rulebook":

    • Don't hard tunnel, but if a survivor just waste their free BT to try a protection hit, take it as he want to be hooked again.
    • Don't do 3genning, but if survivors decide that it is not important to put some effort in not leaving 3 gens close by the end, get advantage of it.
    • Don't camp, but if they do all the gens and not have any reason to leave the hook, defend it.
    • If they complain in the chat about any of these actions and call you names, remember them that it was their fault for allowing you to do them.
    • Never go to the exit gates to scare them off. If they want to waste almost two minutes of their time because they have the need to tbag the killer every single game they win, let them do it.
    • The same with the ones that find hatch and start triggering sound cues because they want you to see how they go through the hatch. If they take a lot of time to end the game, just see Youtube or something meanwhile.
    • Only give hatch for every survivor that stepped out of the exit gates so you can at least have a 1K in past games. In other words: Never give hatch.
    • If they insult you and call you noob or baby killer when they win, remember them that there is nothing more sad that a salty, bad winner.
    • If they call you boring, remember them that you are not their personal jester and only them are responsible of having their own fun, like you just did by killing them.

    And I have to say, I started to have a lot more fun and less stress playing this way.

  • Sava18
    Sava18 Member Posts: 2,441

    Because it gives off bot energy.

  • radiantHero23
    radiantHero23 Member Posts: 4,664

    God I love this meme. Why is this gif so insanely funny.

  • Icaurs
    Icaurs Member Posts: 564

    I everyone held the mindset "who cares about fun or fair" It would be a miserable game. Certain strategies may not be necessarily cheating but Its very sad.

    I hope you hold this same mindset if survivors use boon exponential with breakdown and boil over on eye of crows and maybe you do. But Imagine if all survivors used that strategy, how low long would you keep playing?

    Ultimately only you can hold yourself to your own standard, you need to decide what that standard is.

  • Xxjwaynexx
    Xxjwaynexx Member Posts: 376

    Bro I feel you. I'm not a veteran at all almost at 2k. A personal goal of mine is to p100 nurse with no perks or addons, at first I sweated for 4ks but then I realized it didn't matter how many 4ks I got because that wasn't my goal, my goal was to get as many bp each match and p100 nurse. I quickly learned that playing for kills and not hooks and chases was crazy inefficient for that goal. Fast-forward to now even though I main nurse I get the most wholesome messages sometimes. Its due to just playing normally most teams know by now(P77) I could've wiped them and some are oblivious like you've stated have the GGS ez killer messages and teabag at the gates even though I had down them 6 times in front of a hook and let them get up or wiggle off.

    The teabags don't bother me as I know when I've been outplayed which the teabags are deserved and welcomed. They serve as a reminder that I'm not better than everyone and that I still need to improve.

    I was raised similar to you as well, in the sense of if you can't put the effort in getting better and you need to cheat to win then you ain't winning, your still a loser.

    Nice to know that other killers are giving new players much needed break as well makes me smile.

  • KA149108
    KA149108 Member Posts: 395

    The only time I would tbag a killer is if they've been tunneling me 90% of the match and I've escaped. But if they've played fair and spread out their hooks then I respect it. You can play anyway you want but so can survivors. Ying and yang.

  • Quizzy
    Quizzy Member Posts: 862

    Personally for me. If a killer is tunneling me hard, i just let them win and move on. They want it so bad, might as well give it to them. My self care is more important and i hope to get a better match where the killer knows there is another person behind the other screen and not go out of their way to make it miserable.

  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,903

    I usually play nice. But if I notice the survivors are playing harsh then I switch to playing harsh myself.

    However, if there was a bad map offering then I switch to maximum pain. I'll make a point sucking all the fun I can until the end. I despise some maps so much I consider map offering a declaration of war.

  • Neprašheart
    Neprašheart Member Posts: 439

    I have used to think that other people are out there, trying their bests to get to me, get under my skin.. And it's a fact that some do really feel that way and treat others in quite a wicked way for one reason or another. However, ever since I have watched some videos about it, I've come to the conclusion that most people wanna have some fun during their free time, and more importantly, to have peace.

    So, I do treat other people with kindness and am friendly, trying to mind my own business and to try staying a bit aback, if you get me. That also means to give up on tunneling, camping, slugging.. And other boring strategies because I don't like them, and I'm pretty sure that the community hates them aswell. I shall not add even more to the already lit fire and instead become the change I wanna see.

    To each their own, but I do love playing fair. It makes me feel better and a bit proud about myself for resisting the urge to join the panicking group that leads all the unfun playstyles. If they wanna repeatedly crouch in-game, also known as teabagging, then so be it. It's not gonna work on me in the way they do assume it will, but it's gonna confuse me.. That's about it.

    If I'm heavily losing, I'm not giving up. I shall play by the rules and to give the killer some fun chases, or vice-versa. At the end of the day, losing or winning makes no difference to me, as I play to relax and have fun. I don't have the energy to sweat in videogames anymore, that's an outlook that I've had a few years into the past when I was still bursting full of energy on a daily basis, but that's gone.

    You should do what you wanna do. If you bring in unfun playstyles, do expect people to complain. Just.. Don't expect anything from people. We all have our own lives, and we all play for fun with different opinions and understandings of the term itself. The players with competitive mindsets will probably find fun and satisfaction in dominating the matches, whereas casual players will be happy by doing what they could've done, or and so on..

  • Chaosrider
    Chaosrider Member Posts: 489

    Typical killer logic. Stop claiming that survivors can play unfair. They cant. Only killers are able to circumvent basic gameplay and make the game miserable for anyone they chose. If you get triggered by an emote after you already lost the game, its up to you.

  • kk602
    kk602 Member Posts: 17

    Killer isn't bad at all.

    Because neither the map nor the survivors are kind.

  • Nun_So_Vile
    Nun_So_Vile Member Posts: 2,504
    edited September 2023

    " I am Vile. I am bad bad guy."

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    I play nice and fair, until they hit me with flashlights.

    Playing the game at night, then BOOM, white screen. It's physical painful.

    As soon as you flash light me I turn and tunnel you out. I no longer care about fun or fair. I usually run meme builds anyway

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    Calm spirit shuts down the doctor, and a whole bunch of perks. Adrenaline and made for this heal at no risk with the benefit of making you uncatchable.

    Let's not forget flashlights and flashbangs in areas you can't counter them shutting down the act of picking people up.

    Both sides have ways to make the game infuriating for the other, it's just you and your friends can do it against one guy while the other guy can only be rude to one at a time

  • BlueRose
    BlueRose Member Posts: 658

    Typical survivor logic. Blaming killers for all their problems and thinking they can't do anything wrong whatsoever. News flash my guy both sides have tools to make the game infuriating for the other. Not every survivor is poor lil angles who are being bulled by the big bad killer.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 816

    The only thing we don't agree on is veteran status, I've been playing since '17 but I'm just over 1000 hours. I'm mostly using it to separate people who play DBD sometimes and people who are DBD players. I would consider you a veteran unless you've just hit it super-hard since you started.

    But yeah. BP feeds my game as well. Long ago I noticed that longer games with lots of action meant more BP than a snowball where I played perfectly.

    When a survivor tricks me in a funny way, I'm laughing at least as hard as they are. I nod when they TB, because yup.

    Nice of you to say, I feel the same way. I love DBD in it's purest form, but there's plenty of room to just make it fun.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 816

    Quizzy gets it.

    I'm a killer, if survivors come in with the plan to win as fast as they can, that will probably work. I don't freak out and try to stop them, I might turn it up some, but I don't care if they all get out. I play for chases, if survivors avoid chases, they'll win and I'm glad to see it happen quickly so I can get into a game with more chases.

    But also Quizzy, tunneling isn't going out of their way to make you miserable, it's just trying to win. Tunneling = slamming gens, it's a good plan if your goal is winning. You and I don't like it, we'd prefer to get some more playing done, but we don't get to decide that for everyone. Part of the excitement of the game is that players are so unpredictable.

    The game rewards us for playing more dramatically by giving us more points. I don't tunnel because I get more points if you live longer. There's nothing wrong with either side playing to win, though. BOTH sides should remember that we're all people on both sides.

  • Batusalen
    Batusalen Member Posts: 1,352
    edited September 2023

    "Survivors can't make the game miserable for the killer"

    Proceeds to give an example of how survivors make the game miserable for the killer and blame them for survivor's toxicity.

    Post edited by Batusalen on
  • oxygen
    oxygen Member Posts: 3,348

    I play in a way that's probably nice for the simple reason that I find it more fun to play that way. And I simply do not care if people tbag at exit gates or anywhere else, simple as.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    If a killer and a survivor are at similar skill levels, at best, the survivor can be an annoyance. Without a strong SWF you can't actually start bullying a killer. But a killer can make it so a survivor doesn't need to hold their controller for minutes at a time. They might throw the game in the process but they can do that. The best part is that to tunnel and camp as killer requires limited skill, so any killer with a bad attitude can ruin a match for someone else if they feel like it.

    You can't draw lines between the two roles as they are not the same. Face camping someone to death is not the same as running adrenaline. You think it is, but it's not. A killer can grief an individual survivor in ways the survivor cannot do back, unless the survivor is substantially better than the killer they are facing, and at that point they are just outplaying the killer.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 161

    The answer's pretty obvious. No. The devs have never, and will never care about the killer experience. They'll give survivors all the buffs that they can possibly want to make their games as easy as possible so that they can make the killer's game miserable, and then they'll have the audacity to come and post this, implying that killers playing to win are part of the problem.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    Yes, you are a victim and nobody cares about you. Everyone else gets special treatment and you get forgotten. I couldn't possibly even begin to understand your suffering.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    Hard survivor main. Has never once touched killer for more than a day. Forgets that the VAST majority of games are a two man swf at the least

    Face camping is an issue, but completely ignoring the very easy, and free second chance perks that survivors get, that have zero counter play, isn't helpful

    The current survivor meta is just hold W all chase, because they'll get away with it with their perks

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    Im always expecting so. I was just telling people why toxic isnt a right way.

    I was one, but not anymore

  • AbsolutGrndZer0
    AbsolutGrndZer0 Member Posts: 1,564
    edited September 2023

    I follow The Golden Rule.

    Do unto others as you would have them do unto you.

    Not every player will feel the say way as I do though, and I accept that.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    No, I've played killer more than a day. I just disagree with you. Remember, just because you're all tribal over a computer game doesn't mean everyone else is. Don't project your feelings onto me.

    Plenty of killer mains makes good points, but people like you don't. You just exaggerate how difficult how hard it is to play killer and pretend that survivor is ez mode.

  • MrDrMedicman
    MrDrMedicman Member Posts: 303

    Never said it was easy. I said it wasn't fun to play against. Well, swf is easy, you just need a bit of communication

    Getting the second chance is easy, capitalizing on it is hard

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,688


    The thing is, Survivors cannot really do anything to prevent the Killer from playing the game or earning BPs. Killers can do that to Survivors. Like, a Killer will not have a worse game when they get teabagged, they can still play like normally. If they feel offended by someone pressing crouch, it is up to them.

    However, if a Killer decides to be toxic and just facecamps everyone to death for the joy of it, this Survivor does not really get anything from it.

    Both sides have toxicity and you will probably see more from Survivors, simply because there are 4 times as many Survivors compared to Killers in a game. However, Killer toxicity is more impactful.

  • Zenislev
    Zenislev Member Posts: 161
  • Haddix
    Haddix Member Posts: 1,048
    edited November 2023

    I respectfully think you're out of pocket for this because their post is about their response of just playing to win. There is no stooping involved in your playstyle adjusting to being that of "win the match." They didn't mention fighting toxicity with toxicity.

    The best thing for people to do is stop labeling "not playing to win" as "fun for everyone," which implies that playing to win is cruel. Playing to win is inherently selfish, that's the nature of a competitive video game and it should never be considered cruel. IMO, if it doesn't relate to deliberately making other people miserable, then stop bringing morality into the discussion of playstyles in general, because that perpetuates the actual endless loop of this community's constant forceful push (or, "friendly suggestions") of moral obligations on each other.

    This causes words like "nice" and "fair" to be associated with not trying to win the competitive video game against other people who are trying to win the competitive video game.

    I never play to win, I play with fun gimmicks and dumb creative builds because I personally really enjoy it, but I'm tired of seeing this conversation always go nowhere.

  • adsads123123123123
    adsads123123123123 Member Posts: 1,132
    edited November 2023

    No reason to. It's a PVP game. DBD is only game where players complain about how the other side plays.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    Why should survivors play fair?

    You will get hit on hook if you do that. You think killers care you played nice? Nope, eat that Mr survivor! Haha noob ezi match.

    And around and around we go.

    You can't control other players, you are only responsible for your own actions. Be the change you want to see, break the cycle.

  • MrsGhostface
    MrsGhostface Member Posts: 987

    I don’t necessarily play nice and fair 24/7, but I like to match energy. I play for 12 hooks, but if survivors start acting toxic, I’ll throw those rules out for them.

    I enjoy the risk of playing nice, especially on my mains, because I get very wholesome messages thanking me for not tunneling and such. Again, I only play nice if they’re not toxic.

  • Leonardo1ita
    Leonardo1ita Member Posts: 2,320

    It depends on the situation:

    If they use map offerings, last second swap, tbag, and do other stuff like that, well, then I won't hesitate to tunnel the entire match.

    If they don't and play chill, no reason to, unless you're going for streaks or want to end the match fast.

  • AddanDeith
    AddanDeith Member Posts: 54
    edited November 2023

    What do you mean fair? Playing fair is playing at your full strength, at least thats what I always considered fair. I don't care about some arbitrary rules so I always play at my full strength, if someone has a problem with it, it's their problem.

    Just the fact that some people are high mmr and low mmr means that your skill is the only thing that matters. Even considering the fact that 1 out of 4 survivors always has to die first. Just move on and improve yourself, instead of being toxic and blaming your own mistakes on your opponent who played smart.

    yeah people will always hate the ones who better than them cause it hurts their own pride, it's inevitable, but that's why devs give us a choice to disable post game chat, so they can complain there all they want while not actually making anyone feel bad.

  • Rifandoleches
    Rifandoleches Member Posts: 5
    edited November 2023

    If you ask, that is because you have never been in a voice chat playing in swf, come on, you cannot say more clearly that you have very little idea of what is happening in DBD, sad, sad, of course it is always commented if the killer a exploited the mechanics or abused imbalance and design errors or on the contrary has not done so, greetings from those of us who do play the game and a kiss!