General Thoughts On Nostromo Wreckage (Map)?

I wanted to wait awhile before getting a general idea of the balancing of the name map, this way more people have time to play on the map and get an understanding of it.
Poll is made anonymous so you can vote without being judged, just give your honest opinion on the map. If you want to go into more detail, feel free to leave a comment and explain your thinking.
General Thoughts On Nostromo Wreckage (Map)? 28 votes
I think it's mostly well-balanced. The loops and tiles are all okay. My only gripe with the map is it's a little too big. It could do with being made a tad less rectangular and more square-shaped IMO.
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I personally just like it how it is. It can be on the bigger side for maps but the loops (which is mostly what I am interested in) are balanced really well for both sides.
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It's ok but sometimes dead zones can spawn and the ship can be a bit confusing to navigate. But other than that, it's a good map and the atmosphere is awesome.
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- The upper-middle of the map (Nostromo itself and the sides) barely has anything, and can very quickly become a giant dead zone.
- It's extremely easy to 3-gen the map, due to the aforementioned dead zones.
- There is no strong loops, and no real god pallet beyond what the rng gives you at the jungle gyms.
- There is no shack to speak of, the little shuttle in the corner has no windows & is generally pointless if no gen spawns near it.
- Relatively small sized map (134 sqT), with lot of dead space in the upper half and around the shuttle.
Yes, it is a very killer sided map. I would go so far as to say it is among the top 3 killer sided maps.
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It became my new fav map for the killer adepts, (used to be Midwich), so no need to elaborate lol
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The website ranks it as *the* most deadly map.
Post edited by Merudo on0 -
To be fair, it is fairly new and hard for new players to navigate, it has the similar issues to what RPD and Midwich has in terms of navigation, it can be hard to find Generators and/or understand the tiles close by in relation to where you are (seeing how most of the map is made from gray rocks, everything blends together).
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for me the loops never get used they are just there
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Amazing for killer especially oni but the middle can be variant between survivors and killer, it depends on their skill or who the killer is