Decisive revert / adjustment / fountains/ Hit boxes

NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34
edited March 2019 in Feedback and Suggestions

t's kind of obviously over nerfed. I agree that it was annoying before PTB. But having killers being able to say NO to you using a perk that is meant to give a second chance is kind of broken. Here's a idea for DS. After being hooked once you can use your decisive strike. Making the skill check revert back to its original size. The fountains should not instantly heal you but maybe fill the progress bar to half so you would still need a med kit or another survivor to finish healing you.

Another Idea for the Decisive strike change/revert would be after being picked up by the killer, A skill check would appear and if you succeed the skill check you momentarily stun the killer for anywhere between 1 second to a maximum of 3 and filling the wiggle bar to 50% or 60%.

Post edited by NeonWildSurge on


  • NeonWildSurge
    NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34

    But that's the issue @Orion . All the killer has to do is not pick you back up for 60 seconds. Alas a good chunk of DBD player's don't wanna pick you up if the killer leaves because ether they're on a gen. Being chased ETC ETC. So you get screwed ether way. That's why I'm suggesting a different way to keep it fair to both survivors and killer's without it returning to a annoyance for them.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    There are perks that allow you to get back up from the dying state. You can also crawl to those survivors. 60 seconds is a free escape, no matter how you look at it. Oh, and let's not forget: the killer cannot know you have Decisive Strike. That, in itself, will guarantee its activation.

  • NeonWildSurge
    NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34
    edited March 2019

    @Orion That's True, I can agree with you on that. Yea, Unbreaka-bill is a good to next choice or no-mither if you're ballsy enough mixed in with tenacity. But it's going to suck regardless if "You Are" the survivor who starts with obsession, Also I just wanna find a way better solution to the change that's still fair to survivors and killers while keeping the perk tried and true to itself. But other than that there's a few more issues I can complain bout like hit boxes.

  • Petraaahh
    Petraaahh Member Posts: 208

    A good fix could perhaps be that the 60 seconds is counted only while you are alive and then stops once downed so if a killers downs you at 59 seconds the DS would be locked in no matter how long you spend in the downed state.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    You BECOME the obsession after using the perk. Being the obsession is no longer required for the perk to be usable.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675
    edited March 2019

    That's absurd, given that it takes four full minutes to bleed out. The perk is fine as it is in the PTB. It gives you a free escape when you actually need it (when someone performed an unsafe unhook) rather than whenever the ######### you want.

  • NeonWildSurge
    NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34

    One out of the 4 survivors still start as the obsession. So if you're the unlucky one that get's the obsession first. You're not going to get picked right back up to use it. Which still other perks to use so you don't just wait.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    The perk no longer gives you a chance to be the obsession either.

  • NeonWildSurge
    NeonWildSurge Member Posts: 34

    Have you played on PTB? You'll clearly see that it still does.

  • Orion
    Orion Member Posts: 21,675

    I have, and in my experiments, the person without DS was the one who started out as the obsession twice in a row. DS now has no impact on whether or not you become the obsession at the start of the trial.

  • TheMadDoctor
    TheMadDoctor Member Posts: 250

    Uh guys, this is supposed to be in ptb feedback, not the balance feedback.

  • DingDongs
    DingDongs Member Posts: 684

    Home / Dead by Daylight Forums / "Balance feedback"

  • HatCreature
    HatCreature Member Posts: 3,298

    If you actually do start as the Obsession then the Killer knows you have D-Strike so they will either not tunnel you because that's a waste of time or slug you and ignore you. Well during that time crawl away from the hook or heal up and some other Survivor who isn't an idiot will get you up, hopefully within 60 seconds. If it's not within 60 seconds then your team sucks and that's why you're on the ground in the first place and now you're on 2nd stage.

    The perk was trash before, it was trash, it allowed cocky ass hats to be even more of a douche. Now it's fair, Killers can hook you and if they tunnel, if they tunnel then they get punished. If they slug you then use it to your advantage, you have 1 more chance to use it.

  • LowSodium
    LowSodium Member Posts: 26

    Strongly disagree that the perk is "just fine as it is on the PTB". Players can litterally use it to force the killer, once the gates are opened, to pick them up, and almost guarantee that they lose them out the gate, or just watch them helplessly as they just crawl out, unable to do squat about it. This version of DS basically makes every killer Freddy with a fully awake survivor in the exit. You just get to watch them, powerless to do anything to stop them from crawling their way to safety. Only counter play I can see is to use Freddy's perk Blood Warden, and hope they rescue the triggering survivor before they notice the spikes at the exit.

  • LowSodium
    LowSodium Member Posts: 26

    What's worse, by the way, is that litterally every single survivor can now do this. Throw on Deliverance, and the last survivor can even rescue themselves, and just do the same thing. Basically, there is now no point of even trying to down a survivor anywhere within a 60 second crawl of the exit.