Made for This VS M1 Killers

EynoxVII Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 12

How do you M1 Killers feel going against someone with Made for This - Paired with something like resilience or Hope. I seem to struggle a lot and tend to gravitate toward killers with ranged or stronger powers instead.


  • drsoontm
    drsoontm Member Posts: 4,657

    Easy : I don't play M1 killers anymore.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 547

    I play Clown with speed perks.

  • Worgen
    Worgen Member Posts: 67
  • mizark3
    mizark3 Member Posts: 2,246
    • Trapper - Run them into my traps
    • Wraith - Hit and run baby
    • Myers - MfT ain't gettin' you nowhere with my 16m TR
    • Doctor - Cry (my boy is just outdated now)
    • Freddy - Snares serve as a Purple Clown bottle
    • Pig - Crouch button works nice for free hits
    • Clown - 5.06 (Yellow) vs 3.502 (Purple+MfT) ain't gettin' them nowhere
    • Legion - Thana slows the game down enough to either force heals to counter it, or the raw gen slowdown if powered through
    • Ghosty - Instadown from stealth, marked if healthy, or normal hit if injured
    • Nemmy - Cry at shack, then win everywhere else
    • Cenobite - Can't run with chains on yuh bud, and can't get the haste while not running
    • Onryo - Force TVs to be ran for enough game slowdown to delete pallets through attrition
    • Dredge - Stay injured and feed Nightfall, stay healthy and burn pallets without MfT, its a lose-lose for Survivor over time
    • Skull Merchant - I'm sorry, I refuse to hold games hostage
    • Singularity - Laugh when their team spends 30s to grab an EMP, run over, burn off the tag, only for me to retag 2s later and TP back on them. Unless I get Lery's/RPD where you aren't allowed to set up Biopods for no discernible reasons across half the map, then cry.

    Everyone else can get a normal power hit with their M2 for the most part.

  • EynoxVII
    EynoxVII Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 12

    Mizark3 thanks for these tips! Can you elaborate a bit more with Myers, as that’s a killer I’m trying to get better at but can’t catch survivors. Is there a strong build that doesn’t require specific Adonis?