Why is endgame chat a thing?
This genuinely confuses me. Like we can't get in game voice chat but apparently it's fine to have a text chat where the killer and survs can interact, immediately after the game has finished and people will be at their saltiest?
Lucky for me I'm on xbox so I'm not exposed to the salt of endgame chat. But tried a few rounds as killer on my mates PC and every game survs were just verbally abusing me and each other. Few ggs here and there but mostly salt.
Like why have this and not in game chat for survs to help each other out during a round?
I'm really not sure how you went from "endgame chat is just survs insulting eachother and the killer" to "people would use in-game chat to help eachother", like... all balance and solo v swf debates asides, the toxicity would be worst in-game than in the post game chat which a lot of people don't have or don't use.
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So you're saying survs who are trying to work together in game would be more toxic to each other than survs and the killer immediately after a game when their blood is running hottest? Sure
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Yes, 1000%. You think people are nice to each other in call of duty lobbies just because they are on the same team?
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Not 100% of the time. Obviously.
It's online gaming, some people will always be toxic little goblins with zero impulse control.
It would simply serve more purpose than endgame chat. Like seriously what is endgame chat? 90% of the time just a vehicle for salt to let players rail at their opponents after the game is done.
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Yes ? I'm not sure why you'd think people would hold off until the game is done to yell at their teammates for messing up when they can do it live. Blood runs hot after the game, but it definitely runs hotter during it.
And, as much as I wish playing as a team meant people wouldn't be toxic (or only rarely), literally every multiplayer game ever makes this really hard to believe.
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In my opinion I have no idea what was going through the devs heads when they made end-game chat. Voice chat could be useful but that is a smart decision on the devs part. It would be so much worse if you could hear people calling you slurs etc.
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As i said, it wouldn't be perfect but it wouldn't be 100% bad all the time like you make out. But it'd be better than what we have. Egc serves absolutely no purpose. At least in game vc would be useful some of the time.
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Yh me neither. And that's why there are mute functions, every game with vc has them. You just cherry pick who you want to talk to.