hug tech

the hug tech is still a bug in 2023? or now is a feature from blight
Best Answer
It's a bug, that is most likely getting fixed with the upcoming Blight update where they will nerf his addons as well.
I knew about hug tech in 2021 that is a bug and will be fixed. 2 years have passed since then and it's still not fixed. I'm blight main and has abused this bug a lot but enough. I want to try do not making this exploit.
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Officially it's still a bug, although I have no doubt it won't be removed until Blight rework (if it does get removed)
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It's a bug/exploit that has existed in the game for 3 years . It is baffling when you think about it. The devs have known about it and have still not fixed it.
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bug that evolved into feature? There is many of those in DBD, but they usually increase skill ceiling, which is good imo.
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Can't fix hug tech because it's a byproduct of the collision that makes Blight work.
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I really doubt that. Bad things always happen when collision is messed with, and blight still has collision bugs that work against him from last changes. My guess is his collision is gonna be left alone.
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As long as BHVR does anything regarding Blight being too strong, I will be happy. I get that he is fun to play as, but he can also be quite miserable to play against. Skull Merchant that holds 3-gens for an hour is fun to play for certain people, but that doesn't mean that she should be left like that. Precisely why she is getting changed. Hopefully Blight's busted addons are next.
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I hope Devs will do this
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It's unclear if it's a bug or not honestly, we've had conflicting messages from different devs over the years and considering it'd probably require a full rework of Blight's collision to remove without making it feel terrible then they might just leave it alone.
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From my understanding they apprently fixed it just for people to find another way to do it so I hope it does get fixed with the Blight rework.
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Can we get an official answer for this please? If it's a bug, when will it be addressed?
I am looking for an official reply.