I need med-kit help!

I want to get two full heals from a single med-kit which for some reason I'm failing to do the past two weeks.
Can a patient, kind person of the Fog please tell me what two add-ons can make two heals?
I tried the pink add-on with some bandages but that wasn't enough.
Is the only way with a pink add-on and a Green Gauze Roll?
I am not running Botany and I am not missing skill checks. Please advise.
Thank you 🙏
No reason pink addon with bandages shouldn't work, maybe it's bugged or something. You might just have to run Streetwise or Built to Last for that extra juice.
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The only way to get 2 Self Heals from a medkit is to run at least Gel Dressings and any other add on that increases medkit charges. Being Bandages, Self Adherant Wrap, or the Gauze Roll
The reason why is because a Self Heal takes 24 charges instead of the normal 16 for an Altruistic Heal. That means to get 2 Self Heals from a single Medkit you need at least 48 charges.
There are perks as well how ever that can help you get more value from a single medkit, such as Streetwise (Nea Teachable) or Built to Last (Felix Teachable)
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You need Gel Dressings and any of the other extra charge addons, that should be enough for 2 self-heals. If Gel Dressings + Bandages isn’t working then something is wrong.
Your other option is using Streetwise which will allow you to either swap Gel Dressings for any of the lower-rarity extra charge addons or allow you to just use Gel Dressings by itself and your other addon slot can be whatever you want.
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There's a small chance you faced a killer with Overwhelming Presence. But it's not exactly a meta perk.
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It's not working. I've tried Gel Dressings with brown Bandages and Green Gauze Rolls. I'm running out of charges on the 2nd Heal only about 70% healed. This was never an issue before last week.
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It's not working. I've tried Gel Dressings with brown Bandages and Green Gauze Rolls. I'm running out of charges on the 2nd Heal only about 70% healed. This was never an issue before last week.
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This is my standard loadout for item, add-ons and Terrormisu offering and it grants me one full heal plus about 70% of a second.
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What perks do you have? Just wondering.
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Kindred, Prove Thyself, We'll Make It and Resilience
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Might it have something to do with the bug report that you made (since you're using a Masquerade Medkit)? This hasn't been fixed as far as I'm aware.
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That's what I thought but then I started questioning myself. Anyway, using these med-kits, I'm not getting more than one and it's been driving me crazy. As far as you can see from my medkit, I should be good for two full heals?
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You should absolutely be good for 2 self heals unless there's some sort of unaccounted inefficiency or something (which is pretty much zero chance).
You need 24 charges for a self heal. Gel Dressings give +16 charges, Gauze Roll gives +10 charges. You should have 2 heals and 2 charges to spare.
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Yeah and what is the point of having 2 extra charges anyway? It seems like a rip off compared to Bandages.
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Try the same addons with a medkit that’s not a Masquerade medkit. I’m wondering if Masquerade medkits might be bugged. Because that should’ve worked.
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Weird, I use Masquerade Medkits all the time with those 2 Add-ons and I always get my 2 heals.
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Ok well I just tried the exact same medkit with the exact same addons and I got my 2 self-heals without any issues:
So now I really don't know what the problem is. Maybe it's not consistent
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The medkit in that report only had 40 charges, so that wasn't a bug in that case.
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Could it be Platform specific to the issue? I play on Nintendo Switch.
Could it be a glitch with the Stranger Things Survivors I'm using?
I just played two matches. I intentionally let the killer hit me, I ran away and got the same result. One full heal and 70% on the second. It was still with the masquerade one though.
I still have to try other medkits. I'm just at a loss and don't want to waste expensive add-ons anymore.
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The only thing I can think of is a perk or add on on the killer side
Overwhelming Presence: Decreases item efficiency while in the Terror Radius (al though this perk is rarely seen)
Franklins Demise: When a killer smacks an item out of a Survivors hand, the item loses charges while its on the ground. Picking it back up will stop the loss of charges
Hemorrhage: A status effect that regresses healing by 7% (further increased by Sloppy Butcher) when ever youre not healing. This is applied via several perks (Sloppy Butcher, Scourge Hook: Gift of Pain, Blood Echo just to name a few) and a good chunk of killers also have add ons that apply Hemorrhage as well.
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are you using botany knowledge
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Used to be able to get 3 heals from a Medkit with Gel Dressings and a Anti-Hemorrhagic Syringe when you or a teammate is has Tier3 Streetwise in the perkbuild. Pretty sure there’s a bit extra of charges remaining (like 2.6% or sth) to activate the Syringe, so you shouldn’t need to hit any Great Skill Checks for the additional progression charge bonus.
Haven’t don’t it in a few months, I believe it still works.
Or, use a Styptic Agent instead of the Syringe for 2 heals n a minuscule 5second window for a perfectly timed free hit. Either way, keep in mind the Styptic and Syringe will make you lose your med kit…
Also, make sure not to run too early from the heals if your ‘Run’ and ‘Secondary Action’ buttons are the same, or the Syringe/Styptic will deplete the med kit prematurely.
Control button assignments can be customized in settings.
All just fyi, Incase you didn’t kno any of this.
Happy Healings✌🏽
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assuming you don't hit any great skill checks, you'll need the gel dressings add on and any other charge add on, and you need to not run botany since it reduces item efficiency.
edit: sorry just read the replies. no idea then, i personally haven't come across such an issue.