Gen Speed



  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 944

    Most games are ok but corrupt-deadlock never leave my build, sometimes with more slowdown stacked on top like pain res-jolt... it's a bit boring but I have enough time to play at least

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    Oh their stats show everything. Even longer queues for one side. That was the whole point behind 6.1.0.

  • CorvusCorax86
    CorvusCorax86 Member Posts: 1,072

    Not really, to be honest. In SoloQ it is a struggle as BNP is not as efficient and some coop perks that were meta with gen speed enhancement are not that good right now.

    The matches I play as a killer have a lot of survivors with MFT. The associated perks are all towards increasing the duration of chases. Nothing really to affect gen speed. If they manage to reach endgame that's definitely a team win due to Adrenaline and Hope.

    I'm having fun with my clown as his potions make everybody hindered so MFT is almost useless.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    The irony here is that Pig, when played correctly, has the best innate slowdown of any killer, and doesn't need slowdown perks at all.

  • Seraphor
    Seraphor Member Posts: 9,436

    I often run an entire build based around Renewal (We'll Make It, Empathy, Botany Knowledge + 40 charge medkit just for other survivors), and I've escaped multiple times either being the first hooked, not managing to get a full heal before I go down, or just going against a Plague.

    While it IS largely down to luck of the draw, it's entirely possible to win as survivor with zero perks, simply because survivor perks are so much less impactful than killer perks. They have to be, there's 16 of them in every game.

  • Ayodam
    Ayodam Member Posts: 3,322
  • HexHerbz
    HexHerbz Member Posts: 40

    Then they get crushed by a nurse then she needs a nerf lol

  • HexHerbz
    HexHerbz Member Posts: 40

    That's completely fine, I will send a clip when I jump on dbd. I just don't understand why you think its like impossible to win without perks on survivor lol

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    No that's the issue...

    Why are you blaming Killer's for their perk choices???

    Gen Times and Gen Speeds are two sides of the same coin

    If a 90 charge Gen can be completed in 45 seconds... is it Gen Times or is it Gen Speed

    If a 80 charge Gen can be completed in 40 seconds... is it Gen Times or is it Gen Speed

  • 00berdisc
    00berdisc Member Posts: 96

    I barely scape as a solo so no

  • HexHerbz
    HexHerbz Member Posts: 40

    I play both roles equally. I'm entitled to have an opinion regarding both roles.

  • bornagain234
    bornagain234 Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 336
    edited September 2023

    Im struggling to even do my daily, this games gen speeds are out of control. I am starting to genuinely hate this game.

  • Phantom_
    Phantom_ Member Posts: 1,408

    Killer and survivor mmr are vastly different from one another though. You have a lot of control over your games as killer, whereas as a survivor you're dependent on three others, be it 3 randoms or not. So while survivor might seem ez mode, that's certainly not the case in soloq or always the case regardless of who you're playing it with.

    However, it is very true that survivors are wasting a heck of a lot less time on doing any other side objectives but doing the gens, which makes them pop a lot faster than before. So in a sense, it seems like gens are going faster, but in actuality, they're not. It's just if you chase the wrong survivor and you don't have any strats or perks to fall back on, in case u want a 4k, then you have a problem.

  • Halloulle
    Halloulle Member Posts: 1,385

    Tbh, the current state is easily summarised with "the fun is optimised out of the game".

    As a killer with meme builds / a killer who is decent but doesn't sweat you'll run into survivors who have learned that bringing anything other than the strongest stuff and being hyper efficient on gens is the bare minimum.

    As a chill survivor who is decent but doesn't sweat you'll run into killers who have learned that bringing anything but the best add-ons and significant slowdown / pocket pressure (aka things that, on the killer you chose, provides you with reliable, quick downs one way or the other) is the bare minimum.

    That killer and that survivor will always be on the losing side.

    I'm going out on a limb here but by the sounds of it you haven't played survivor a whole lot in quite some while, so you're probably not at that point atm as survivor (MMR decay is a thing and it's actually quite fast). On killer on the other hand you seem to be exactly in that hell atm.

  • HexHerbz
    HexHerbz Member Posts: 40

    I've played solo Q for 5 years, only recently I'll jump on with others. Everyone has rubbish games, its all part of the multiplayer experience. Everyone that plays dbd has better games than bad, otherwise they wouldn't be playing. Everything that's come to the game via updates since I've been playing are not problematic and made the game worse imo. Sorry I properly could count on one hand that's been decent, I'm not talking about new survivors or killers btw. For example old Iri head, was that problematic? how many times did one person actually face that in 1 day ? same with camping and tunnelling, if someone says I've been tunnelled 10 games in a row, I'm sorry without proof I'm just gonna call it a lie. If you get camped or tunnelled once in 10 games. It's not problematic, even once in 5 games. People just want everything for free and they get that with dbd, nobody likes a challenge.

    With killer I would like to play whatever build I would like, Most of the time its not possible. Win or lose with survivor or killer I just move on to the next game. Well maybe not killer as I've been playing survivor a lot more recently. I will wait for the new update to come out to decide if I'm becoming a survivor main completely. Its a no brainer especially with all the basekit stuff survivors get now

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    Yea fair enough....

    I get it now... but I hate to say it but Survivors have the same issue

    But anyway... Yes using 4 slowdowns is bad enough

    And running a generalized build (on both sides) should be the way the game goes (but we'll see)

  • Majin151
    Majin151 Member Posts: 1,270
    edited October 2023

    As someone who plays both I seriously doubt that heck the most I've gotten normally is 13k bp the only time i get 20k+ is by doing gens and cleansing dull totems with a bp offering

  • CLHL
    CLHL Member Posts: 233

    The current gen regression perks are absolute garbage. I invite everyone to try and play ten games with regression perks and other ten games without them... you won't notice any difference in the repair speed. You will even do way better in the second scenario by carrying perks that are useful.

    The healing nerf has nothing to do with the gen speed. Those who keep healing over and over has always been a minority. I have never used self-healing or med kits outside of challenges that required them. Finishing a generator has always been a priority over healing.

  • ArthurVeloso
    ArthurVeloso Member Posts: 248

    Genrushing seems the only counter play for certain killers and strategies that are currently happening.

  • Chiky
    Chiky Member Posts: 876

    yeah, gens get done in ~40 seconds or less, 95% of my matches a gen pops even before I get my fiest hit on a survivor

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,598

    Again it's Gen efficiency

    Survivor can put in 1.0-2.2 charges per second... then add in great skillchecks , perks, Items and addons

    Then Gen regression

    Killers spend 2 seconds (round about) to kick a Gen to start the regression process at .25 charges per second

    So Gens have 90 charges

    Survivors can do it in 45-90 seconds

    Killer can regress a 99% Gen (so 89.9 charges) in 360 seconds (round about)

    I wish someone would do a video of all of the progression V regression... that way we can all see what it all looks like (in a vacuum)

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,266

    The ability to make a 99% Gen down to 0% is already stupid by itself. Its like a Survivor losing a hook stage after not chasing them for a while.

    Even if a Gen regressed by 10% (9sec progression), where it took 36sec to do that. But think about it, survivors dont do Gen for 36sec plus 9sec extra added to the Gen. Its already in Killers' favor, Killers dont sit at a Gen to keep it regressed.

    Im up for Gen regression goes up by 3 times (0.75 charge per sec), but if only Gens have check points at 33% and 66% where it can not regressed further.

  • HexHerbz
    HexHerbz Member Posts: 40

    It depends on what you class as winning. I class pips as wins

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 507

    I'm a 4k hours killer player and i'm on the verge of quitting cause i just cant keep up with gen speeds despite running at least 1/2 slowdown perks every game. Seeing multiple strong toolboxes, Resilence, PT and Deja Vu in almost every lobby.