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Sadako condemned strat is more prevalent than ever

kermit_snacc_choke Member Posts: 303
edited September 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Bro ive had so many sadako games as a survivor just now, and everytime the sadako is running the strat of:

  • spam tp so everyone builds condemn
  • run iri tape + comb to prevent carrying a tape safely across the map as she will always know where you are

i died within the first 5 mins each match bcs she would find me and chase me, only to just tp to the nearest tv and chase me again and rinse and repeat until i was fully condemned. and i couldnt do anything cuz she would either just tunnel me out the game if i let her hook me or continue tp spam

all that was needed was to nerf ring drawing to its current state, rather than have this global condemned mechanic + make reikos watch basekit so she actually has a viable anti-loop instead of having to rely on this bs

Edit: guys its been months already since the rework ofc I know to grab a tape at the start of the match and stay out of her way. Like I said if they have iri tape and comb and occupy your time in chase, you're basically done for as they will just tunnel u down as soon as ur in chase with the tape + spam tp when u don't have a tape, basekit she's fine but this add on combination needs to gtfo

- also getting a tape in general is not easy anymore since she can spam the tp as the TV turn off time is reduced massively + other survivors getting tapes and putting them in other tvs, turning both off in the process

Post edited by kermit_snacc_choke on


  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    They don't even need add-ons to stack condem, just spam teleport and eventually you'll have mutliple people in trouble.

  • OnryosTapeRentals
    OnryosTapeRentals Member Posts: 1,275

    I'm absolutely biased, given that I'm an Onryō main, but I agree. I'm yet to be Condemn killed since 7.1.0 dropped.

  • DemonDaddy
    DemonDaddy Member Posts: 4,167

    Have never been condemned, grab a tape early and hold it, I rather risk a chase holding the tape then let her build up an instant kill.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    I feel like they should have reworked some of her stronger condemned add-ons. If she gets easier global condemned, she probably shouldn't have access to them. There's already a downside to holding a tape, as it stops you from limiting her teleports back to a hook or a gen. They shouldn't be any more of a pain to get rid of than her basekit allows.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,200

    I do think the Iri Tape + Mother's Comb combo is pretty ridiculous. But basekit she is fine, she is not difficult to counter.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    same experience. it is almost like if you know how to play survivor, you do not have trouble playing against her.

    this sounds like a classic survivor main type response towards secondary objectives. it reminds me of that discussion that I had with @Reinami at one point with secondary objectives.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,129

    If you think that previous Sadako with Reiko’s watch basekit and ring drawing nerfed would make her feel better to play, you’re sadly mistaken. The issue with Sadako has always been the tv cooldowns, not anti loop.

    Old Sadako was so weak because her tv cooldowns were too long making it hard to keep up constant Condemn pressure. Thankfully the devs noticed this and changed the numbers on her post PTB version. While the current version can be oppressive especially in solo queue, once more people get used to playing against her, it will be much more manegable.

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 9,513

    I am saying your comment about secondary objective is stereotypical complaint about secondary objectives. repetitive task that you feel forced to do.

  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,845

    Kinda in the same boat here. Sadako main who has only been Mori'd once because I got cocky about my condemned stacks and even then I recognize it was my own fault.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,749

    it's the killer's core mechanic and an iri add on was needed to access and use it properly. it's sadako for you, she isn't just a trapless trapper with passive phasing anymore.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 3,850

    Had a game recently where for some reason the Sadako was determined to condemn Mori everyone. The old "grab a tape and hold" strat meant I was fine... in fact a lot of the time I deliberately ditched my tape so that I could use my item. Amanaging condemn was fine...

    I was last survivor standng, my Kate was slugged, and the only reason I got close to condemn was she hardcore gunned for condemn stacks after knocking my tape outta my hand... I managed to grab a tape from a TV to stop it with one TP left to go... and as she got close, I hopped in a locker... I literally sat there for for like 45 seconds with her staring at me, before don't a fast hop and back in again.... eventually another minute later she grabbed me out, let me wiggle free and tried to hit me again, but I made it to another locker...

    I had fun with it, and I was really trying to think why she was so determined to mori me... trying to think if there was an achievement or a challenge that required it that I was robbing her of (I'd give it up in this case), but I'm not aware of any... but the point was it prevented me from being mori'd, so you've got another layer if you really need it.

    As long as you don't keep W-ing to other TVs, which are at gens, I'm not sure how anyone really lets Condemn gets to high degrees... I still would like the global condemn nerfed to 0.5 stacks and have the old 16m condemn give 0.5 of a stack that goes through tapes. High level Sadako gains some pressure, brain dead Sadako loses some pressure.

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 1,026

    I've fought against Sadako about 10 times, but I've only been killed by a curse once.

    She knew her countermeasures in advance, but by getting the video 30 seconds after the start and making sure she didn't get hit easily, she was able to win the first match by a landslide.

    On the other hand, many people who feel this is a threat are probably creating situations where they cannot escape because they lack map knowledge and their preliminary movements are too slow.

    In particular, preliminary movements are an important element that separates beginners from intermediate and advanced players.

    Too many survivors are indifferent to this.

  • not_requested49
    not_requested49 Member Posts: 1,979

    More of a fun thing, some would rather be actual killers than be hookers and do not want to hook so try to kill in other ways

    It's like the rancor game afoot strat or iri tombstone Myers outside of the achievement