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Do you think an anti tunnel system is coming in the next year or two?



  • Chordyceps
    Chordyceps Member Posts: 1,691

    I'm going to be honest, outside the basekit BT we have rn, I dont't think an anti-tunneling system is ever happening.

  • CatnipLove
    CatnipLove Member Posts: 1,006

    Couldn't we just have systems that limit camping and tunneling early game? It doesn't really feel like an issue mid-to-late game. Having something for early game just gives survivors a chance to participate in the match without getting singled out and removed early on.

  • BugReporterOnly
    BugReporterOnly Member Posts: 336

    They need to make it so they can't tunnel off hook but if they tunnel the same person let's say after finding then after 30 seconds of being unhooked then it should be fair game.

  • Bran
    Bran Member Posts: 2,087

    Yessir. Loops, pallets, windows. That's the mechanic. Buffing something like that and killers are not going to have fun

  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 971

    I believe it will be implemented in the not too distant future.

    That's the outlook that is temporarily turning me away from this game.

    With the implementation of many perks and the removal of hook grabs, rescuing camped on-hook survivors has become a tedious task that can be reliably performed by one person. But they are not using it effectively.

    On the other hand, rather than lecture to ignorant survivors, BHVR attempts to improve by taking measures that do not consider the disadvantages of the murderer.

    In my country, survivors make fun of this, saying that they can't ride a bicycle without training wheels and that most people fall over even if they ride it, but in any case, BHVR is afraid of the risk of losing revenue, so they prevent survivors from boycotting it. I'll do anything for it.

    I've been playing as a survivor for 3000 hours, and since then I've been playing as a killer for 2000 hours, but even from that perspective, the killer continues to be fooled with minimal buffs, and the slow poison progresses indirectly. It continues to receive nerfs.

    However, the old environment was terrible due to issues before balance, so compared to that, it's not an environment where you can't play games.

    However, the first half of the years was essentially a PTB, so I have no desire to approve of the current environment based on that.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 294
    edited September 2023

    The level of overreaction from killer OTPs to this thread is honestly embarrassing.

    If you watch killer streamers, they don't need tunneling to win the vast majority of their games. In fact, most of them explicitly choose to not tunnel, because it's a stupid cheese strat that everyone knows works disproportionately well against solos and actively contributes to shrinking the playerbase.

    Tunneling the weak link doesn't even teach you how to play properly, because it'll make you drop a lot of chases and instead of practicing vs. the good players of your lobby you'll just learn how to beat the weakest one as fast as possible. In contrast, killers who don't tunnel will practice 12 chases per game against all kinds of players and get much better at the game than you. I guess it's satisfying to get free wins at first but it'll raise your MMR to oblivion, then you'll complain about SWFs because suddenly you're facing 4 good players and can't win a single chase and they bodyblock to prevent you from tunneling.

    I don't know a single top player who opposes against the DS duration nerf being at least partially reverted, killer or survivor. It's only on these forums that you see people defend tunneling or claim nonsense like "BHVR already nerfed tunneling with basekit BT" (guess what genius, the same update that gave basekit BT, nerfed DS, so it's a straight buff to tunneling because before you could have BT + DS, and now you only have BT).

    And yes, it is needed against competitive players, but you are not facing those say more than 1/10 matches.

  • Emoba
    Emoba Member, Alpha Surveyor Posts: 514

    There's nothing inherently wrong with tunneling. Use OTR/DS and never take it off if it bothers you that much.

  • appleas
    appleas Member Posts: 1,009

    You come from the perspective that casual solos needs to be brought up so that they will continue to play the game, but what about casual Killers that play the game? They definitely won’t play like the killer streamers you watch.

    If they come to the forums asking for changes, what’s your reply going to be to them? Get good? Learn to play? What’s stopping them from quitting DBD or switching to Survivor? Every 4 Survivors needs one Killer to start the game. Do you have confidence that casual players will continue to play Killer if they start having harder and stressful matches?

    As for the more experienced Killers who are supposed to be matching with the experienced 4man swf and comp players, what happens when they stop playing Killer too? The game grabs the next best thing aka the casual Killers who take a beating. Sure they may only appear 1 out of 10 games, but someone needs to fill the roster when they do play, but are there enough Killers who can and want to play against them?

  • Devil_hit11
    Devil_hit11 Member Posts: 6,645

    survivors has one of best anti-tunnel perks in the game currently. it is called MFT and it gets a lot of complaints because of how effective it is. I am fine playing against chase-type perks but decisive strike actively punishes killer for playing the game efficiently. OTR is not far from being an oppressive anti-tunnel perk. It just needs one change reverted which is endurance stacking to come back and DH to be reverted then you will have plenty of second chances that also punish the killer passively for playing the game.

  • OtakaChan
    OtakaChan Member Posts: 181
    edited September 2023

    I would love an anti tunnel system, because some people love to make others mad. They post on here very proud and boastful about making people's games miserable because they can force a win by tunneling out at the start of the game. Happened to me yesterday. Played vs a skull merchant game and literally had 2k points by the end of it. Tunneled me after a Feng ran into me and then it all went downhill from there. She even face camped, all three stages of my hook. My game lasted not even 5 minutes. But hey what can I do? Literally nothing. Anti-camping won't be effective unless we can combat tunneling. Especially if 5 gens are still on the board. I still think we need different lobbies. Streamers or content creators and their folks get their own lobby pool and we as solo Q or just average players get our own lobbies. Because I have too many times where I have at least 1 to 3 TTV folks in my lobbies and good grief it can be frustrating. It's either the killer and one survivor, 2 survivors, and the killer, or it's a 3 man SWF with one being TTV. And trust me I've wasted 15 mins before dodging lobbies, it's very annoying and time-consuming. But in my honest opinion, the game state will stay somewhat the same. Nothing we do will affect SWF. We will still get obliterated in solo queue and at the end of it all the game will most likely keep progressing towards the degradation of solo players. In the end, the solo queue roster may end up having to find something else to do because it will become too frustrating to deal with the monotonous broken builds and just dying in 3 minutes a good majority of the time. I have also noticed a new trend of playing hot potato with the killer where other survivors will intentionally run into you to get the killer off of them. I'm guessing this is the only way others like to play throw the hot potato at someone else's face and hide the rest of the match lol. No clue. I am trying to enjoy the game while I can. But I don't grind like I used to. It was much more chill years ago, and today it's a sweat-fest where you have to go all out to win anything. Might have to go back to PS2 and the good old games from back in the day because this new generation of games is stressful, life is already enough lol.

    Post edited by EQWashu on
  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 476
  • ChaosWam
    ChaosWam Member Posts: 1,114

    The only fair compromise to this would be to make the unhooked survivor unable to heal/progress gens/unhook others for their BT phase while being unable to bodyblock or be hit during those 10 seconds or so.

    Anything else would be used as a new weapon against killer. And even then I'm sure SWF would find a way to weaponize that.

  • biggybiggybiggens
    biggybiggybiggens Member Posts: 646

    No. They won't pull the trigger when people in this community complain as much as they do. That 'new mechanic' was just some test to see if it would be accepted. BHVR hasn't gotten DBD out of its comfort zone since they added the EGC. I don't see them actually putting something like that in the LIVE game anytime soon.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 294

    First of all most casual killer players don't tunnel, and they would barely care if DS duration was reverted to 5 sec. As for the ones who do, they wouldn't be matched against sweats in the first place if they weren't tunneling.

    You're forgetting that this game has MMR. You're saying that beginner killers will get frustrated when they lose against better players, and so they need tunneling to be able to stand a chance, but this is the completely wrong approach. If you face better players then you should lose, and that will likely happen 50% of the time, so be prepared for it and if you get frustrated by this then the solution is to work on your nerves. But instead, you're asking for the devs to give cheese strats that enable a beginner killer player to win against a 4-man experienced SWF? This is completely breaking the game, and you're not even fixing the issue, because yes you'll maybe win some games at first, but eventually it'll raise your MMR even more, without teaching you how to play the game, so you end up playing against even sweatier players, until ultimately you lose and we get back to point A.

    So yes, beginner players getting their ass slapped by sweaty SWFs is an issue, but this is what happens in every multiplayer game, there's no magic solution to fix it. Tunneling not only is NOT the solution for this, but it only makes the problem worse, because it allows bad players to artificially inflate their MMR just because they decided to tunnel. So MMR is even more broken and unbalanced matches happen even more often.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 527
    edited September 2023

    Why would you say that tunneling "artificially inflates mmr"? By the same logic, spreading hooks artificially deflates mmr. Though I'd rather say both happens naturally, placing every player to the mmr-range based on their efficiency and the tactics they employ.

  • Saiph
    Saiph Member Posts: 294

    It is well known that a player who decides to tunnel will get more kills on average than someone who spreads hooks, so by definition of DBD's MMR (kill + mmr, escape - mmr), then deciding to tunnel artificially inflates MMR and deciding to spread hooks artificially deflates it, yes.

    The point of this statement, is that EVERYBODY loses from tunneling. The survivors hate when the killer does it, and the killer who does it will eventually get placed to a much higher MMR than they belong to, leading to even more frustrating matches where they can't win EVEN with tunneling. A good example is this thread [Impossible to win at high MMR without tunneling] where someone thinks that they are "high MMR" and can't win any of their matches even with tunneling, and Peanits replied exactly what I'm telling you.

    Tunneling gives you easy wins at first, but extremely frustrating matches in the long run. In particular, saying beginner players should tunnel against sweaty SWFs is totally counterproductive advice.

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 527

    Right. I definitely don't advise using strong tools and tactics to rookie killers for this very reason.

    On the other hand.. until so many rumors and superstitions surround Matchmaking, it doesn't matter much. Most players will reach for powerful tools like high-tier killers, meta perks and competitive strategies much earlier than they are ready for the teams that these choices will get them to face. As we can't link the above great comment to everyone, we might as well let them learn this the hard way.

    Though I personally enjoy facing teams who can counter tunneling. I assume they also enjoy it - at least when it works. I'm sure they'd find less enjoyment in doing gens and leaving in a few minutes while I'm trying to spread hooks.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,930

    Give killers the old BBQ style Blood points bonus, but only increase the counter so long as all 4 survivors are alive.

    Also, while all 4 survivors are alive and kicking some anti-proof-thyself is in effect, reducing efficiency massively when survivors are splitting up, but this effect goes away as soon as one survivor dies.

    For each dead survivor, the others get a Sole Survivor light-style genspeed repair bonus.

    So a killer who rushes the first kill via tunneling will get only +25% BP and allows the survivors to effectively gen rush, while spreading out hooks over multiple survivors gives more BP and ensures that get can't be gen rushed efficiently, leading to hopefully more fun games with survivors bunching up at gens in order to repair them one at a time, while killers chase one survivor at a time.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 4,930

    About a week or two ago I posted a pic of my last games post game chat. Due to a double backfil (me into the survivor team and the killer who lobby dodged) I with my 2300h was matched with a killer with 20h. I didn't know until after the match, but dayum ...

  • Rivyn
    Rivyn Member Posts: 3,005

    No. Killer is handicapped enough, don't you think?