What Is Going On At BHVR?

How come we are getting so many map reworks for maps that just recently came out?
Maps are suppose to be RELEASED in a good state, not PATCHED a year or so after their release. Basically all of BHVR's recent maps have been reworks. RPD, Eyrie of Crows, Garden of Joy, Decimated Borgo; Why were these maps not released in a better state to begin with? Surely there are QA testers who had to have pointed out many of the flaws with this map so they didnt release so poorly.
How come the recent Killer designs have been poorly thought out?
Knight released and their power is just outright horrible, buggy, and unfun to play with and against for the general playerbase. To make matters worse, you release Skull Merchant right after, which was so bad and poorly thought out that they could hold Survivors hostage for literal hours. And, of course, the Xenomorph that has a power that is hardly telegraphed to the Survivors and is insanely difficult to counter within a chase.
Again, how do these make it past QA? How does these Killer power ideas even go through the idea phase without even realizing the fundamental flaws with them to begin with?
Oh yea, and monetization has gotten worse; so not only is the game in shambles but BHVR is finding ways to pull more money for producing worse content.
Pay to Win has gotten significantly worse over the years since the Shrine of Secret provides no practical way for people to keep up with. The only way to actually get half of the licensed perks in the game is just to outright buy the DLC because some perks straight up have never appeared in the Shrine of Secrets at all... and you put this in your backlog and never really talk about fixing it.
What about throwing in cosmetics that most people dont care about just to inflate DLC prices?
You did it with the Nicolas Cage chapter, and the Alien chapter. To make matters worse, if people just bought that characters with Auric Cells they would still be paying more than the original price of the chapter, you are basically forcing your consumers, who are forced to buy the DLCs to keep up with everything (because as I said, the Shrine of Secrets is horrible) to pay more than they should compared to previous pricing.
Deep Rift is honestly just stupid. I was originally excited for the Deep Rift when it came out but it made the Rift, something that is already a slog to get through, so much worse. I can hardly keep up with the Rift as it is because I have to deal with college, and the Deep Rift has made that issue so much worse.
And, of course, the cosmetics are exclusive, so if you miss out, you are SOOL. And of course, the Rift itself was already used to inflate your playercount, so expanding the Rift will just inflate it more.
FOMO being used to inflate sales?
Event cosmetics are going to leave rotation after the events are over. Which is pretty bad since people will feel more inclined to purchase cosmetics before they leave since they do not want to risk them potentially never returning or having to wait a year.
To make matters worse, events are rather short. Meaning that the 3 weeks needed for Auric Cell only cosmetics to be purchasable for Iridescent Shards will never happen, and sometimes BHVR will end events right before the cut off point just to not give players the opporunity to obtain them for free.
Probably the worst PR thing BHVR has done...
I already made a thread about it, so I wont jump too much into it. But BHVR said they wont release P100 cosmetics because of FOMO... yet they use it to inflate their playercount and sales.
What is the point of the Killswitch if you never use it half the time?
There can be gamebreaking bugs/glitches in the game and your ability to respond to the issues is often slow and half the time things SHOULD be Killswitched but never are; obviously it isnt that you are taking sides, but moreso your reluctance to use the Killswitch has really negatively impacted the game and the community as a whole.
Ghostface was unplayable with certain cosmetics and you outright couldnt stalk Survivors but you never Killswitched the outfits.
Merciless Storm was broken and reset entire Generators in less than seconds but it was never Killswitched after it was "patched" (it wasnt actually patched) and made matches outright unwinnable.
Or how about the really late response to the Wesker bug that made them invisible, or the late response to the Flashlight-Locker bug that NEVER ACTUALLY FIXED THE ISSUE (since Flashlights could still be obtained through Chests).
Im saying all of this from a place of concern!
You guys have made questionable decisions in the past, mainly because the game was newer and you guys were not as experienced, but it is 2023 and the game feels like it is rapidly going downhill and making worse balanced decisions than anything in the past few years or so.
Im not saying the game is dying, but there are definitely a lot of issues that NEED to be addressed that just get neglected.
You have a lot. And I feel so much is valid, and if only someone its aimed at would address it with action.
But, anyways...
" And, of course, the Xenomorph that has a power that is hardly telegraphed to the Survivors and is insanely difficult to counter within a chase."
I tested this a lot, headphones on, turned off. Just visual cues. You can dodge it.
Its also a mess over short walls atm. I get that its new and survivors haven't discorded around the exact button combo to counter it widely, but its there, and although it varies based on distance and obstruction, they'll get it done.
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I never said it was impossible, I said it was insanely difficult, and often relies on some level of prediction since your average player cannot react in time to actually dodge it.
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And I wasn't trying to take away from all your concerns by commenting in your thread.
But I wanted to point out. Average people can. And they will do so at a greater rate in just a short time.
It was a detail touched on to counter a misconception I had to personally waste a lot of time confirming due to forum folks claiming it was uncounterable.
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In my experience, its pretty easy to crouch before it hits you.
The sound que is pretty loud since hes right next to you, and crouching makes you unhittible on some short walls, car for example.
If the killer is lagging, then sometimes its undodgeable, but its not impossible to dodge left-right either before it hits without much lag.
About the topic, I feel eveything you said is legitimate, I also think BHVR may remove it.
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All are valid questions that honestly may not ever get an answer to because bhvr just wants money at the end of day over miniscule work.
My personal beef is them giving feng event exclusive skins that are limited time in every major event this year. Lunar, anniversary and soon Halloween. Its honestly so sad to see the favoritism when it comes to skins....but expected and wont change at all
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How come the recent Killer designs have been poorly thought out?
If you don't like the Knight, the Skull Merchant, and the Xenomorph, I don't know who you would like (surprised you left off the Singularity). Knight seems fine since the end of Overbrine, Alien is a good killer, Skull Merchant is a mess.
Pay to Win has gotten significantly worse over the years since the Shrine of Secret provides no practical way for people to keep up with. The only way to actually get half of the licensed perks in the game is just to outright buy the DLC because some perks straight up have never appeared in the Shrine of Secrets at all
As far as live services games go, the amount you are expected to spend is very small. The in game currency covers a lot of the releases, and you can easily play the game without ever purchasing a DLC.
I can hardly keep up with the Rift as it is because I have to deal with college, and the Deep Rift has made that issue so much worse.
Then don't even worry about it. The rift gives something else for people to play towards.
Since it feels more and more like the company cares more about profit than their own playerbase.
They are a company, their goal is to make a profit. If you don't think you're getting value for what you are spending, don't spend the money.
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Wasnt that the same update where Feng Min got a Twitch Prime skin AND a Rift skin on top of already getting the event skin?
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Yeah seasonal skins are kind of stupid at least for survivors because you can see your own survivor the entire game. I would get season skins because of an FPS where you rarely see your own player model in game.
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Dodging Xeno's tail is like dodging a Nurse out in the open. The only way its happening is if they make a mistake of attempting to make a read to get a hit when there's nothing stopping them from doing it on reaction.
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The tail attack is near the range of the M1 lunge. I saw little need to test it when an M1 would do just as well.
In short, if a tail can hit you in the open between obstacles, you were fractions of a second from an M1 hit. I suspect the tail is easier to dodge, in this situation because it has a sound que, and you don't have to look back to see the animation start to move out of the way.
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Amazon prime but yup. And in october she will be the star of the next tome. So 3 skins total for 1 month....once again
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It will never change. Ur right. I knew that the moment they chosen yun jin, another female survivor in the design community comtest...the 5th time in a row.
Oh well. Being a female main survivor is expensive anyways. At least i can personally save more money so i feel bad for the others in a way. But more power to them i suppose.
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The range here is not the problem, its the animation and the sound cue only playing when you have 400ms at the latest to dodge it. First of all you cant move your character enough to dodge it, if they whiffed they simply missed. Second of all this isnt even accounting for latency, which we all know also plays a big part
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Live from the inside of BHVR
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I agree with all points in the original post and will continue to do so. You clearly have their attention with this post. Now is the time for positive change and I think the players have the power to make it happen.
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In the arms of the angel
Fly away from here
From this dark cold hotel room
And the endlessness that you fear
You are pulled from the wreckage
Of your silent reverie
You're in the arms of the angel
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No feng has been discriminated not having any christmas skin hopefully it changes.
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Banned for speaking the truth? What a shame.
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I wouldn't really call this streak OP has been on the past few days 'the truth'. Wouldn't be sure that that's what he was banned for either.
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Asking those 'real deal' questions will get you silenced in the blink of an eye. Gotta learn the BHVR lingo.. Here, the devs have a nice big rug that they sweep most things under, including people that bring up obviously pressing matters that might not bother the majority. You either help the devs sweep it under the rug by ignoring it or just complain for months until you're all used up and don't care anymore. They only change things when they see people in the thousands complaining simultaneously. Just give up and go play Civ V.
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I will never understand why people scrutinize FOMO marketing tactics.
It is a company's responsibility to draw as much sales as possible, and it is the consumer's responsibility to manage their own finances.
No one is forcing you to buy any of the cosmetics BHVR sells. If you can't afford it, you shouldn't be buying it. If you shouldn't be buying it, learn to cope with the reality that you don't need to own everything, and your quality of life is in no way, shape, or form, improved by attempting to.
If you want to financially support BHVR for making DBD, that is great--they are giving you a plethora of ways to do so. But if your wallet is struggling to keep up with the demand, either restructure your financial budget for reassess your priorities.
Until consumers take responsibility for their own actions, FOMO marketing will continue to dominate social and e-commerce. If you think it's bad now, you are in for a rude awakening when AI takes the marketing world by storm.
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You can dodge the tail in the open.
I went and we did this to confirm. It just works. The hit box seems larger toward the base of the attack, so if close to the source you might not be able to dodge at all, but at the range were talking about, a normally player will just use M1.
I would not use the tail this way, because it is in M1 range, and that can be used instead.
The tail works best over walls, vaults and so on...
And you can defiantly dodge those by hitting duck.
OFC latency is a thing. Its possible people might play against one they can not dodge due to it.
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I'm surprised that after such disastrous DLCs like the last ones there didn't have massive layoffs. This game needs a new direction, because the current one is failing in all its aspects.
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Let me ask you this
Assuming its the number 1 player of each of these killers, can you dodge Nemesis' Tentacle, Huntress' Hatchet, or Slingers Harpoon?
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I don't understand what these have to do with the topic.
I don't understand what these have to do with the topic.
Two are ranged attacks, one of which can hit you twice across the map fractions of a second apart.
That is not related to how the Xenomorph works. Maybe with Nemesis, we have a relationship.
Yes from what I've seen and from quick feedback via quizzing the locals on the topic under similar setups you can dodge these, except huntress, because of her hatchet hitbox and this is all range dependent.
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Because other than Huntress, these killers all have fast wind up times and hit speed which makes them practically impossible to dodge. The reason why we think were able to is because each of these killers have obvious sound cues and animations, but realistically as a Survivor you didnt dodge it because youre good, you dodged it because they simply missed. Think of it like one of those ticket arcade machines where you have to time it just right to hit the jackpot, how ever no matter how good your timing is, the game is rigged.
So why is Xeno complained about more than the others despite actually having the slowest hitspeed out of the 3 killers mentioned before (Nemesis at roughly 333ms, Huntress at roughly 190ms or 120ms with a fully charged hatchet without any add ons, and finally Slinger at also 120ms) at 400ms.
Put yourself in this situation, all of these killers already have their powers wound up, and you are told to dodge it at what is basically point blank range. Its basically impossible right? Well so is Xenomorph, but as said before, he technically is the slowest so why is he complained about the most? Its simple, a lack of feedback for Survivors. To them, him simply being in Crawler Mode is the equivalent of a Huntress already with a hatchet up, Nemesis with his tentacle up, or Slinger adsing. Instead of being given the illusion that its possible to dodge like the others with obvious sound and visual cues, you are given basically nothing.
A perfect example of a killer having their complaints completely die down after just giving Survivors feedback is Spirit. She was probably the most complained about killer for years, and eventually they changed her to not only tell when shes phasing, but also made it directional. Now was this change a nerf? Without a doubt yes, how ever it didn't change her spot on the tierlist because at the end of the day she still has more information on you than you do on her, while moving at a much faster speed. She didnt change in viability, but how frustrating she is to go against went down drastically. Without giving the same explanation, the same can be said with Slinger when they increased his ADS time from 250ms to 400ms.
So what could we do with Xeno to make him less frustrating? Increase his wind up speed, but decrease his hit speed. That way he becomes much less frustrating to play against but retains his viability.
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The tail can be dodged. I recorded a lot of it being dodged. I just kept swinging and the player kept dodging. That is what happened.
You don't agree. However, I can not change the events I participated in. Nothing said will undo the tail being dodged. Across a car, easy dodge. Smash the duck button. Down the Midwich hall, a little harder, have to pick right or left.
I have no suggestions for any changes to the Xenomorph.
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You can dodge it. I know this because I worked on dodging it.
Anyways, I understood your point from what you wrote in the previous post. Your writing was perfectly clear. However, Scott Jund stating the same thing in a more autistic fashion does not change what I participated in.
I think, we are just going to disagree on this topic. Weather we define dodge differently, make different assumptions about intelligent tail use, or hold different media figures in mind as authorities on the topic, doesn't much matter, because we disagree on too many points to even found a discussion on the topic.
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I mean you can dodge it on prediction, that I can agree on. How ever there are very rare cases where such is required on Xeno's end.
The Scott thing was simply to showcase footage of somebody dodging it just like you said, it just wasnt on reaction.
I mainly hold this opinion because of another game that I play, being For Honor of which I have over 2k hours, (DbD I have over 6k hours). It being a heavily reaction based game has taught me a thing or 2 about 'reacting' and 'reading'.
Some things can be a read which then leads to a reaction, which is precisely what Xeno is. If you turn a corner and Xeno has to ready his tail before he turns the corner to get a last second hit, you can read that he's going to go for it, and then react to him turning the corner. At the end of the day how ever, thats still a prediction, one of which is heavily in Xeno's favor and doesnt feel good at all on the Survivor end.
Spirit and Slinger as mentioned before are 2 killers who were in the same boat as Xeno and were able to come out just fine. No reason to believe the same cant be said for Xeno
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Changing the relationship(timing) between his strike and coil up would make survivors feel like they have more agency over the outcome?
Maybe? Sure... if they want to experiment with those elements of the ability, I don't have a tested reason to complain.
The issues I do have with the special have very little application to its use in an open field.
Also, I've been warned about arguing about changes based on historical performance of such changes. So I simply can not approach the topic.