So BHVR will it ever happen?

Will you ever open your eyes and see that GEN RUSH is a damn problem and fix the gen times or will you still be closing the eyes before the real problem of the game. just put 100s or 110s on gen time in the ptb that is going rn so ppl can test it and then if it's succesfull (not by baby entitled survs) you put it in the game next patch if not put it like 90s or 95s. at least. Put the windows to be vaulted twice before entity blocks them (T into L walls will get bareble, as infinites), survivors will actually need to be good to escape not just gen rush and bye bye. Just please put longer gen timer and the window change into the ptb rn cuz it's still a lot of time to test it.



  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    Will you ever open your eyes to the real problem of DBD that is GEN RUSH or will you never open your eyes? Now is the perfect time to test the change of additional 20-30s of the gen times, because the ptb is live for next 5 days. Just implement these changes into the ptb and see how players react to it and how gatekeeper emblem has changed (rn it's bronze or nonexsistant). Please just put this in this ptb and the timer that will be the most optional implement into the patch with The Plague chapter. Windows should also be vaulted "only" twice before entity blocks them since there's sooooo many places where even 4 windows are in a small place so you can loop the killer forever if you don't fudge up. Just at least test this changes in this ptb that is live rn.

  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    he is entitled survivor main who thins he just must escape every single game, but if he's the 1st one downed i bet he dc's

  • Rex_Huin
    Rex_Huin Member Posts: 1,208

    I think they might as well get rid of the tall spotlights that give away the generator positions - would at least make them a bit harder to find.

    Wont make much difference but it something.

  • Bravo0413
    Bravo0413 Member Posts: 3,647

    You should by now that unless you play and are good with at least one of the killers that are more skill based (nurse, Billy, spirit etc....) that you dont have any control of the gen pace ...... like what?.... a leatherface has no map pressure... same with wraith, freddy etc. .. I dont understand how long it will for everyone to understand that the pace of the game is decided by the survivors unless you play a killer that can take control away from the survivors...

  • TheRealDweard
    TheRealDweard Member Posts: 148
    edited March 2019

    For real there already is a thread for this topic.

  • Warlock_2020
    Warlock_2020 Member Posts: 1,867

    I don't find gen rush to be a big deal all the time. Even with Trapper. I keep pressure on 4-5 gens and that usually does it. The SWF hit squad can alter that greatly, but those are not overly common.

  • Mister_xD
    Mister_xD Member Posts: 7,669

    the devs are currently working on a secondary objective for the survivors, in order to stall the game out.

    the last two events (Hallowed Blight and Moonrise) both introduced said secondary objectives, as the devs were testing out how they would affect the game, in order to be able to create something interesting to add to the main game.

    also, yes. there are already millions of posts that ask for the exact same thing...

  • Chaotic_Riddle
    Chaotic_Riddle Member Posts: 1,953

    @mister_xD No, no, like...This is the SAME post by the same guy. It was posted twice.

  • TheBean
    TheBean Member Posts: 2,320
    edited March 2019

    They did open their eyes though.. Don't you see it?.... They aren't looking though, through your eyes.

    They are changing the emblem system to penalize players for being to efficient. Only in the high ranks, since this is really where the gen rush hurts the most.

    Killers kill to fast, they depip.

    Survivors gen rush and don't interact with the killer, they all depip.

    Which is great now, cause you can take in a slow or non meta killer and the survivors are forced to give you hooks and chases or they lose pips. So you can now take the hag and do circles in the map.. and make the survivors eventually come to you or they lose.

  • Jono
    Jono Member Posts: 2

    Gen rush isn't a problem at all, stop making excuses for not applying pressure in matches, learn to micro manage survivors and gens, killers have been giving so many tools to slow the game even more but still cry, why?, you say in a post you need a skill based killer but you really don't, you clearly ain't putting pressure out, is the chase too long? can you spot someone else to injure them? learn to micro manage, it is your greatest tool, gen times do not need touching

  • artist
    artist Member Posts: 1,519

    entity block after 2 vaults? really? don't chase to infinites (should fix them) and learn how to run structures.

  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    Survivor main saying gen rush is not a problem hahaha. you're funny

  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    u can do whatever you want but if survivor is good enough nothing will help you when u will get looped for 3 mins on L into T walls. it's not difficult to loop them for long time

  • Unknown
    edited March 2019
    This content has been removed.
  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    i have no problem in L into T walls unless there are 2 loops like that 10m away. so that's 4 windows on a 16m range. too much.

    Dude 4k is usually just incompotence of survivors who are too alturistic. i play survivor with no mither and escape in 80% of the games (so 8 out of 10 i escape) and yes i get chased by the killer for a lot of time, but if no mither can loop a killer for 5 gens i'd say this game is not balanced at all. 1 health state guy should not be able to loop you for 5 gens if the killer does everything right. he chases you in the best possible way, breaks pallets that are safe etc. I play solo and most of the games i'm out of the door in 5mins. so don't tell me gen rush is not a problem when games last for 4-6mins. this game is meant to last 10+ mins hence so many pallets and windows and 3 health states.

  • Nickeh
    Nickeh Member Posts: 282
    edited March 2019

    Could you please show us your impressive no mither runs where you loop the killer for five gens and escape in under 5 minutes?

    Also, aren't those 20% of killers doing something better than those 80% if they're killing you despite your amazing prowess?

  • xChrisx
    xChrisx Member Posts: 917

    What about start the game already hooked? Really, l2p and dont complain.

  • HavelmomDaS1
    HavelmomDaS1 Member Posts: 1,948
    edited March 2019

    Perfectly nailed both sides, nothing really to add.

    Do you think aswell that a second objective is the best way to fix that issue? Because the biggest issue is the start isn't it (unless you got lucky and down a potatoe survivor in the first 20 seconds and immediately start pressuring and building momentum)?

  • This content has been removed.
  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    then have survivors die on the 2nd hook, have less safe pallets. let it be 40% safe pallets and 60% unsafe ones. Have windows vaulted twice before entity blocks them... add another objective like putting gas into gens so they don't turn off. so survivors need to check gens they have already done regularly or they need to do 1 more gen. And what's with the hatch closing? why is that not a thing? it wouldn't be "fair" for survivors if killer demolishes the team and finds hatch 1st? he doesn't deserve 4k i guess. especially with the new emblem system. enjoy rank 1 plays survs cuz you'll be getting 1 or 2 killers all the time since there will probs be less than 10 killers in rank 1

  • SmokePotion
    SmokePotion Member Posts: 1,089
    edited March 2019

    Could use my suggestion i've been saying for a long time.

    Make survivors find parts for the gen and plug them in. Keep the same amount of gen time, but divide it into 2-3 parts they have to find.

    This will do 2 things, increase game time, and give survivors more chances to be caught out by the killer, as opposed to being found inside/near strong loops where generators tend to spawn.

  • ColgateAdvancedWhite
    ColgateAdvancedWhite Member Posts: 616

    You lobby dodge them. We get to pick our opponents.

  • rexydon
    rexydon Member Posts: 42

    But how do you balance this? If you raise the time it takes then you may slow down the gen rush (I doubt it) but then survivors would quit playing as now all a killer needs to do is camp three gens close together since it will take the survivors 2+ minutes to complete the one gen that is needed left. And any competent killer will be able to keep the three gens from getting done.

  • Larcz
    Larcz Member Posts: 531

    We got alredy 2 secondary objectives chest totems and we all know how this work.

  • Master
    Master Member Posts: 10,200

    They acknowledged the problem when people requested an reaction ro the depip squad experiment.

    They said they are aware of the balance issue, but apparently they tale their sweet time a dressing it

  • RoMainPuppy
    RoMainPuppy Member Posts: 507

    But they're not necessary second objectives. Like yeah you might cleanse dulls (and obvs cleanse hex totems if you find em) to prevent NOED but you only get boldness points that don't even count towards pipping. Or you get objective points that don't count towards pipping for chests. There's no real reason to do them.

    If it was an objective you had to do to be able to escape it'd probably slow the game down at least some.

  • Carpemortum
    Carpemortum Member Posts: 4,506

    No, they're saying if you chase one person while 3 gens get done, and dont patrol your gens, it is your fault.

    Dont spend too much time on one person. Ever.

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Carpemortum if all the survivors are good loopers then what? You still have to chase someone. Or are we supposed to hit you guys let you heal and then let you escape?

  • scerckan
    scerckan Member Posts: 149

    what are you talking about. Bhvr already came out with a 2 step solution; here...

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    Can the same be said when you’re being tunneled or camped? Gen rush isn’t easily countered if the survivors are good loopers which rank one survivors usually are.

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183
    edited March 2019

    just complain, learn to play the game is too simple now for the killers

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Lanis_ try rank one, trust me killer is harder. (I’m rank one on both sides not running perks as survivor)

  • Lanis_
    Lanis_ Member Posts: 183

    I play rank one on ps4 (nightmare for killers) and I make 3-4k every single match with any killer (except Nurse and huntress because are ######### on ps4 imho)

  • GrootDude
    GrootDude Member Posts: 14,110

    @Lanis_ nurse and huntress are definitely harder on console, this just sounds like your experience as killer though. Trust me we all have different experiences.

  • Cymer
    Cymer Member Posts: 946

    Well about gen rushing.

    Our amazing devs gave us some options.

    The new Surveillance combined with Pop goes the Weasel or Overcharge, even on it's own is strong.

    NOED is also great, it adds a secondary objective into the game. All they have to do is implement some sort of clue that a dull totem got cleansed, similar to the thunder of a lit totem. Maybe the cracking of a branch?

    So solos can keep track of the totems and it is still some skill and finesse involved. (But overall it's not your problem)

    Work on your own strategy.

    Take a killer, with whom you can end a chase fast or surprise a survivor.

    Other killer, whom interduces other objectives like RBT, Madness or the new Fountains can help you too.

    Killers with a good map presence/control are helping too.

    Hag, Spirit, Billy, Nurse.

    All killers can be played to get a win. Some are just a bit more difficult.

    If everything fails and no matter the killer or your strategy, take advantage of the gen rush and go for a lategame build with Remember Me, Rancor, NOED and something you suck at. Like BBQ to locate survivors, Blood Warden is you want to go full cheese. Tracker Perk of your gusto. Fire Up also can help.

    Often the gen timer isn't the problem. It's something you do that could be improved.

    Are you good at tracking?

    Can you end a chase/loop quick?

    Do you know what survivor you should go after?

    Can you influence the gens and the map, so that you have 3 gens near each other in the end? Combined with Surveillance these 3 gens are hard to crack.

    Take one survivor out of play ASAP! One less tips the favor of the game in your direction. That could be, killing, hooking, slugging, Mori. Whatever it takes.

    Have fun in the fog and happy killing!

  • Gorgonia
    Gorgonia Member Posts: 1,607

    If genrush is so bad, why do you look the killer for 5 gens? Give up and let him drop you. Oh wait, or is genrush only bad when you can’t win?

  • Apoch
    Apoch Member Posts: 96

    Counter to the 'Gen Rush' myth

    • Map presence

    That is all.

  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    Map presence? you can only chase 1 and most survivors still do gens whilst in TR untill you start to chase them cuz they have 12905759 safe pallets and after the update there will be even more pallets on maps which is stupid. This game was not made to be finished in 4mins it was made to be finished in like 10-15mins, hence so many safe pallets, 2 health states, 3 hooks until death... It's a shity game design since gens get done in 4mins and only a bad group of survivors can give killer 4k.

  • Aven_Fallen
    Aven_Fallen Member Posts: 16,656

    The Term "Gen Rush" is the most stupid thing tbh. I mean, what do you expect? That Survivors wait 5 minutes before they do the next Gen? I feel that the Killers should not have purple and pink Add-Ons, they are so strong, the Killers are "Kill Rushing". Please remove them.

    Sounds stupid? Same with the Term "Gen Rush". If the Objective is to do Gens and the Survivors are optimal on it, they are just doing what they should do.

    Also your ideas are not really thought through. Blocking the window two times can be good for some tricky loops, but for others... I mean, if you have a problem with T L-Wall into T L-Wall... Again, what do you expect? Rotten Fields without Corn and Structures? T L-Wall into T L-Wall is basically the easiest as it can get for the Killer, when it comes to Structures.

    Furthermore, when playing Survivor, I rarely see 4 Man Escapes and the usual Survival Rate. Also I rarely see games where Gens are done in 3 Minutes. Of course I am never in a Team with a 4 Man SWF, because this is not possible when I am also there, but still.

    So yeah, overall it sounds more like you want it Super Easy. Less Windows, less Pallets...Can be done, if Killers would have like 105% Movement Speed. But changing basic parameters of the Game like Time to complete a Generator or Window Blocking, would simply not work without also changing other parameters.

  • TheShocktor
    TheShocktor Member Posts: 134

    I dont see that gen rushing is that big of a deal. There's perks to slow the game, and different strategies to use to combat this. If you are honestly having that much trouble use a noed blood warden combo. If they're doing gens that fast I doubt they're doing totems. Maybe try a slugging strat where you down a guy, chase another, then one of the other 2 has to pick the first up. That leaves 1 guy on a generator. I do that sometimes if I need time. Don't get sucked into long chases near safe loops. Sooner or later you'll catch them out. Sometimes you might have to drop chases to pressure others off the gens. There's plenty ways to counter. Just have to figure it out.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    The team has already addressed that gen times are fast however they said they would rather fix the issue by creating mechanics to slow the game down rather than increase base gen times. The reason they don't want to simply increase the time is because holding M1/R1 for a longer period of time isn't very engaging.

    Before going on a huge rant maybe check to see if the issue has been addressed first. Could save you some time and answer your questions without making you seems like another flame on the DBD forums.

  • MegaWaffle
    MegaWaffle Member Posts: 4,172

    That can be part of the reason however its far easier for survivors to put gen pressure on a killer than it is for the killer to put that pressure on the team. This also varies based on the killer in question.

    The killer has to get hook/kills to "win" the game. To do this they have to have a chase that ultimately leads to that chased survivor getting knocked down. In that time the other teammates are (hopefully) doing gens. Yes it can be useful to break a chase from time to time to go scare players off generators but what you will find is that "gen rush" players will often forgo healing themselves to instantly rush back to their generator. For this reason you either have to try and slug people while also running back and forth to gens or risk having any broken chases result in an immediate return to a gen. With both of these cases you are not getting hooks or kills and the generators are progressing faster than you can regress them.

    Killers cannot be blamed for "gen rush" as the term can only be applied to a team who is strongly focused on generators and who will forgo their own safety to push those gens down. A killer can do their best to slow that rush down but when a team is putting pressure on you, and you can only put pressure on 1 person at a time, it becomes very difficult to deal with.

    Sure you won't see a well organized team rushing gens down in every match but when you do you can quickly see how one sided things can become.

  • RepliCant
    RepliCant Member Posts: 1,436

    The only times I have problems with Generator Rushing in when I can admit my chases were really bad - causing some serious lack in Map Pressure.

    It must be what you're experiencing.

  • MaxiferPriest
    MaxiferPriest Member Posts: 189

    How does one know the game is unbalanced? when certain killers need ultra rare and very rare add ons to even be viable. and if u use those add ons survivors rage quit so you've wasted them cuz survivors don't wanna play against "op" add ons on ######### killer.