can I have an official word from bhvr
The only answer that makes sense... BHVR HATES killers. It's a necessary evil for them. We don't buy 50 outfits and make them money so they don't care. Killer bots will pop up more so they won't need Killer mains and survivors can be happy with tbagging over easy wins because it makes them feel good.
If they cared about Killers A. They would play Killer B. They would do something about gen rushes and SWF being overpowered. If anything they would give us Shadowborn without having to add a perk to actually SEE!
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For real or just run exhaustion perks/add ons
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Yes. But it's only end game. Again: that's why I try to win before that happens.
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What do you want to say with this other than us VS them?
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I main killer as well. I very rarely slug for the 4k. I think it's boring. However, the 4k is the best possible outcome for the killer and there is nothing wrong with someone wanting to gain the extra points.
I think the flaw is the hatch that enables this. Without it, the killer would not have to slug. I'm more for a "final chase". If the survivor gets chased long enough, they get the escape. That's better for me than an anti climatic : hey I found it before you, now I tbag you until you arrive / now I have to patrol gates until the survivor shows up.
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Sure is.
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Is it? I think it depends on the situation. When i play against people who play fair, i do not slug them. But lets face it. This community is toxic by nature. So most of the time you have survivors who t-bag you at every corner and pallet, do the clicky clicks, constant gesturing/taunting and only have one goal in mind, to annoy and upset the person who is playing the killer. Why should one have sympathy for these players? Do you think it is fine to stroke their egos by letting them escape or not slug? People need to learn how to be respectful. If a survivor team is playing without t-bags and clicky and gesturing, i will not slug. If they do, what happens then is literally the consequences of their actions.
And yes MFT is a broken perk that needs a change. I am very curious what bhvr will do. Maybe a nerf to 2,999% haste instead of 3%
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It would be pretty amusing after the official statement about them “looking into MFT” and all they did was reduce the haste speed by 1%
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Mft is not fine by any stretch. It's stupidly op because, after a single hit, the survivor is now halfway across the map (tested with oni blood drops). Catching up to this ONE survivor will cost you a gen of progress, multiply by 3 because survivors happened to start separated
The obv solution is not to commit to the survivor and focus gen pressure, he heals and it's a full reset with no hooks while you're up against ANOTHER survivor with mft. I routinely see 2-3 a game
The only reason survivors aren't winning is because they 3 gen themselves, or go for twitch clips
A good change would be to make it an exhaustion perk, and give you exhaustion for the duration of the endurance effect. This now makes it a tactical choice, and gives killers who can't instant down a shot at countering it with smart perk choice
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playing well =/= being able to round the entire map multiple times with the help of an unbalanced perk (perk combo in this instance)
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Doesnt change the fact that OP did not want to build pressure, but tried to be sweaty and is now upset that it did not work out.
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I just haven’t been struggling with MFT. I’ve been doing just fine in my killer games. 🤷🏻♂️
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yes, i realized it after posting that comment. doesn't change much though, because they aren't trying to validate or justify the playstyle, they are just arguing the perks (in a combo and/or by themselves) aren't balanced.
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Knowing BHVR they are going to increase the haste by 1%
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dude I play both side just saying what I see..
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yea I want the best possible outcome as killer I know slugging sucks but I understand why they do it. also isn't slugging for the 4k just like when killer camps at endgame trying to securing 1 kill and the survivors 99% the exit gates then all 3 survivors gang up on the killer so they can get they 4 man out.
you think that fun for the killer? and it happen way to much...
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Agree 100%. I always respect killers that don't do that slug stuff for their 4k. It's like just end it already!
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Survivors at the exit gate are just as annoying as killers slugging at the end for the 4k.
It's pointless.
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I am completely in favor of a Blood Warden activation if survivors linger in the exit gate for no reason. If one of your teammates is unaccounted for and you've managed to open the gates, I get waiting and healing up to make the save. But if you have everyone safe and at exit, Blood Warden should activate for 60 seconds after say 10 seconds maybe 15 of lingering. With a very audible sound for the killer to know where to go.
You'd see survivors sprinting out the exits or at least lingering in play till all were accounted for and then sprinting out.
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that would literally be perfect. or if they stay in the exit for too long the exit will be blocked temporarily
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I'm a killer. I am playing against survivors, not with them. if I see an opportunity to slug, I will slug. if I have to camp, I will camp. if I get a 3k im not giving hatch to the last guy. I don't have to be considerate to survivors and it's not scummy when I'm not. its 4v1, why is the 1 expected to be considerate of the 4.
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survivors were never a fan of me lol
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I like Melinko idea.
my point still stands tho slugging for the 4k is just like 3 survivors ganging up on the killer trying to save the 4th off hook that after they 99% the exit gates so they can have 4 man out there no differents to that and slugging for the 4k both not fun for the other side.
but as long as survivors are able to do that when the killer has a really bad game then killer should be able to slug for the 4k when the survivors have a really bad game.
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let me ask you something when you totally stump a killer (all 4 still alive) but killer gets one of you on hook when the last gen gets done,do you and the other 2 gang up on the killer after 99% the exit gates just so you can have 4 man out?
if yes then you a hypocrisy because that and slugging for the 4k both not fun.
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I believe those two situations are different when you consider the risk involved.
When 3 survivors try an endgame save, the killer has far better options to not only secure that 1k on the hook but also snowball into a 2k/3k. NOED exists, STBFL exists, instadown power/addons exists, even without them you can still manage to down and kill a survivor when they try to save. So those 3 survivors have to take a risk in going for a save.
Compare it to the "2survivors, +1gens" situations were most of the "slugging for the 4k" usually happen, there is no perk that can make those 2 survivors recover from that situation. Even if the 3rd survivor recovers with unbreakable, they can't repair their way out unless they massively outplay the killer. So there is no risk in slugging for the 4k, no chance of survivors 'snowballing' a 2E.
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there is no risk in slugging for the 4k? you kidding the OP in this thread tells you the risks in slugging for the 4k
slugging for the 4k is never 100% just like 3 survivors try an endgame save not 100% but going for either is the same (best possible outcome) in a match.
now why can survivors try to go for best possible outcome but killers can't? both are risky but both try for the same thing the best possible outcome in the match.
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Rovend sidenote
what you said: Compare it to the "2survivors, +1gens" situations were most of the "slugging for the 4k" usually happen, there is no perk that can make those 2 survivors recover from that situation. Even if the 3rd survivor recovers with unbreakable, they can't repair their way out unless they massively outplay the killer. So there is no risk in slugging for the 4k, no chance of survivors 'snowballing' a 2E.
now Compare that to 3 healthy survivors try for the save and using perks that give them speed and endurance with 99% exit gate near and the hook survivor gets free speed and endurance and body block all the way to the exit gate
now what is the killer to do in this situation? lets say this one killer is with out an instadown power/addons
also NOED does not last long when survivors can see the aura of the totem,survivors normally will find it before making the save
killer would have to be lucky to hook them near the hex totem to get anything out of it normally if that happens all 3 survivors would leave.
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First of all, i said slugging for the 4k in the "2survivors, +1gen" has no risk, which isnt what OP said as the gens were already done.
Second, how many times do you realisticaly see a survivor run the entire nwo timer, run four times around the map, heal the teammate, run two more times and then get out?? That's why i said the "unless they massively outplay the killer" part.
You can play in whatever way you like. I am pointing out that there is far more risks in getting an endgame save than slugging for a 4k.
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what I'm saying is if there two survivors left you guys already lost but the killers wants a 4k and the hatch normally cheat killers out of it.also slugging does not always work unless you want to be a jerk and blood everyone out for less points.
now with the end game save if there are 3 healthy survivors one on hook killers going to want that 1k because it's the only thing left killer lost now if the 3 healthy survivors go for the save with all speed boosted and endurance and body blocking there good chance they all get out.
end game save 3 healthy survivors=slugging for the 4k
both are risky and not fun
but why can survivors do it but killers can't?
there not much different between the two.
I also feel that slugging all 4 survivors letting them blood out and not hooking is the same as survivors all staying at the exit gate t bagging waiting for the killer to come both are pointless.
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there literally is risk. you're risking losing all of your pressure if you choose to slug at the wrong time.
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I understand what you are saying that both situation aim for the best outcome in each side. Yet again, i still think it isnt fair to compare them both when you consider the risks.
I had hundreds upon hundreds of games were a killer camped one survivor in endgame and managed to get a 2k/3k, even a 4k. As i said before, a surprise NOED, STBFL, maybe a Blood Warden, using instadown addons and powers, hooking the survivor in a hill or the basement. Obviously, this isnt to say it's guaranteed you can always snowball into a +2k but there is a realistic chance you can pull it off.
Instead, i could count the amount of times 2 survivors managed to pull off an escape from a situation where the killer is slugging for the 4k while one gen remains with one hand.
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I do understand what your say as well but my point still stands I feel there is risk for the killer this game so random anything can happen in a match to really funny to total BS on both sides.
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This is meaningless for the disgussion. If he/hooked the survivor, the other would have easly outrun him/her for the time the other is on hook and die. So basicly a free escape or a lose lose situtation.
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Yes you dont need MFT for this, but its mutch more easy to do it, even if you arent that good of a survivor player.
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It seems there's an experimental agenda to "bring back the golden age of DbD" by adding game-breaking perk combos for a set amount of time. Although it's received such poor reception, I'm not sure why the project leads continue to plow onward with the idea anyway 🛑