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Your absolute favorite perk



  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    I love No Mither. I honestly feel at my weakest when I'm NOT running the perk for a few reasons:

    1. You are almost as stealthy as a healthy survivor, at all times. (enabling more in-chase misdirection opportunities and enhancing out-of-chase stealth)
    2. When downed, the killer has to account for you being able to pick yourself back up for free. Killers have to pick you up before you have time to recover, and by forcing their hand, you are taking away potentially game-ending options just because you have this perk.
    3. MfT and Resilience get 100% uptime while running this perk that also negates the downsides of being injured that makes it easier for the killer to actually hit you. This results in a loadout that increases your efficiency at everything in exchange for not being able to heal. In addition, MfT's endurance effect situationally covers the downside of No Mither players not being able to take protection hits. The frequency of these situations is fairly common, and honestly MfT is the only reason I feel like No Mither can be a consistently beneficial perk for you and your team. It's the "straw that healed the camel's back" in a way.
    4. All your bases covered, and you still have a perk slot left. What will you do? (answer: have fun :) )

  • D0NN1ED4RK0
    D0NN1ED4RK0 Member Posts: 803

    Try doing it on the coal tower maps with the xenomorph queen

    and also run in circles around the survivors working on gens before they spot you for the jumpscare/startle element hehehee

  • HerInfernalMajesty
    HerInfernalMajesty Member Posts: 1,516

    I’m getting too happy thinking about doing this lol 😂 Great suggestion!

  • Nemmy_Wemmy
    Nemmy_Wemmy Member Posts: 800

    What's your fourth perk to round it out? Sounds like a lot of fun tho I know if I ran it I'd get destroyed xD

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 844

    For Killer, I always run Iron Grasp. Near guarantees that there will be no escape from your evil clutches. Plus, it lets you take a swipe or two at any body blockers and sabo players on the way. I play Killer with a controller (even on PC, because I'm a console gamer at heart), so this helps me deal with the wiggling and makes getting to the hook a lot easier too.

    For Survivor, I'm finding it difficult to pick just one, so I'll choose my current favourite; DeJa Vu. Never rated it very highly before the buff, but now that it lets you see the 3 closest gens at all times, it's become invaluable to me. Now I always know where a gen is, even on the maps I find confusing like Midwich. And it always feels good to be joined by a fellow DeJa Vu enjoyer on a gen for a speedy fast gen repair. Plus, it has the added effect of attracting aura reading Survivors to the gens that they should be working on.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,177

    Out of all the perks the most helpful perk out of both sides that has secured me the most noticeable and useful benefit has to be Bond. That perk has been so immensely useful for me, even now.

  • Exerlin
    Exerlin Member Posts: 1,352

    If you want to round it out, I suggest your information perk of choice. I normally choose Bond, Blood Pact, or Inner Focus, but it's really just personal preference. I run those perks on whatever build

  • MikeStev
    MikeStev Member Posts: 384

    Of course Breakdown:

    • Disable hook for 3 minutes; imagine if it were a scourge hook.
    • Counter-camping just a little bit, trade hook, then killer is forced to bring to another hook (other survivors can help with body block or sabotage after that).
    • Wasting killer time, If you know which hooks have been destroyed by breakdown, bring the killer there.
    • And finally, 4 Survivors with Breakdown.

  • Firellius
    Firellius Member Posts: 4,291

    For killer, I think my preference goes out to Gift of Pain. As a scourge hook, it adds a little extra play, and it makes hooking people very rewarding. It feels satisfying to get a scourge hook with that, feels like it takes some of the pressure off of me.

    For survivor, it'd probably be Fixated/Self-aware. A really good stealth perk that opens up play opportunities. I once had a Myers come over to the gen I was working on three times, unable to find me simply because he thought I had to be within walking distance due to the lack of scratch marks, so he never searched out to a far enough radius.

    I also once lost a killer at the Game by stunning him, running up the stairs, and then walking from the top of the stairs. He lost LoS with me long enough that he had no means to track me anymore and lost the chase entirely.

  • UndeddJester
    UndeddJester Member Posts: 2,967

    It'd probably be better with a buddy, especially for power struggle and flip-flop shenanigans.... but as I'm always solo, Tenacity doesn't tend to be good; it only works when a killer slugs... If the killer spots you slinking away, you can be sure they'll give you the "no, no, no" treatment and immediately hook you from that point on :D

    Combined with unbreakable can be pretty game altering if you're one of the last 2 survivors... That said, I haven't used and been saving Nick Cage for a while now... and with Plot Twist, it's starts to look pretty damned spicy 😘👌

    For Hysteria builds, I like to throw it on with Tinkerer, and any add-ons that mess with undetectable/oblivious like Wesker's Black Shades. Constantly screwing with people hearing your TR and having it be unclear what is causing it really disorientates a lot of players :D

  • Kaethela
    Kaethela Member Posts: 348

    Survivor: Calm Spirit. It counters a surprising amount of things and not agitating the birbs is very underrated.

    Killer: Thwack! Love the name, love the effect. It's always entertaining to have a hunch that someone's nearby and kick a breakable wall. KNOCK KNOCK OPEN UP

  • Evan_
    Evan_ Member Posts: 545

    Coup de Grace

    It feels so great to slalom around obstacles during the extended lunge. And after the buff you don't even need to be super mindful about stacks to gain value.

    It also feels great that the gen-completion sound doesn't remind me of my time running out anymore. It just indicates that my lethality grew.

  • Spirit_IsTheBest
    Spirit_IsTheBest Member Posts: 947

    Blood Rush.

    It’s situational, but when it works it can be a huge lifesaver, plus a 6 second speed burst when paired with an exhaustion perk then a full heal is really strong.

  • LittleBigSunset
    LittleBigSunset Member Posts: 242

    Always always always Diversion.

    No killer in a million years expects you to run it and that's why it works so well. It's genuinely saved my life countless times and never fails to get a laugh out of me when the killer falls for it and spends ages checking a random corner of the map with no one in it.

    Not to mention you can lob it at the killer's face. It's the ultimate BM tactic. About to get slugged for the third time by a Nurse? Pebble her. See Bubba facecamping? Pebble him. A tunnelling Xenomorph? Pebble it. You will always get the last laugh.

  • edgarpoop
    edgarpoop Member Posts: 8,225

    Agitation. It's such a good utility perk. Free hits when survivors are running around you while carrying. Allows you to reach far hooks. Saves you a few seconds here and there.

  • BubbaDredge
    BubbaDredge Member Posts: 815


    I don't consider it necessary, but anytime I don't bring it, I miss it so much.

  • Aurelle
    Aurelle Member Posts: 3,611

    Survivor - Distortion. With the abundance of aura reading perks now available to killers (and most killers bringing Lethal Pursuer) it really helps me avoid the killer as long as I can.

    Killer - Jolt. It's easy to use and helps apply at least some gen pressure when I can't get over to the gens myself.

  • Talwuzhere
    Talwuzhere Member Posts: 17

    Survivor: Bond cus I love knowing what my teammates are up to in addition to the hud. Whether it's going for a heal, unhook, doubling up on gens, avoiding ppl in chase - bond is my go to perk always. I can find ppl when I need to.

    Killer: Starstruck has given me sm value its pretty funny. Especially if I go for a M1 and the survivor just flops onto the ground instantly. Always a "oh yea starstruck" reminder lol.