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What is the counter to Plague

She is another killer I can't understand the counter to since one if I remain infected it means I'm permanently injured and make more noise. So why not use the pools well she then gets her power to injure survivors. Most times facing her she will just go against you and constantly hit you with her power plus she can charge her Corrupt Purge so she can hit you not get much of a slow down and catch up quickly. So how do you counter her?

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  • Member Posts: 143

    i just go for the next match

  • Member Posts: 944

    I cleanse if I'm death hook or if I need to go for a save against a camping plague, she has some broken add ons so it depends on her build too, it's same than playing against legion you stay injured, try to rush gens and leave

  • Member Posts: 5,449

    If you’re in a SWF or have been blessed to have a group of random teammates that know how to loop, don’t cleanse. Just push gens.

    If you’re with semi-decent teammates, try not to cleanse if you haven’t been hooked and cleanse if you have been hooked. Just make sure to cleanse in dead zones by completed gens.

    If it’s the usual Solo Queue teammates, cleanse anytime you want but still try to do it away from completed gens. When she gets her power, it’s best to hide until it wears off.

  • Member Posts: 1,270
    edited October 2023

    Simple don't cleanse and do gens unless you all go for a cleanse that way she doesn't get her blood pools

  • Member Posts: 394
    edited October 2023

    Counterplay? lul

    "You'll be injured and loud and you'll enjoy it"

  • Member Posts: 775

    Don't try stealth while you are fully infected.

    And start running as soon as you hear her terror radius. (keep distance from her)

    Be stealthy when you are healthy and she picked up red puke.

  • Member Posts: 1,749

    cleanse if your teammates do, don't if they don't. being perma injured while she is getting fed her power isn't the best thing you can do. unfortunately it is a choice, it's her power. either you are permanently one hit and noisy or you give her her power.

  • Member Posts: 1,619

    In soloQ she have almost no counter because you can't tell your team mates to not use the pools until they're injured (at least) and they usually use the pools as soon as they're infected and also you can't tell them to use the more cornered pools first for making more difficult for the plague to get the power. The people are usually idiot enought to not figure out this things in soloQ ¯\_(ツ)_/¯.

  • Member Posts: 2,257

    The problem with the 'never cleanse' camp, is this assumes everyone is god loopers, and the Killer never camps. If even 1 person isn't good in chase, or the Killer lingers around hook just a tad bit too long, The match is lost for Survivor.

    The problem with the 'always cleanse' camp, is the Plague can re-infect gens or the lingering effect lasts too long on it to reasonably not touch the gens again. Also if one person hasn't gone against red puke, they will die super quick in chase. (Pro-tip just circle small tall loops, some people joke about a 'rock infinite', but it is almost true.)

    Overcleansing and stealthing is the strongest counter to Plague, but that basically only works with comms. In soloq, it is often people will overcleanse into giving the Plague a free facecamp of a hook state (or at a chokepoint, not necessarily actually facecamping due to the ranged attack). It also will be the case someone will overcleanse and the other people can't reach a safe/quiet area in time. The other issue is Plague is a particularly good 3 gen machine. If you find out from the start that it is Plague, and don't pop opposite side gens, you have already lost against any Plague with a modicum of skill.

    That basically means she is 'uncounterable' in soloq, sorry, but that's mostly the truth. You are reliant on a baby Killer to win soloq.

  • Member Posts: 6,131

    I don't cleanse because there's no point. You cleanse, then jump on a gen or unhook someone a second later and just get infected again. And in the meantime she gets her power. Stay infected and just smash gens is my approach.

  • Member Posts: 5,951

    Plague is a very hard killer to counter for inexperienced and uncoordinated survivors. In solo queue your best bet for the early game is to stay infected and hold her as a M1 killer. As long as she doesn't have her power, you can delay her for quite a bit. Keep in mind, she has nothing to help her get the down, she is very tall (meaning, you'll see her over many loops) and she also leaves a trail of smoke behind, that can help you track her movements even when you don't see her directly.

    Without certain addons she will only have her power once. If you can make it through that, then your chances aren't bad. Otherwise you need to cleanse in strategically advantageous spots. If you already finished all the gens in one area, then she will not be very inclined to go there again, so it's save to cleanse in such a spot. On some maps you will also find fountains, that are naturally very secluded. The Plague would first need to go there to get her power and after that she would need to move across the map towards the survivors. That can already cost her a quarter of her power and allow you to maintain distance when you see her traverse the map.

    The third way to counter her doesn't always work that well in solo queue. If you are infected and notice, that almost all fountains are corrupted, then you can try and overcleanse. This will turn all fountains clear again and leave the Plague with only one charge of her power, which she gets the moment you corrupt the last fountain.

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    Even if you are injured if people do not cleanse she is still an m1 killer, so looping her for a long time should be easy.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    There is already so much good advice out there, you don't need my opinion.

    The only thing I would add is that you should improve your basic skills in order to take advantage of their advice.

  • Member Posts: 699

    She's an extremely tall M1 killer. Just loop her.

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