Feedback and Suggestions

Feedback and Suggestions

i think the new background player buff is problematic.

Member Posts: 280
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

I don’t really need to make this post long, this perk is going to be atrocious to play against in coordinated teams.

with pick up time being roughly 3-ish seconds, that allows a second survivor to stay at an atleast EXTREMELY safe 20 meters away. Meaning if the survivor being picked up on pallet is guarenteed to get to safety with basically nothing the killer can do about it.

the perk was fine as it was, increase the duration of the speed by a lot to make it a stronger option for sabos (because sabo-ing is kinda trash rn) or give it a shorter exhaustion duration like you did with Smash hit.

and please, i don’t wanna hear the arguments of: “well it’s not as good in solo queue.” (Every perk isn’t as good in solo queue lets be real) or “you’ll barely ever see it.” (SM had an extremely low pick rate and took priority to get changed) or even “not everyone knows the pallet save timing.” (Dumbest thing that could possibly be said).

I don’t wanna ruin fun but this perk change is so atrocious.

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  • Member Posts: 6,556

    doubt it will do anything meaningful

  • Member Posts: 280

    Tbh i think that aswell, maybe im overreacting but i still think it’s kinda risky doing such a big change without testing it first.

  • Member Posts: 280

    Well the reason people didn’t use it over the others is because of how extremely niche it was, now with it giving you double speed it can lead to the lower tier killers being bullied while the perk still does nothing against the better killers.

    Could just be doom saying and overreacting tho.

  • Member Posts: 280

    I want variety as much as the next person but i find being able to guarentee a pallet save from over 20 meters away slightly ridiculous. I genuinely think instead if they made the duration like 10 seconds or something you could buff it without it being atrocious to play against.

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    I completely agree. I'm afraid of this buff too. Don't know why they decided to buff it at all, when this perk was already good and even stupid and annoying in swf hands. Buff this perk further is just ridiculous.

    In august i had probably my the worst match ever against swf, who went down only in open or in the pallet. They made 6 or 7 saves and it was felt super awful no matter how hard i tried to prevent or dodge it. And no one had this perk, i can't imagine this hell if at least 2 of them had this perk.

  • Member Posts: 4,285

    I just want to ask devs, that if you find that it is indeed too much (I also think so), that you don't nerf it even harder then current version. I don't take current bg player every game, but it could be close to 50% of games. If you butcher it, it will be sad because even current version is really nice (even if very situational and inconsistent).

    Because of how much I am afraid of nerf hammer, 4s 175% speed would make me happier...

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Lack of variety on survivors? LMAOOOOO

    I wish a had at least half of my survivor's build variety on killers.

    I'm not even surprised to read that when literally every match 80% of survivors is just MFT + Hope + Adren + Resilience.

  • Member Posts: 723

    Both roles are stale af buildswise, don’t try to get pity points lmao. Niche perks need to be buffed to make them more appealing to use sometimes instead of nerfing what is already strong and popular. Background player will be fine.

  • Member Posts: 968
    edited October 2023


    Post edited by MB666 on
  • Member Posts: 1,815

    4 (or 2/3 boons), chase build, cleanse / bless totems build (my favourite in last months), lockers build, super speed healing build, genrush build, altruism build, flashlight saver, stealth build, second chances / antitunnel build, midchase disappear build, anti-camping build, sabo build. And it without builds i run in sfw or just mixed builds.

    Killers builds: Oh u didn't take at least 2 slowdowns? Welcome to gen pop simulator. 4 aura builds? Cool, here is your 5 hooks. Full chase build? Cool, here is your 5 hooks. Undetectable build? Cool, here is your sfw who don't give a f. Hex build? Cool story bro, how is your 2019? Run out of builds? But it's not even a half of survivors builds.

    This poor variety on survivors(((((((( It's not like they only want to run op things and complain about variety of their builds(((((((9( Definately not

    Background player is fine now and literally no one asks for buffs before.

  • Member Posts: 723

    Bless your heart for thinking all those builds can’t be countered as well by most killers. People just run the same builds on both roles because they’re more reliable and try to have guaranteed they will always get value from them (fair enough) and they don’t take risks. Both roles need more perks buffed instead of nerfed. If you don’t enjoy your killer games and feel forced to run the same build all the time… At that point seems like a problem with your mentality not matching the purpose of the game. Get well soon and have the sweetest weekend!

  • Member Posts: 1,815

    Who said builds should be countered or not? I do builds for having value and fun in matches.

    Ma man talking about my mentality while saying things like this lol

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    Can we stop calling everything problematic or unhealthy? It feels like some people won't be happy until every killer has no power and all perks/items are just removed from the game.

  • Member Posts: 970

    The Killers have a counterplay for any Exhausted perks

  • Member Posts: 2,482

    Wow, so y’all just don’t want any kind of variety huh? God forbid they make other perks viable.

  • Member Posts: 723

    Like you'd think it's almost like everybody wants to go against MFT, Dead Hard, Lithe and Sprint Burst in shuffle. I remember people were molding when they announced the Smash Hit buff regarding its couldown and look at it now... It's better but still nobody uses it. Background Player will just be the same case, just maybe people feel like using it sometimes in some games for variety. People will just complain about anything. Can't wait for them to announce Premonition will trigger more often and we have people molding about Premonition.

  • Member Posts: 385

    It might be over-tuned but I think we should wait and see how it functions in practice first once it goes live and then judge. Also I think it should be a pretty strong exhaustion perk. Exhaustion perks are already limiting and are supposed to be a powerful tool at a survivors disposal. This one only lets you get a speed boost when the killer picks up a survivors. As a result its use is even more limited and mostly only usable for altruistic saves. As a result I think it is reasonable that it be strong enough that players will be able to get sufficient value out of it like other exhaustion perks. On that note they should probably buff Smash Hit a bit more either in speed or hidden scratch marks to help it offset the risk more of going for a dangerous stun.

  • Member Posts: 501

    i thought this perk was already good i was surprised to see a change

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