New official stats



  • ratcoffee
    ratcoffee Member Posts: 1,725

    i mean there's only like what, four good exhaustion perks and DH is the lowest use rate of the four

  • MB666
    MB666 Member Posts: 968
    edited October 2023

    MFT at the top , no surprise there..(yeah it isnt broken or anything mmm why people would used? , oh yeah FUNn't)

    killer is the same full slowdown no surprise either, without slowdowns most of the low tier killers are jokes still ; so meanwhile survivor had a lot of variety to use yet they always stick to meta because they feel like they need them to play the game , remenber when they said DH was dead , lol. and the fact that MFT got no changes on this new patch makes me worried , like MFT- anti camp mechanic - reassurance is gonna be abused by Swf , painful times are coming i swear.

    BHVR can killers get basekit corrupt for 20 seconds already please?

  • tjt85
    tjt85 Member Posts: 1,150
    edited October 2023

    I use 4 of the Survivor perks regularly. Lithe, Self-Care and Botany are my core build, with Deja Vu and Resilience usually filling the 4th slot. Does this mean I'm a meta gamer now?

    I only really use 1 of the Killer perks regularly, though (Jolt). Not surprised to see this one top of the list. After all, it's the only free gen regression perk and a pretty good one. I do see those other Killer perks a fair amount in my Survivor games, but usually only when I get matched with stronger Killers.

    Otherwise, I see a lot more perk variety than these two lists would suggest. Maybe at my MMR, players tend to run the perks they like the most, rather than the perks they think will help them to win more games.

  • MrMori
    MrMori Member Posts: 1,749

    I'm okay with it now. I used to hate it to death, but it being limited makes it feel relatively fair. Still not fun when all survivors have it, but it's okay.

    Coupled with MFT, it is NOT fair.

  • Akumakaji
    Akumakaji Member Posts: 5,503

    This is a real thing. I got a couple of games these last couple of days where I stumbled over a survivor that was on death hook and it was still quite early in the game, so I just downed them and kept patroling gens. That unkilled survivor then nearly always stuck to gens but played it safe and prolly lost me all of those games.

    Of course thats not the end of the world, but as a killer you nearly always shoot yourself in the foot if you don't follow through with a kill that you could get. I still advocate for a reverse Proof Thyself as basekit survivor debuff,ie splitting up slows down repair speed, so you need to bunch up, and on the other hand give killers old BBQs BP bonus, but only increase the counter as long as all survivors are alive. Some other kind of debuff for survivors or buff for killers, that wents away once the first survivor dies could also be a nice incentive for longer games.

  • mecca
    mecca Member Posts: 392

    No kill rates? I guess they are too high to show.

  • JPLongstreet
    JPLongstreet Member Posts: 6,344

    Does this timeframe include the week or so Wesker was shut down? If so it would effect his usage.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,228

    No, that was in June right before the anniversary event started. These stats cover August 25 to September 25.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,141

    Kill rates have never been shared with the exception of last year, and last year it was shared because they wanted to show the impact of the killer buffs of 6.1 (which were intended to bump up kill rates, and they succeeded, hence they showed us).

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298

    It amazes me how attractive of a perk selfcare is for new players. I really hope they just pity buff that perk so new players aren't unknowingly handicapping themselves lol

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 549

    I'm going to regret asking this...

    Why is self care a problem?

    If you play solo. You already know its likely one of your friends will not be on the escape objective.

    If you take a hit and drop chase by taking a strong loop, you can go to a dead zone alone and recover to practice the whole thing over, against most killers.

    More chances to run loops and memorize the map. I don't see why self care is an issue, when you're single player focused.

    Yes, I see it takes longer to heal yourself vs having a team mate do so, but often when playing alone that isn't going to happen.

  • Sadako_Best_Girl
    Sadako_Best_Girl Member Posts: 662

    Oh my god just nerf MFT already.

  • Steakdabait
    Steakdabait Member Posts: 1,298
    edited October 2023

    Awful numbers and even if it didn't have awful numbers there's a lot of times that you just shouldn't waste time healing yourself when you can be doing gens. Sure if you're an extremely selfish hatch maxer who is willing to grief their team then yea no downside, but the perk was actively worse than an empty perk for most players when it was at 50% but at 30% or whatever it is it's basically unusable if you're trying to win a match.

    And that's ignoring how common sloppy is, which singlehandedly doubles the heal time on the perk.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    It's better many times to prioritize doing gens over getting healed. Self-care quite often encourages healing yourself over doing gens even when it would be better to just finish the gen.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 549


    Its not efficient and you can't win by being non efficient.

    But, for new people, learning maps is about repetition this perk(potentially) lets you have some control of the lessons.

    Regardless of what your team is doing.

  • NewPlayer100102
    NewPlayer100102 Member Posts: 549


    Its not a win perk.

    Its a learn perk, as I see it.

    The basic math behind why its bad is pretty clear.

  • TheSubstitute
    TheSubstitute Member Posts: 2,617

    It can definitely be used for learning and there are situations where it is useful. It's just one of the obstacles people face is that some of the newer survivors don't realize if they don't cooperate to get the gates open nobody is getting out and, no matter your MMR, you will eventually get matched with a newer survivor unless you 4 person SWF. That, along with Self Care being on a base survivor means that the survivor who throws the match to self-heal behind a rock will stand out more than the person who Self-Cared at end game to unhook you and got both of you out the exit gates. People remember the bad experiences more than the good ones so that plays a factor too.

  • solarjin1
    solarjin1 Member Posts: 2,368

    thanks for the stats. A little shocking pick rate wise

  • Melinko
    Melinko Member Posts: 291

    I'm shocked Ultimate Weapon isn't listed. I've seen it in most matches anymore.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,141

    If they posted these stats at the end of Oct, then I think it would be on there and BBQ will have dropped dramatically. I didn't start seeing UW frequently until at least a couple weeks after chapter release.

  • Fuzzycube
    Fuzzycube Member Posts: 273

    As it should be, it’s kind of ridiculous to get constant and passive perfect loop knowledge with zero cool-down.

    If it’s not that a big deal then why not have a hard counter killer perk that blinds survivors in chase or something that doesn’t require any prerequisite like wasting time with lockers or risk losing it with hexes.

  • Nazzzak
    Nazzzak Member Posts: 6,141
    edited October 2023

    Or maybe another approach is to consider exactly why a perk that is over 5 years old is suddenly considered the best perk for survivors? Maybe maps having less and less pallets than they used to is a reason? And the ones we are given tend to be more and more unsafe. Less pallets = more deadzones = faster downs. Maybe the devs can look at why so many survivors feel they need to run the perk and go from there.

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    Both of you make good points and it's also interesting to note the survivor perks are almost exclusively involved with chase, whilst the killer role is more varied, although their top 3 are focused on gen regression.

    Offering a Devil's advocate stance, is this choice because a lot of players who play survivor aren't confident enough in chase and anticipate quick downs without those perks, when the trials may actually not be so difficult? If those who are playing survivor focused on maybe taking just one chase perk and fill the other 3 slots with perks based on auras or gens, would the outcome always be identical?

    I only say this because, as a randomizer, it's noted that a less chosen perk like Bond or Blood Pact has been a major reason for success and, if I had substituted a meta perk fpr those, the outcome may have been so much different. By the way, just to reassure you, I acknowledge Blood Pact isn't up to the standard of, say, Lithe by a long shot, but it's an example of perks being more useful than first imagined.

  • Yippiekiyah
    Yippiekiyah Member Posts: 511

    Most killer perks are still slowdown, does that not tell you that baseline generator speeds are too fast?

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,075

    Part of the lack of diversity in survivor perks is based on gameplay. Camping and tunneling in particular are base kit and also so prevalent that the only thing you are guaranteed to do in a random public game is be chased.

    You could bring a full gen rush setup, then be immediately tunneled out of the game without ever touching a gen.

    Same thing with totem builds, healing and team support builds, meme builds, etc. In not even that many games, you'll randomly get a match where you're effectively playing perkless because you just get tunneled immediately.

    Since anti tunnel is effectively only endurance now, and it's trivial to disable it by hitting immediately off hook, your only real answer to it is to make chases as long as you possibly can. You're guaranteed value with chase perks, even if you are hard tunneled from the start... (especially if you're hard tunneled from the start).

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    So they do matter. Curious how high the “bump” has gone this year.

  • camping_site
    camping_site Member Posts: 141

    It shows that autoplay regression/stalling perkd - jolt, pain res, dead lock, corrupt complement camp/tunnel the best

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,606

    It's mostly due to timing more then anything

    And it's funny if one thinks about it

  • egg_
    egg_ Member Posts: 1,933

    Have been using this build for a few months together with another friend of mine and it's better than taking a medkit + self healing is far more efficient than having someone else do it.

    Ofc it turns useless when I'm not in a full swf and the random decides to chase me and teabag, when I use this to 99 myself, bait hits and ofc to self heal.

    DM is kind of redundant but I'm addicted to the speed at this point

  • Marc_go_solo
    Marc_go_solo Member Posts: 5,347

    That's very true. People will sometimes heap their builds with these type of perks though and whilst it would help in chase, it becomes much less useful when healing, gens, defence and such.

    It would be nice to see more variety though. I've faced survivors with nothing but chase builds, but once you know more than one survivor is decked in it, I attack by prolonging the game. A player benefits more from builds that allow different strategies than just one.

  • Brimp
    Brimp Member Posts: 3,139

    Yeah the people that claimed "mft wasn't that big of a problem" weren't very smart and it shows since MFT released in the middle of june so thee was only around 25 days to collect data for that compared to perks at the START of the collection.

  • sizzlingmario4
    sizzlingmario4 Member Posts: 7,228

    SC isn’t really a learning perk though because it teaches new players bad habits. New players don't always understand when it's smart to heal and when it's better to push a generator. They have Self-Care and go "I'm injured, I can heal myself so that's what I'm going to do now" when it isn't necessarily the correct play. And that’s before going into how long it takes if the killer has Sloppy, also a free perk that new killers they’re likely playing against have access to.

    Tbf, Windows is 5 years old but it hasn't worked the way it does now for 5 years. It got more popular when it got buffed 2 years ago.

    I highly doubt adding more pallets to maps would significantly reduce Windows's pick rate because it wouldn’t change what it actually does and what it’s used for. I like that it’s a good tool for solo players to see which resources have been used by their teammates. But I don’t like how much it often feels like it puts chases on autopilot. I used to use this perk more often but then I actually forced myself to stop using it entirely for a while because I realized I was becoming too reliant on it to the point that I was playing much worse when not using it. Since then I feel like getting used to playing without it much more often has made me a better survivor, even if I still use the perk sometimes.

  • AmpersandUnderscore
    AmpersandUnderscore Member Posts: 2,075

    They could make gen speeds 5 minutes per gen and killers would still choose to run slowdown perks.

    You're also missing the larger picture here. Survivor perks are almost entirely centered around chase. According to this logic, chase is somehow a problem.

    In reality, survivor perks are centered around chase because it's likely the only thing the survivor will do that match. You can't usually run a totem build, a support build, a meme build, or even a gen build because you might never get to use it. Camping and tunneling are so prevalent, efficient, and easy that the only thing you're guaranteed to do in every game is chase... and it might be the only thing you do that game. You get tunneled with one of these other builds and you're just getting chased while perkless.

    Regression is popular because longer games favor the killer. Always. Survivor resources get used up (pallets, items, gens), the useful playable area gets smaller, less area to patrol or hunt for survivors. And the killer can eventually snowball into multiple kills because of it.

    You see regression perks and say 'gens are too fast'. I see two information perks and zero chase perks and I'm certain at least one major problem is that many killers are wandering blindly around the map, can't find survivors, and spend minutes per match searching without building any pressure whatsoever.

    Killers in general are stacking quad slowdown, taking 60+ seconds to close out chases, and wandering around blindly without finding anything but gens. This list tells me that to counter 'survivor quad chase perks' killers are doing almost nothing, except crying for nerfs on the forums.