Wesker with Hindered effect is a problem

can we please do something about tunneling wesker with 8% Hindred effect. You come of the hook with half infection then few seconds later.... Boom try looping the wesker while slowed and injured.
Please dont go off the rails in the discussion, this is about tunneling wesker problem and none can convince me its fair to be slow while being tunneled.
Normal Wesker is fuuuuun <3
Infection progression shouldn't resume until a Survivor performs a Conspicuous Action.
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A tunneling Wesker is one of the most unfun things to go against in the game. All BHVR needs to do is do what @ReverseVelocity suggested. They already have the code with DS and OTR, it shouldn’t be hard to implement.
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was this issue ever confirmed to be checked on by the devs at some point ?
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He is the most fun killer created after Blight. His problem is 8%!!!!! slowdown on infection which gives him too much passive preassure on survs - after hooked or injured you get updated(slow) heals plus need to get aerosol which also shows your location.
One other thing is injuring someone with deep wound if being hit against with another survivor . This is not easy to pull off(most of the time happens while camping hooks), but still- WHY?
Don’t get me wrong he is in no way OP, but everything combined he is just too much.
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haha no.
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IMO that is the only change Wesker needs - the 8% hinderance removed.
He can already use his power for zoning, distance, vaulting windows and pallets and of course injuring/downing survivors. He can also instant down fully infected survivors - I think this is reason enough for survivors to waste time off gens to disinfect themselves.
Tunnel all you want! But let's not make it so easy (and unfair). Remove the hinderance!
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Hinderance shouldn't be removed. It's what makes getting infected so dangerous. There just needs to be a system that prevents survivors from gaining infection after being unhooked.
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What's wrong with that?
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Then you can remove the infection all together. Nobody will bother removing it.
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I think the infection progress should be reset from zero after the survivor is rescued from the hook ,also, after rescuing the survivor from the hook, the infection progress does not move for 10 seconds
If the developers did that, Wesker wouldn't have a reason to go and tunnelling the Survivor
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so your saying wesker is perfect and what we are talking about here is a waste of time ?
shame you didnt add to the discussion anything useful just like you claim posts about wesker do.....its very disappointing....
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can you elaborate ?
a tunneling wesker would still go for the unhooked even if infection starting time is delayed by 10 secs. after all all he has to do is hit your BT with his power and you have half meter worth of infection.
is it fair to assume that someone who plays wesker a lot would agree with you as well ? like i cant imagine if such a nerf happened people would go crazy
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infection as mechanic is fair and completly fine. we are only talking about the tunneling slow down off the hook. it needs to be addressed
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it removes any threat from wesker's infection. against stronger looper that make an effort to outplay his bounds, he relies on infection to be a threat in the 1vs1. wesker's power virulent bounds scales really badly with survivor's looping skill. I think if his pallet vaulting power did not kick him out of virulent bounds, increased movement speed of 2nd bound from like 3.0(?) to 3.6 and -0.5 cast time on charging bounds, then i could see weakening hindered to like 3% to be less of component to his kit. at same time, the infection is kinda lore heavy because... well the whole idea is that wesker chases survivors that are infected because they're weaker. that is running theme idea behind nemesis and wesker. a weaker infection makes wesker a bit less... cannon for sake of balance.
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So, what? If Wesker doesn't tunnel, he is a weak killer? Because that is pretty much what you imply. The infection could still progress like normal until you get hooked. That way, you would only feel a difference, if you tunnel.
There wasn't any suggestion to nerf the hindered effect. Only to make it stop progressing after the survivor is unhooked until they do a conspicuous action. This would not affect you in any way as long as you don't tunnel.
Also, Wesker is definitely not relying on the Hindered effect as much as you make it out. His chase power is pretty damn lethal in the right hands. If you have to rely on the infection to catch survivors, then that means that you aren't particularly good with Wesker. Don't believe me? Go on YouTube and search for some Wesker mains. They'll Show you what this killer is capable of.
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when I play survivor, I do not feel threatened in looping wesker in the chase. wesker only feels threatening to play if the player tunnels with him. that is just my experienced from playing survivor. most often then not as survivor, I usually get put into dying state because of his infection. your indirectly removing his active infection threat with that change. I just feel like he is a bit of push-over in chase from survivor point of view.
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Then you haven't played against very good Weskers. In which case, they deserved to lose. Wesker is a strong enough killer to not be relying on tunneling.
Unfortunately, his high pick rate suggests, that many people who play him aren't all that good, since it implies that many Wesker players don't put in a lot of effort into learning him but just play him occasionally. But they do know that tunneling allows them to get wins, they otherwise would not get. It's a cheap way to make up for missing skill.
A good Wesker player will mostly use the infection as a side objective for survivors to slow them down because they don't need it to end their chases quickly. If played correctly Wesker can get you even in the strongest loops.
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Make infection start at 0% off hook. There. Wesker is perfect.
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you mean no infection at all ? i mean he can still hit your bt with his power but that a solution
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so whenever my team is solid at gens, Wesker deserves to lose? that does not make much sense. in my opinion, tunneling is one of wesker's greatest strengths. player tunneling with him are playing him towards his strengths.
A good Wesker player will mostly use the infection as a side objective for survivors to slow them down because they don't need it to end their chases quickly. If played correctly Wesker can get you even in the strongest loops.
side objective? you mean spray that you hold since start of the match and take 5 second to disable? amazing game delay. wesker gets throws when survivor makes mistakes. infection is main threat of current wesker. his bounds are not that hard to outplay at loops and he is an easier blight to loop when your not infected.
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No, make the infection start at 0% instead of 50% like it currently does. If he decides to tunnel off hook, you have 90s before you're fully infected (assuming he doesn't slap you with power off hook). That's even more of a buffer than OTR. That kills his tunneling ability without removing the pressure from his infection.
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A good Wesker will end their chases far more quickly than you think. Being solid at gens will not be enough to win against that. You also need to delay him in chase. If you can delay him long enough, then you deserve to win. But a good Wesker will keep his chases extremely short.
Are you going to tell me that these kinds of players need to tunnel you and get you hindered? I think they'd take that as an insult. Do not underestimate what a good Wesker is capable of.
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in this case it should be easy for the devs to tweak it. it would be a simple number change but is it tho ? none knows
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i am aware of his sliding tech's but tech just gets countered by pre-dropping pallets. sometimes it is possible greed pallets depending on distancing despite techs that make a little bit skill expression. notice every single of play is the survivor over-greeding or not making any attempt to side-step bounds. he gets countered in lame ways and he outplays the tactic in a less fun way for survivor.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
If you predrop every pallet against a Wesker, then you kill your whole team. There are pallets where he will just vault after you and get the hit and others where he can perform a rebound tech or hug tech and hit you anyway.
Watch some of this guy's other videos. You won't get to play this flashy every time but Wesker's power works around pretty much every loop in the game, if you play it right. And he will either force you to drop the pallet much quicker or hit you.
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oh yes, the legendary 10% faster pallet breaking is going to make you run out of pallets. I wonder why maps keep reducing pallet resources like that upcoming shattered square map. wesker's power works depending how survivor approaches the loop and how they greed it. if you greed pallets correctly as survivor, you can loop wesker for very long time. I would know because I tend get hit by his bounds eventually then get hit by that over-time infection build up. weaker infection would hurt wesker too much vs better loopers. he needs better 1vs1 if infection is less strong.
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I could play Freddy without slowdown and if survivors pre drop every pallet I can still turn that in my favor. And Wesker is way stronger than Freddy. Pre drop the wrong pallet against a Wesker and he hits you by vaulting it himself.
If you play well and the Wesker doesn't, then the chase will last for quite a bit. But if the Wesker plays good enough, then your chase will be quite short. That's how it works when a killer has a chasing power as strong as Wesker's. There is no universe where you will be able to beat a good Wesker by mindlessly pre dropping or greeding.
Wesker already has one of the stronger anti-loops in the game. There is zero reason to buff it but there is a reason to nerf one aspect of it. Wesker performs perfectly without tunneling, so there is no reason why this shouldn't be nerfed. @ReverseVelocity's suggestion would not affect a Wesker that doesn't tunnel in the slightest.
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Why does everyone complain about tunneling Wesker when a tunneling PH is worse?
Don't understand me wrong, I dispise tunneling as much as you do, but wouldn't it be best if there was something done against tunneling in GENERAL instead of nerfing stuff?
If you need to nerf the infection after an unhook, it should just go to 1 charge, so it takes the whole duration until full.
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Yeah but I'd say that Wesker has a power with which his chases will end in favor of whomever is better in chase. If the survivor is a lot better than the Wesker, then he is going to lose. If the Wesker is a lot better, then the survivor won't stand for long.
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i agree. wesker is a fun killer to face untill the hindred kicks in. then he is not so fun anymore
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sounds very classic. survivor not in control of the chase, not fun anymore.
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I don't have much problems looping him while being hindred. And MFT is such a popular perk too which cuts the 8% to 5.
You should be punished for not cleansing. Period. And if he chases you for all that time he loses gens anyway.
Does it suck to get tunneled? Yes. Do we need to do something about it? Yes. Do we need to nerf Wesker because of it specifically? No.
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I'm not completely sure control is even the right word. It should be a constant back and forth. Otherwise you might as well play against a bot.
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when you are hindered against wesker there is no chase. you are dead
since when is wesker power bad in chase and survivor is in control ? are playing the same game here or you have like 100 hours and you think trapper is op. just to make sure i know who i am talking to about this.
saying you dont mind being chased while hindred is like saying you enjoy facing wesker wesker while being hindered by a buffed clown bottle all the time. let that sink in
FYI: i dont know why is this even a debate. a wesker can tunnel a person with pain res pop deadlock and still not lose any gens. add to that the tunneled person is 8%hindered seconds after hook. weker is fine, hindered while being tunneled is not. if you ignore the hindered and do gens i blame the survivor but not when being tunneled
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Wesker: 8% hindred after 90s
Clown: 15% hindred basekit and 19% with the addon.
Let that sink in.
FYI: A PH can tunnel and camp with pain res, pop, deadlock and hardly loose a gen and instant getting a tunneled person into the next stage via a cage ignoring any anti-tunnel options there are. PH is fine while getting tunneled while tormented is not. If they step in goo and not go around, blame the survivor, but not if they are tunneled.
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I agree, even the best wesker players will tell you that the infection mechanic is too oppressive. Infection should be reduced to like 5% hindered and should not go up in chase.
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Wesker has one of the best chase powers in the game ON TOP of hindered. The wesker has to be pretty bad to not get a quick down when the survivor is fully infected.
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One additional thing that came to my mind:
There is chase against Wesker when hindred, it s just a lot more difficult, you have to pay attention and you need to know what you are doing. It rewards high skill play.
The average Wesker who did not spend 100hrs into perfecting hug-tech on him (which is the majority of Wesker players) will still struggle with certain loops and configurations where the survivor has all the control during the chase. I do that many times myself. And I know that because I am a Wesker main myself and have not perfected hug-tech to help me during these cases.
Which "best Wesker players" say this? Please give me names.
The only thing I know of is that it should be reduced after getting hooked, but everything else? No. Base infection takes 90s to complete if I am not mistaken. If you have that time after getting unhooked the killer will properly loose gens along the way anyway if he chases you for the whole duration. So why should it be stopped during chase? Makes no sense.
Depends on the skill level of that Wesker and the map. Good luck getting anything done on MacMillan's round rock loops or garbage tile filler loops without doing precise rebounds or even hug-techs. And the latter is the high-end of his abilities. Most people can't do that consistently and struggle with loops like this if they are run well. I did that many times against average Weskers. Like I said above: you need to know what you are doing.
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this is my point. wesker's base-kit is not enough of back forth because you can play in a way that makes him have long chases. as a result, his chances to win become a lot lower. his hindered passive is what makes him potent right now.
when your infected fully, he is #1 most powerful killer in 1vs1 chase. that is why i said that proposed change is too much of negative for him without some buffs to his bounds.
Post edited by Devil_hit11 on0 -
As I have explained, this is where you're wrong. Wesker's kit gives him more than enough power in chase. If he plays well, then his chases won't last long. But if the survivor plays much better, then he is going to have a hard time. Just like it should be.
There aren't many killers with a stronger chase power then Wesker all things considered.
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I'm honestly surprised that it's the hindered effect and not the Killer Instinct upon spraying that's bothering you.
If the Wesker chased you for so long that you ended up fully infected, then either he was toying with you or he was very bad. And if during all that time 0 gens were done then it's really on your team. If the Wesker campd and tunnelled you off the hook and you had enough time to get fully infected again then I honestly don't know who the hell you're facing.
If the infection post-hook was halted or slowed down until a conspicuous action was taken it would be completely fine.
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i cant believe there are still people who dont read the post fully. i said hindered while being tunnel off hook since u get infected 50% off hook then seconds later you are slow while being tunneled. but oh well some people never change
you give the vibe of a wesker who relly on the hindered tunneling wesker meta. ive seen too often to not think you are of them. just by the fact you refuse to agree with a basic thing. being slowed while tunneled off hook is a big nono.... i guess you are the reason we are making this post in the first place. even @Devil_hit11 agrees with the tunneling slow down part
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It’s not “seconds later”. You’re massively exaggerating how quickly the infection bar fills up.
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I think waiting for the right time to heal and use the disinfection spray is key. Like after you heal, go somewhere away from wesker and use the spray. He will see you on killer instinct for a few seconds, but it's not much use for him except where you might be doing gens and an area you might be around for some time. If he would go over, he most likely would have trouble finding you, so he would just waste time.
That's a long way for me to say, no, he doesn't need a nerf, leave him be and adapt.
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I only tunnel when necessary. Regardless of which killer we are talking about.
The only thing I am really addicted to on Wesker is Unicorn Medallion and maybe Bamboozle because I haven't mastered hug-tech yet.
And no, I am not the "meta tunnel Wesker" you think I am. I am just not stupid. If a recently unhooked survivor runs into my face I take that as an invitation to chase them. If they were not cleansed directly or ran away, THAT IS THEIR PROBLEM not mine. I am not babysitting survivors so they have a great time only for them to butt-dance in the exit.
If we are talking about tunneling in general, I am completely with you that something must change. That there must be an incentive for killers to go for different targets and not the same over and over again. Some killers have it easier to tunnel than others. Wesker still needs to burn through all defences (PH does not, but nobody complains lol), so what is your issue here? Clown slows you for 15% when he spams bottles, Huntress just hits you from afar, Blight is Blight and Nurse does not care. What about them? What about Myers using TS after you got unhooked? All of this sucks.
Do us all a favor and maybe change your strategy when facing a Wesker. Don't cleanse when he is nearby. Believe me, you will get his attention. Cleanse first, heal after. You can take a can with you you know? Or do you need your item so desperately that you don't have time to drop the can for 5s? The more I read your post the more I believe YOU should maybe change tactics.
And if you did actually read my posts to this topic you would know that I would be OK with resetting infection on hooking to 1/100 charges. That would give you 90s of time until you get slowed which is more than any anti tunnel perk gives you.
And should I know that Devilhit guy? Doesn't ring a bell. Are they a streamer by any chance? Because anyone can claim they are "one of the best" Wesker players.
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It's about 40-50s normally and about 30s with Video Conference Device. It is pretty fast but this is why you prioritize spraying before healing. (Some people don't seem to get that).
I see so many people heal first and then they can't spray anymore because Wesker returned to the hook. And the bar is 2/3-3/4 full. In addition most people nowadays don't have any anti tunneling protection, instead they all count on MFT, Resi and Hope to carry them.
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That along with MFT.
And yeah I see my teammates getting tunneled like this and giving up quite often.
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my point is the whole reason of this discussion is the unhook 50percent infection. that it why are people still talking about dont cleanse here dont go over there.
we are talking about the problem of tunneling wesker off hook with infection adn slowdown nothing more. also one of the mods removed the first part of my post that says wesker is fair and fun until u get tunneled while being slowed off hook...