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Which maps do you think the most appealing gameplay wise for both sides?

Grigerbest Member Posts: 1,334
edited October 2023 in General Discussions

Hey, I wanted to see which map are people (both sides) prefer to play on and why, and which ones are most unwanted.

My favorite maps to play on both sides:

P.s - It's all a personal opinions.

  1. Autohaven Wreckers - I love this map. Weither I play survivor or killer (any tier), I think this map is the most fair and fun to play, even with the fact, that this map is quite large. The tiles, pallets, LOS (junk around), all seems pretty "Loopable\mindgameable" for any killer.
  2. The Macmillan Estate - I love this map probably with the same reasons as Autohaven.
  3. Coldwind farm - bright and open map with a corn used as LOS breaking. I love new (updated) main building.
  4. Red forest - despite being a VERY LARGE map, this map feels pretty fair for most of the roaster.
  5. Nostromo Wreckage - newest map, which was brilliantly made in the recent Alien patch.
  6. Backwater Swamp - fair tiles, fair ammount of pallets, arguably onesided main building.
  7. Ormond - despite the strong main building with 2 "God pallets", this map have no "unfair" tiles anywhere else.
  8. Shelter woods - I couldn't find any "unfairness". Everything is up to player.
  9. Yamaoka Estate - One of my favorite maps to play as both sides.

Moving on to the maps that I think "fair, but mostly onesided":

  1. Crotus Prenn Asylum - arguably the survivor sided map. The map seems fair outside of the main building, but once the chase goes into main building it's fairly easier to deal as the survivor.
  2. Lery's Memorial Institute - indoor map which favors the undetectable killers and greatly punishing for very mobile killers (Blight, Nurse, Billy - etc.) Map have decent ammount of pallets and a few "God pallets". Tho I think this map have really unfair ammount of vaultable windows.
  3. Springwood - arguably the survivor sided map. Multiple buildings with second layers and pallets with a very strong for survivors main building makes this map feel unfair for killers.
  4. Gideon Meat Plant - small 2 layers map makes it feel like a "pallet haven". Very low tiles with pallets makes it easier for survivors to loop around. Despite being hard to deal with as lower tier killers, this map is easy for Nurse mains and other killers with "anti-loop ability".
  5. Grave of Glenvale also known as "Dead Dawg Saloon" - arguably the survivor sided map, most of the tiles are very different, strong main building which acuire a lot of killers time to deal with, tho the easiest killer shack in the entire game, due to breakable wall in it.
  6. The Shattered Square also known as Borgo - same reasons + unapealing to the eyes.
  7. Midwich Elementary School - indoor map with 2 layers, that makes killers without mobility spend a lot of time to reach from point A to point B.

Moving on to the maps that In my opinion completely one sided (mostly favor survivors):

  1. Forsaken Boneyard also known as Eyrie of Crows - one of the most atrocious maps for killers, completely survivor sided main building with multiple "God windows" and "God pallet". Tiles and pallets rng makes this map be one of the most survivor sided.
  2. Garden of Joy - same as previous.
  3. Haddonfiled - multiple outrageous buildings with "God windows and pallets" that most killers cannot deal with. Despite the middle part of the map being the most open "dead zone" with just 1 pallet, this map is extremely favor survivors.
  4. Toba Landing - bushes and LOS breaking elements with a very survivor sided main building makes this map one of the most "eye wreacking" in the game.

For the last map, I wanted to create a different "list":

The "neither sided map" and the most hated by both sides: Raccoon city.

By far, even after changes this is the most unwanted map for both sides. I don't think I need to say why. Not a single player I know likes to play on this map. Each time someone brings this map offering - I just want this match to end as fast as possible, without any care of the outcome...

What are your favorite and unwanted map? Please, don't be shy to express.=)


  • Steel_Eyed
    Steel_Eyed Member Posts: 4,031

    I feel like the only player that likes Temple of Purgation. It’s a great map for both sides. I love playing it as killer but some players swear it’s survivor sided.

  • Xernoton
    Xernoton Member Posts: 5,172

    Balance aside I really like the Azarov's and McMillan maps in terms of gameplay. They aren't perfect but it feels like this is what DBD should play like. Mostly.

    I used to like Temple of Purgation but since the rework, I really dread it. It looks good but also kind of generic (you wouldn't immediately recognise it as a DBD map) and the new filler loops are pretty terrible. Plus, all these bushes and terrible collisions...

  • GensByDaylight
    GensByDaylight Member Posts: 528
    edited October 2023

    I personally think that RPD is one of the most killer sided maps.

    Whenever I load up into it as Wesker, I almost know that everyone is dying at 3-5 gens.

    I don't think Eyrie is that bad anymore, just a little survivor sided.

    I feel like lery's is attrocious. If a map could commit a crime, then it'd be lerys existance.

    Red forest... is not fair.

    Sure temples fine, but mothers dwelling?

    You can barely see anything, theres an almost infinite main building, pallets every 5 feet, and tons of bushes. This map almost ties with Garden of Joy.

    I also feel that Dead Dawg is really killer sided. Except for the main building the map is really weak, and it has way too many 3-gen spots.

  • rvzrvzrvz
    rvzrvzrvz Member Posts: 936
    edited October 2023

    Boring answer but I like most maps, if I had to choose my worst maps for both sides it's swamp or lery's, and mother's dwelling need reduced size asap it's way too big

  • BlightedTrapper
    BlightedTrapper Member Posts: 312

    I wouldn't mind Autohaven if it weren't so dark. It's often hard for me to see the killer at a distance, or even in close proximity at loops. Turning TV to max brightness isn't very helpful.

    Overall I don't mind most maps though. My favorites are generally the MacMillan ones, or Father Campbell's Chapel.

  • NerfDHalready
    NerfDHalready Member Posts: 1,373
    edited October 2023

    i love dead dawg and all macmillan maps on both sides. i don't mind ormond autohaven and swamp, they are all nice balanced maps.

    yamaoka tends to be weak depending on rng, new alien map is kinda bad for survivor, midwich is midwich and 2 farm maps got nerfed into nothingness so don't like them as survivor.

    the rest are disgustingly survivor sided.

    Post edited by NerfDHalready on
  • xltechno
    xltechno Member Posts: 971

    Coal tower is often used in tournaments. From my point of view, this is a well -balanced and very competitive map.