I hate to be that person, but..

There is no way I can’t avoid bringing this up, ever since yesterday there has been an increase in Singularity players 3-genning for me, have all the Skull Merchant mains switched to Singularity to continue their DBD chess journey?
We have EMP’s to help, but I really love versing Hux when he is playing more chase oriented and not in this boring playstyle, soon people will probably complain about him and he will get changed (in someway) like Skull Merchant.
I love playing Hux as well and now I’m most certain that soon people will DC to avoid being stuck in a 3-gen match with him and refer him as “Chessularity”.
To the Singularity mains, how do you feel about this?
I have to admit that I did notice this but in general, everyone is three gening (trapper is surprisingly prominent) characters like hag are normal but pyramid head?, and I don't mean like a last resort is their whole game plan and I don't get why people are starting to do this (maybe it's just a bunch of bad luck but we'll see)
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I don't think he's anywhere close at locking an area like skull merchant is. His strength comes from constantly pressuring and annoying survivors, being "everywhere" at the same time, not from 3genning
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Idk i tried to warn people about singularity 3 genning but they called me delusional
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Let's let it play out before we draw conclusions. A lot of people simply don't understand how to counterplay Singularity. This will teach them how to effectively use EMPs.
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it's gonna be fine once people learn how to play against hux. which no one ever did since he was nowhere to be found.
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I say let them. Lots of killers can hold a 3 gen, but only SM could drag it out for an entire hour and bore the absolute ######### out of everyone. You can still make progress against a 3 genning Hux.
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Wait, are you saying you met multiple Singularity players in a single day?
Sounds very far fetched to me. How many Singularity players are we talking about exactly?
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I played against four Singularitys yesterday. And I played a lot of survivor, I’m talking about like 25ish matches, all four though 3-genned, so I’m guessing Chess Merchant mains switched to him, luckily its not as difficult to beat him in comparison, though.
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He is very easy to beat and EMPs pack a punch against people foing a 3 gen strat I wouldnt worry about him.
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Well unfortunately for those snooze merchants they can no longer 3 gen and get a 3k-4k constantly by dragging a trial to a halt
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But playing chess harms the crew
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Too many people forgot that any killer can 3 gen defend if they want to. Skull Merchant was just the META 3 genner. But historically Doctor was the 3 genner of choice and before skull merchant people were experimenting with Knight.
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"It wasn't programmed to harm the crew"
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Well…I assume everytime something problematic gets nerfed/fixed ….something else will come up to replace it… I’m assuming same thing will happen with MFT after the nerf…something will probably release to replace it
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... but can you run skyrim?
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Agreed, but for now we will have to see since I only began to notice this yesterday, things could change, people who did main Chess Merchant will most likely switch though, to maybe Doctor or Knight, but right now its Singularity at the moment.
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Survivors really will not be satisfied until Killers are reduced to party clowns.
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If four survivors are living, that much hardship should be overcome.
Even if it is not SFW, it can be achieved with a considerable probability.
You can hate killers only if singularity have a performance that can defeat survivors with a single blow, or if it is very difficult to escape from him.
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You can't 3-gen with him thanks to his power.
EMPs put it on very long cooldown, forcing Singu to walk up there and set it up again, so like any other base killer can patrol 3-gen.
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If I want to 3 gen I think of Knight or Wraith with sloppy-overcharge, even new skull merchant can still do it better than singularity
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My dude, you can delete his power. If you're playing against a singularity that's passively trying to use his cameras, you've already won the game. This isn't a 3-gen problem, this is a you problem.
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Are they, though?
I make little to no effort to protect specific gens, I'm just looking for survivors to chase and chasing them, but I'll often have a team throw a 3-gen in my lap and then blame me for letting them.
Had one tell me "get that 3 gen crap outta here", after his team did exactly that. I didn't even protect the 3 gen, didn't even kick any of them, and didn't win. The urge to blame me and throw salt was stronger than logic. Also SM has convinced survivors that 3 gen is the ultimate strategy that's unfair and mean.
3 genning with typical killers doesn't win because of the hopelessness, it gets one more good chase, while remaining survivors do the gen. There's nothing to complain about unless the killer is refusing to chase and trying to make the survivors die of boredom. If no survivors are willing to be chased, then it's 100% the survivors that are drawing out the game and making it suck.
Also, Huxx sucks at protecting things. Any Singularity should put cameras on the last gens, regardless of placement. Same goes for exit gates. That's just his power.
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I think it's a positive feedback loop. People who learned to primarily do gen defense know how to do primarily gen defense strategies and struggle with other strats. The loop works like this:
-when they do other strats, they struggle because they're not used to them
-when they do 3 gen strats, they win slightly more often
-it's hard to admit that you haven't yet practiced a skill enough to be good at it yet, and it's much easier to say the skill is itself too weak
-thus, killers who prefer that playstyle convince themselves that it's the only way of winning and double down on it, using it more and more
the same thing can be said of many survivors who bring chase builds; convincing themselves that getting 5 more seconds per chase is the only way to win the game when they simply aren't as well versed in more different playstyles that are more balanced or excel in more specific areas
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The whole 3 gen issue was how well the SM could indefinitely extend a game with her 3 gen potential. However, there is nothing inherently wrong with 3 genning. It's literally a part of a killer's standard good tactics. A survivor has to break a 3 gen early to avoid 3 genning becoming an issue late game. A 3 gen situation is usually a failure on the survivors' part.
Survivors can't just randomly and blindly do gens. Survivors have to be smart about it. Getting yourself 3 genned is rough but usually entirely avoidable.
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I’m sorry, I have always loved your forum name and always will but this thread is not it. Larry is not an area denial killer, he’s a killer that can ambush survivors from a big setup of pods. EMPs destroy any chance to effectively 3-gen if teams play smart.
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Well, now that AFC exists, when you hook a survivor you can't be near that part of the map, chases are balanced around lasting 45 seconds, that doesn't factor in the time it takes to actually start the chase, nor the time it takes to deal with the wipe animation, pick up animation, walk to a hook, and hook animation (which eats a solid 15 seconds after the chase ended). The fact that the other 3 survivors are spending 90 seconds on gens, meaning the first chase is going to lose you 3 gens.
What exactly do you expect killers to do anymore?
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the prophet
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3 genning is a normal and expected part of playing; for many Killers having to eventually resort to a 3 gen is last ditch option when the gens fly too fast. Any trap based Killer has to set up a web of traps in a smallish area to win unless they completely outclassed the survivors. 3 genning itself is not an issue.
What is an issue is when a Killer or perk (eg. pre-update Skull Merchant, Eruption before its most recent change with all gen regression perks, etc) is so good at it that their opponents have almost no chance to win because of overpowering game mechanics.
That said I don't see Hux being op at three -genning. If a Hux starts only trying to defend a three gen they won't be able to keep it because Hux doesn't have the power to do so unless the Hux outclasses the survivors. EMPs make it not possible. My opinion is that any influx of 3 genning Huxs will fade away over time since Hux isn't very good at it.
Post edited by TheSubstitute on2 -
Almost like 3 genning is a systemic gameplay issue that every killer can to some degree abuse right from the start of the game.
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Hux is significantly worse at 3-genning than SM used to be. Just use EMPs well and it's shut down pretty easily.