Why is survivor matchmaking so bad

I can't escape even once the whole time I'm dying and matchmaking isn't getting any better for me isn't supposed to be if your dying constantly your MMR goes down well all that seems to happen is really intelligent killers and my team still remains terrible even then I have to face Spirit who by the way I just want to point this out why do I need to by headphones to counter a killer every killer has a natural in game "counter" except Spirit who you need to by headphones for...why.
MMR in this game is extremely light, it definitely exists but as soon as you spend more than 1 minute in queue it starts panicking and will send you in the very first lobby it can find. So if you live in a region where you can't find games very fast, you can reset the queue after 30 sec and the games will feel more balanced on average, at least it feels like it for me. It doesn't work 100% though as the game can still decide to backfill you in some games and ignore your MMR entirely.
Regardless, having long streaks of losses in solo Q is perfectly normal. Counter-intuitvely, dropping MMR doesn't mean the game becomes easier. Because yes the killer will play worse, but your teammates will play worse as well, and DBD is a teamgame, most people would argue at low level it is killer-sided. For this reason, I'd recommend you to actually try to escape when possible and not throw your MMR.
When I play solo queue I escape about ~30%, and so do most of my friends. I can loop killers for way longer than the average survivor but it doesn't matter. Most of the games go the same way: either the killer chases me all game and then camps me in endgame, nobody rescues, and I die, OR the killer doesn't chase me, tunnels a teammate instead, camps the last gen in 3v1, and we all die. I first thought I was just a bad player but when I play SWF of killer I win more than 80%. For me the solution is just to avoid solo queue entirely as once you have played SWF/killer it just feels like it's a completely left aside gamemode. Solo queue is simply not worth the effort.
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People didn't realize what they were asking for when they said they wanted the fastest queues possible, so here we are. I still think the whole implementation of SBMM has been overwhelmingly goofy. Match players according to their skill level. If that isn't fun, adjust the fun factor from there. Don't make the matches worse to compensate, because that fun factor isn't going to go away. It's just kicking the can down the road.
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Should they have a weekend test with strict MMR? To see how it goes.
My match making time is really fast, even with +100% BP on one side, its usually not taking over 2min.
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A combination of MMR not being the best because it's an inaccurate calculation of one's skill since escapes and kills aren't the best ways to measure player skill in a game like this where outside factors not in your control tend to have an affect on the outcome of your matches and lobby-dodgers causing matchmaking to backfill lobbies since it doesn't prioritize skill rating when they leave but tries to find someone as soon as possible to fill the empty spot.
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Can't hurt. I still think transparency is the way to go with the system. When MMR is hidden, a player's MMR is whatever they want it to be unless they know how to see it. The problem is that a lot of feedback BHVR gets and reacts to is based off of an imagined number people have made up for themselves and their teammates/opponents. BHVR can announce changes have been made, and players have absolutely no way of verifying any of that unless they're hacking. They can say they've made matchmaking less strict, change nothing, and let the placebo effect take over.
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They did, about 18 months ago.
Turns out strict matchmaking leads to super sweaty games for everyone, on top of waiting 10+ minutes for a match to begin with.
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MMR is hidden because it shouldn't be an incentive to 'rank up'.
It's not a badge of honour to be high MMR, it's simply a mechanism to ensure people who 'kill/escape' more are faced with tougher games, so that those who don't won't keep facing opponents who do.
It's not a measure of purely skill, it's a measure of skill/tryhard/cheap tactics. It's more to separate the sweats from the non-sweats. But the fact is everyone is a sweat if they want to win so everyone ends up following the fallacious path of trying to win at all costs.
Accepting a loss is the best skill to learn in DbD.
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Same, with these map changes and how close generators are, I find it very difficult to survive to get more than 10K BP in solo q.
Kite the killer for most of the match? No BP. Manage to do maybe one generator, someone quits on hook and it's 3vs1? No BP. Ugh
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But it doesn't separate sweat from non-sweat at all as currently constructed. Skill does equate to playstyle. They're not related. That's why games have casual and ranked modes. And games aren't even tougher for people with high MMR most of the time. The system literally fails to do both things as currently constructed.
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There's a balance problem in DBD where the devs are actively pushing for a certain kill rate range. (Or at least that was the balance metric about a year ago, and they haven't said it's changed, but quietly stopped publishing kill rate stats publicly).
Unfortunately, one likely result of balancing this way is that solo q may almost never escape, while SWF almost never loses the game, which would also keep kill rates at roughly 60% game wide.
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You could be at the lower threshold of your MMR bracket. When that happens it takes forever to drop down again. This would explain the bad matchmaking you have experienced.
As for Spirit, you can make the same argument for playing as her. She doesn't work without headphones for either side. It comes with her design. There isn't much they could do without completely reworking her from the ground up.
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Nothing like getting chased for 4 gens, and then watching your teammates die in less than a minute.
I think they changed matchmaking recently, because I am getting dry wall eaters in my solo queue rounds.
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Solo is and has been for years a very terrible experience for everyone involved
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The problem with lowering your survivor MMR is it means you're getting in games with weaker survivors, not just weaker killers. And a match between a clueless killer and clueless survivors almost always ends in the killer's favor. Funnily enough it's probably easier to win as a survivor in higher MMRs, given that your teammates are far less likely to drag you down.
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You know what's funny I never really cared for the length of matchmaking I just wanted a match but now here I am stuck with really weird matchmaking.
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Advanced players prioritize overall survival rather than their own survival.
Even if you know that you will die in the match, you will do the necessary actions and burn your life.
This is because when you do it, others will do the same, and when the time comes, you will be grateful to the precious victims and realize that your own survival rate will increase relatively.
As always, matching is a breeze, so you may be matched with people who think it's okay if you're the only one who survives, but many still end up being weeded out.
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A speaker user who keeps losing his matches... still refusing to see the truth and blaming matchmaking instead. Classic DBD playerbase moment.