Changes for the top 2 survivor meta perks and talk about a future anti gen-rush mechanic for killers

These 2 perks are above 20% use and must be changed if want to change the metagame.
Why window of opportunity not received the changes announced in the PTB?
I'm so disappointed not to read in the update notes the announced changes to Window of Opportunities, I think this perk is quite unfair it should have some adjustments and the player need to use memory to remember where each window or pallet. Add a cooldown to reading auras similar to Object Of Obsession but only when the survivors are involved on a chased.
Change to Windows of Opportunity:
The first time you are injured and you are chased unlocks potential in your Aura-reading ability. The Auras of Breakable Walls Pallets and windows are revealed to you within 24/28/32 metres.
Windows of opportunity reveals the auras of breakable walls, pallets and windows each 30 seconds for 3 seconds.
Made for this is the most insane perk in the game, this perk destroy killers 4.4 or less speed, there should never have been a perk with an indefinite speed increase also gives the effect endurance.
Only change I can think is to limit the perk to 1 use for a trial.
Change to Made For this:
The first time you are the injured state the timer is activates to Made for This and you benefit from the following effect:
Gain a 1/2/3 % haste for the next 60 seconds.
Made For This Made can only be activated once per trial.
This perk and its effect are disabled once the exit gates are powered.
Adrenaline needs a nerf for a long time has remained unchange and mostly used perk because has two effects.
Unfair to keep beneficits effects of curing one health state and the speed boost.
Change to Adrenaline:
Once the Exit Gates are powered, instantly heal one Health State.
Adrenaline is on hold if you are disabled at the moment it triggers and will instead activate upon being freed.
If playing against The nightmare Adrenaline will wake you from the Dream World upon activation.
Adrenaline ignores an existing Exhaustion.
Balancing the game should always about problems concerns on both sides
By the way now there is an anti-camping mechanic hope you add a new anti-gen-rush mechanic.
We need this change because repair not require skill and is also very easy and fast and increasing the time to complete a generation is not a solution and pressing the space key every 15 or 20 seconds a either.
Honestly this mechanic has become obsolete and deserves to be change the gameplay after so many years
Please tell me what you think, thanks.
No thanks.. Killers already have enough BHVR hand holding.
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NOED still give speed boost btw
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This post definitely not is for you.
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When a survivor with Made For This is being chased while injured, the Benny Hill chase song needs to play.
It would be extremely fitting, and... it would remove the doubt killers have as to whether the survivor is actually running faster or not.
Post edited by Nos37 on10 -
Oh... That explains why the 100% queue bonus is almost always for the killer role, and why I get instant lobbies when queueing as killer (and having miserable matches) while queueing as survivor is a Looking for Match simulator.
I was wondering 😂
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NOED happens at the END of a Trial, and can be prevented by cleansing in advance. The Hex is also revealed now.
MFT makes a player faster for making the mistake of being injured. Slower killers are obsolete against the perk. So unless you can insta down or zoom across the map it’s pointless to play Killer
MFT should grant 3% stackable speed, up to a maximum of 9% speed, for every 15 seconds the killer chases said survivor. So every time the killer gets a little faster the survivor gets a little faster too. Then keep the Endurance since the speed isn’t activated just from running, but for how long you’ve been running the killer. Essentially its a counter to BL which stops tunneling.
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Even if u don't like it will be changed they mentioned it.
The question is when and at point.
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Handholding as in base kit BT, the HUD and the AFC?
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Thats not what i mean, read the post first.
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Never mind, post has been edited.
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Even if it's true I edited it because didn't know that detail (I not use NOED never) but NOED is a hex totem and Hope no has counterplay.
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Oh no, you mean you can't just stand in front of a hook and tunnel survivors directly off the unhook anymore!? Maybe practice and adapt?
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You talk about adapt but don't accept future changes bruh
I adapt to the anti camping mechanic which I think is a good change (as long as they solve the problem if a killer is on other floor)
I never camping on the hooks but u refuse to accept changes in the future.
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So, mft becomes a meme perk, woo becomes one of the worst perks in the entire game and adrenaline gives you exhaustion without giving you a speed boost.🤦
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Hope is both not on your list and not even in the top 10 used survivor perks.
It's not as common as everyone makes it out to be, but more importantly, it makes it seem like your stance is just 'nerf everything survivors might ever equip'.
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Adrenaline doesn't need a nerf
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MFT has to be changed if u have a better idea (balanced) let me know but this perk cannot continue in the current state.
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the third mostly perk used, are u implying bhvr is lying? I find it in all matches because is combined with MFT.
PS: Talking about ranks brown only doesn't count.
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They need to get rid of these broken OP survivor perks ASAP! This meta can't continue any longer before queue times of survivors are getting to records high.
I'm sick and tired of Made For This, Dead Hard, Windows of Opportunity and Resilience in every single killer match I play. It's non-stop back to back the same survivor perks.
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It's funny how BHVR is so quickly to nerf killer perks but they take a couple of years before they nerf any of these broken and overpowered survivor perks with NO VISUAL INDICATION WHATSOEVER. Nerf them already!!
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All these perks are fine, save for MFT.
Instead of destroying perfectly fine and balanced perks, how about we buff the bad ones to be better so we can have more variety?
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Agree with you the truth is while I write this can't stop laughing at how unbalanced this game is they always try to make life easier for survivor.
Honestly I have 9k hours in this game and don't know why continue to playing this game they never listen a part of the community.
I think the reason is survivors are the majority to player base and they need to sell skins but just is my opinión ofcourse.
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one man trash is another man balance. In dbd perks get gutted and the opposing side nod that it "balance now"
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I would like know what do you think if I'm wrong or if asking for really this deserves to be revised.
Rework/nerf some meta perks survivors to make builds more varied and add a mechanic anti-gen rush early game more objetives or whatever u want to call it.
Play a killer has wonderful thing because can use different builds but playing a survivor it's always the same.
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If survivor is on last hook, they gain 7% haste for 1min and only disable with the same condition as DS (do Gen, heal...and disable when gate is powered). It become anti tunneling perk, but with haste. Remove endurance.
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Seriously, what is the problem with players with window of opportunity?
It does not grant speed, it does not grant endurance, it does not grant effects, and it does not increase the speed of repairing generators. The reason for this high usage rate is due to the terrible RNG in the maps. Sometimes an area in which you may find pallets, and the next time the area is dead and there is nothing in it even to hide.
On the contrary, this helps the killers develop their skills instead of relying entirely on the mistakes of the survivors because they did not find pallets.
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These changes would destroy the perks. It's fine to want perks out of the meta, but you'd take perks that are strong and reduce them to some of the weakest perks in the game.
The change to windows would destroy it. It's a strong perk, but also serves a useful function for new players and learning maps. With ultimate weapon in the game now you have ways to blind the survivors as the killer pretty easily.
MFT - removing the endurance effect will be fine which is what I think they will do.
If this was going to be a single use 60 second perk the speed bonus would have to be on Hope levels to have any use.
Potentially you could have MFT trigger every time the survivor is injured for a max of 60 seconds and it still be usable.
Adrenaline - this perk is a risky take. It is incredibly useful if you are in chase with the killers when the gens pop, but it's not very useful otherwise. If you die before gens pop, no value. If you aren't in chase and aren't injured the speed boost means relatively little. Even if you are injured but not in chase, its not a big deal as its pretty risk free to get a heal at this point.
Endgame perks (Adrenaline, NOED, Hope) have to be very valuable to make up for the fact that they are only useful for a very small fraction of the overall game.
Anti-gen rush: The difference between this and the anti-face camp is that it is changing a core concept structure of the game. Players have to do gens, killers don't have to camp, especially given that the system doesn't even prevent proxy camping. There's no way you could add an anti-gen rush feature that doesn't radically change the balance of the game.
To address it, you'd need to make some pretty radical adjustments to multiple game elements. Maybe they should, but we're in a whole different discussion at that point.
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"Potentially you could have MFT trigger every time the survivor is injured for a max of 60 seconds and it still be usable."
These is terrible for killers 4.4 or less speed.
Killers have perks can be use 1 time per game and also requires do something, MFT rewards failure
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Well, for some reason every map has to have at least one non-mindgameble structure with 3 guaranteed vaults that can be played multiple times. Virtually all of this game's problems would go away with well-designed maps, but both the redesigns and the newer maps seem to be missing the point. I mean, you can give me 4 strong regression perks or you can balance the maps so it takes more than just running a predefined course to entertain me for so long.
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I find the amount of upvotes you got interesting. Especially considering how many people claim, that this a killer sided forum.
Looks like it isn´t...
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while I agree this post is definitely killer sided, how do the devs hold the killers hand?
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Only MFT is in desperate need of changes. Adrenaline is 100% fair, but it shouldnt hold on hook for you. While I'd argue a lot more survivors crutch windows than use it purely for soloQ, its not broken or anything so it doesnt really need to be changed.
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Hope looks like two wings....... The third perk is Adrenaline.
Here is the full list that you grabbed the snippet from:
Hope isn't on this list.
So either you can't identify the perk correctly, or you're just lying.
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Just because something is popular and balanced doesn't mean it needs to be changed.
Instead, buff other things to make everything useful and fun.
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Lets see here just off the top of my head right now..
Bloodlust, Aura/screaming perks to find hidden survivors, nerfing healing and medkits, Anti loop killer powers, more teleporting killers that can travel across the entire map in a second.. Instant down killers.. Killers with built in slow down mechanics.. Reworking of maps to make them smaller with weaker pallets and tiles while also adding larger dead zones...
Update 6.1 in general with the sole goal of inflating kill rates.. Nerfing Prove Thyself, Iron Will, D.S, D.H, and BNP... Probably so much more that I'm forgetting right now too...
There has been a lot of Killer hand holding going on for a while and they still cry and come here to complain that survivors have it so good and every single team they face are just super SWFs so ALL survivors need to be nerfed into oblivion...
Bet money after they get what they want they will turn right around and say something like "Wow this game is just too easy now! Where are all the good survivors at!?! I'm bored, I think I'll just quit playing DbD for good this time!"
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You couldn't do that before either. As long as survivors used the perks that were specifically designed for those reasons.
But now, survivors have 4 free perk slots and base game mechanics to help them out. I'd say this counts as handholding.
Funny how survivors are allowed to use whatever perks they like without suffering any consequences but killers aren't.
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In certain situations, bnps are even better than before.
DH was still too strong after 6.1
Almost all the healthy gen regression perks got nuked in 6.1
Survivors got hud, bt basekit, anti face camp.
So what are you getting at?
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I'd be fine with that. Make it 10% for all I care and prevent the survivor from using a flashlight during that time and it should be a pretty good option.
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I'd argue most of that is less hand holding and more necessary changes. Hand holding implies that BHVR is giving killers changes to things that are already fine just to make killer easier which I feel isnt true for most of these. Bloodlust should lose t2 and t3 though those are def handholding...
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So is killer easier now than before update 6.1? Yes, or no.. A lot of people on here and elsewhere online claim that it is.. If your answer is yes.. How exactly is it easier now than it was a year or two ago?
How many nerfs have survivors already received since then? Killers had some nerfs too sure but seems like a lot of killer mains here are forgetting all the nerfs survivors went through and are still going through and it's never enough nerfs apparently..
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What I'm getting at is where does it end!? When will killers be satisfied? Oh that's right, the goal post will keep moving to the next thing like it keeps doing until survivors literally have nothing at all and die within 30 seconds.
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How much Survivor nerfing do Killer mains need until it is no longer a "survivor sided" issue but a YOU issue.
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I could care less for adrenaline, as I like slinger buuuuuuut I do think there needs to be a made for this change. Windows is whatever to me, I normally shoot them when they try to chain loops. I would say gen rushing is a problem but I play a 4.4 killer so ofc it sucks for me, I'm to slow. But even then, through 3 slowdowns gens fly. I'd say maybe just maybe throw on 5 seconds to the gens. Just make life a tiny bit easier.
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Depends on the killer. M1 killers post 6.1 had an easier time for sure since dh for distance stopped terrorizing them and everything was faster. MFT has made M1 killers' pain now though so it's close to even again. Right now, I'd say high tiers are easier than ever because they largely ignore MFT and thus face fewer exhaustion perks that affect them. However lower tiers are more highly effected by the current meta and are thus harder than before. Less regression + mft means that most killers have a worse time than before. I would have said the game was extremely killer sided 6 months after 6.1, but all the broken killer stuff from that patch has been nerfed down and recent meta.
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You ignored my post.
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Honestly "MFT rewards failure" is such a weird take unless you think survivors should be able to not get caught at all if they're good enough.
Like, survivors will get hit no matter how much better they are than the killer as long as they don't drop chase. Getting hit is not a failure.
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We don't want unattainable survivors and Made For This is large to blame.