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How is the anti-camp mechanic going for everyone?



  • Member Posts: 6,342

    Using just the terror radius won't work for Piggy, Ghostie, tier 1 Myers, or with anything that triggers Undetectable.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    Thing is it shouldn’t be like that if you don’t make it like that lol.

  • Member Posts: 165

    Exactly. Several matches now and I don't see a single change to the game. 🤷‍♂️

  • Member Posts: 3,139

    Honestly not a great addition in the current state of the game. Now if they do quick patches to make the game actually viable on lower tier killers without 2+ slowdown then it would be more tolerable.

  • Member Posts: 6,139

    I'm dying 🤣 Bubba "camping" basement hook from a respectable distance. She (Yui) got unhooked just as I took the screenshot. At least I was able to get the random perk challenge done lol never change Bubs

  • Member Posts: 4,167

    Hooks have become such a boring aspect as survivor.

  • Member Posts: 140

    not sure if people read what was the feature about

    "ANTI FACE CAMPING" not "kill all sort of ""camping"" but ok

    This didnt had any effect on me except one game I was playing with sadako where I downed the unhooker before they got to the hooked person I reminded myself couldnt be around them the survivor just simply crawl towards the hooked survivor inestad since they knew I couldnt get close to them..

    This feature will be weaponized for survivors I can already tell like endurance off the hook..

  • Member Posts: 6,139

    Yes, we all know it's facecamping. If you're referring to my post (since no one else has mentioned anything other than facecamping) I'm laughing at Bubba adapting to the basement hooks no longer being facecamp-able.

  • Member Posts: 1,596

    Played a number of killer games yesterday, did not trigger once. I also made sure to stay away from the hooks, but thats also my usual playstyle anyway.

    But I had the impression that more survivors than before dropped into second stage / sacrifice without being unhooked by their teammates. I may have proxy camped some (but still enough room to at least secure a trade), but others were dropping into second stage without me being any near. Makes me wonder if the other survivors just assumed I would camp and left their mate thinking they would be able to unhook themselves.

    So my very personal, biased verdict of the AFC is: It makes my killer games easier, at least for now :P

  • Member Posts: 941

    First impression.

    Seems fine to me, if you dont face camp super hard its nothing important.

    I was worried for an exploit or abuse but if you play normally it wont trigger, and that was the idea so good one.

  • Member Posts: 5,503
  • Member Posts: 3,611

    It seems pretty much useless. Unless the killer is directly face camping, the bar doesn't fill at all. Killers can still proxy camp and are already figuring out how to work around it, so really it did nothing.

  • Member Posts: 4,155

    I’m already having survivors try to lure me into the AFC zone, and then stealth away, hoping that I’ll stay in the AFC zone to look for them… so people are already trying to weaponize AFC.

  • Member Posts: 258

    It is okay. I still see camping happen just now it happens further out from the hook. This solves face-camping, but even then you can still be a victim of face-camping with certain killer builds that depend on the survivor unhooking themselves, such as with Myers and Trapper, but I admit that does require a lot of prep.

    The only true solution to camping imo is to hide the hooked survivor's location from the killer, like how pyramid head can send a survivor to a random part of the map in a cage, but that would change the game too much.

  • Member Posts: 1,148

    I've not seen it activated in any of my Survivor games yet. That said, I tend to Vs tunnellers and proxy campers far more often than face campers (who were never that common in my experience, anyway), so I'd didn't expect there to be much of a difference.

    Even though I never camp, I did feel a little anxious when getting too close to any hooked Survivors, especially so if I was in a chase nearby. It's not changed my play style, because I always leave the hook as soon as I can to go find other Survivors, but it does feel like one more thing to have to manage and think about whilst playing Killer, and in that respect doesn't feel so great to play around.

    Could be more of a problem for certain Killers. I felt I had to be extra mindful of where I left Charlotte on RPD when I played a Twins game last night. I usually like to leave her near to the main hall, as there's often a lot of hooks clustered around there, so it could be potentially tricky to manage if you have two survivors hooked nearby to each other and gens in the area to protect in that situation.

    But it's still new and I'm sure over time that won't be an issue for me.

  • Member Posts: 3

    It's useless. I've only had one experience in 1000 hours where the killer stood very close to me. (like really face camping)

    Now all the killers are far away from the hook, and the new scale simply does not fill up, or fills up very slowly.


  • Member Posts: 2,336

    I haven't even noticed the update was out but I've been playing other games waiting for the update to drop.

    I like that it is an option and considering the post above I can see that it is not too strong which is ideal - It's better for the feature to exist and start out with low impact and tuned as the game goes on so that way there isn't any unfair self unhooks.

  • Member Posts: 2,280

    Seems to do it's job well enough. When the killer gets within spitting distance the bar fills fast but is otherwise pretty lenient for the killer. As a bonus, looooots of less killers camping, went only 1 game where the killer camped, and they even had a good reason so can't blame them.

  • Member Posts: 1,391


    Granted, no killer spends the whole hook timer slapping you (... that's.... something? I guess?) --- but by now means has there been less camping. Or have I felt less frustrated or robbed of agency (remember, those two points they mentioned when they accounced the AFC mechanic?) when a killer wanted me dead on first hook. ¯\_(ツ)_/¯

  • Member Posts: 2,501
    edited October 2023
  • Member Posts: 3,347

    I haven't noticed anything at all besides a funny bar being on the screen when I play survivor to be honest.

  • Member Posts: 1,026

    If he is a cannibal with a few add-ons, he will see a survivor pull out of an underground hook, then turn on the chainsaw and get a second shot even if the survivor jumps out of a window.

    Since even this level has not been properly verified, bhvr and some survivors who believe that AFC can contain Face Camp will be ridiculed as ignorant.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 6

    Since yesterday all day i got killer camp outside the 16 meter and wait and goes tunnel when you unhook 😆 Nice system.

  • Member Posts: 6,139

    Oh no doubt. He did down Yui again shortly after her unhook. But, again, I'm not talking about the efficiency of the AFC anyway. I'm simply amused by a Basement Bubba (a meme in this game, really) adapting.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    Ehhhhh no face camping yes, but plenty of proxy camping where they just chill and watch you. The moment someone runs up, they either target them or you, if you were unhooked. It's much the same imo. Idk if it was a bug or what, but Pyramid Head camped while I was in a torment cage, I poofed across the map and then died 10 seconds later, lol.

    I've been gone a while though so I feel rusty and feel like I've forgotten a bit. Hard to say what's what.

  • Member Posts: 273
    edited October 2023

    Doesn’t affect Myers at all, survivor unhooks and gets instantly Mori’ed.

    They’d need to use certain add-ons and do a bit of stalking beforehand though..

  • Member Posts: 9,702

    PH cages function different than hooks and has it's own system where if PH is close to a cage for a few seconds, it teleports to a new spot. This has been in the game since one of the hotfixes during PH's chapter.

  • Member Posts: 5,503

    I hadn't a chance to even see the bar fill up even a little bit as the survivor, but when I played as killer there was one situation, where one survivor really tried to tilt me, flashlight clicked, repeatedly fast vaulted, t-bagged, the whole shabang. They sadly weren't THAT good at looping and I eventually cornered them.

    When I hooked them the second time I thought "you know what? Lets put this AFC mechanic to the test" and I nodded at them and stared straight into their soul. They struggled all the way to 3rd stage and died, all the while I was expecting them to unhook themselves at the very last moment, thus "wasting" as much of my time as possible. I will never know if they did this to spite me or if they didn't know about this mechanic? We must not forget that not everyone reads patch notes and the sorta casual players probably didn't notice any different markings or key prompts.

    I then tested this with a couple more survivors, all on 1st hook, and not one unhooked themselves.

  • Member Posts: 1,262

    I did not remember they teleported. I am rusty, lol. Thanks for the info.

  • Member Posts: 3,554

    Yeah I did notice playing survivor timer showing while I was on hook. Gotta test it on bubba soon just I have not been really playing dbd recently apart from couple games.

  • Member Posts: 763

    This brings up an interesting point. If Charlotte is parked and you're running Victor, does Charlotte still count as "the killer" for AFC? Or does Victor not count because he already doesn't count for things like chases?

  • Member Posts: 816

    I give it a thumbs up.

    I've had survivors the kept me near the hook and I've had smart survivors, too. No problems at all.

    I got to test it last night, had a bot on hook, went back and just facecamped like a fiend. Worked great, surprisingly fast if you're standing right there. The bot started trying as soon as I got back, so it's not even boring.

  • Member Posts: 96

    Haven't been face camped or proxy camped until endgame when imo it's a valid strat to secure a kill however I've had a large increase of being left to bleed out instead or full team slugging.

    I never had it too often before but since the anti-face camp I've had it at least once per night, on the plus side it's just one game and as boring as it is to just sit and wait I know it's not likely to happen again that night.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    I did a little proxy camping on RCPD but got too close to the survivors and they both got unhooked. I won the match, nonetheless. It is not a game changer. I have yet to face (pun intended) facecamp Bubba to see how it works.

  • Member Posts: 1,148

    I actually looked that up. Apparently you can't release Victor or switch between the two if either is within 16m of a hook. So the Twins already have a built-in anti face camping feature.

    So I guess the meter shouldn't fill at all if the game lets you switch to Victor.

  • Member Posts: 566

    My worst fear is that it would be very exploitable, but it turns out to be just fine. A healthy addition to the game

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    If it was terror-radius based then stealth killers could still just face camp.

  • Member Posts: 2,475

    It didn't do nothing, you said it yourself that it stops direct facecamping, which is what it's designed to do. It wasn't designed to do anything against proxy camping, only facecamping.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    has yet to be relevant

  • Member Posts: 937
    edited October 2023

    Well, now killers just tunnel like I've never experienced before (And this is me playing from 11AM until now, or longer) and/or proxy camp.

    I kept telling my BF to look, I was like look look LOOK AT THE KILLER lol! He's just waiting a bit back from the hook for some poor person to unhook me to either tunnel me (which happened) and/or hit them (also happened!) and my boyfriend said "That is how you can tell that unless that is intended, which would be awful, whoever made this does not test their own game."

    This has been my experience every.single.match. today. I truly wish I was exaggerating.

    My boyfriend is a lead on a very, very well-known game (I don't want to say which because then it will doxx him instantly) and he says they have to thoroughly test things, do a very detailed report and he said they (the creators, higher-ups and more, not JUST game testers) have to actively use their own product (If you want to call it that), to see errors that occur in a different way that you're using it, or rather, how other people use the products differently than they would, and that was clearly not explored when designing this. Again, his words not mine, he was just explaining it from his experience at his successful gaming company.

    edit: He also said people who are in charge (Such as managers) have to test it, he was explaining that they even bring it home (ALL of them) and test it. I think that is why the game he is the head of is so popular and has a happy fan base.

    This is by no means a knock at the developers here, I am sure they work very hard and I do know the workload that goes into a game is insane as my boyfriend does it on a very high-end level, so please do not take it that way, but it seems like again, unless it is intended to encourage tunneling and proxy camping (which is god awful) it was not tested in a manner that he explained to me.

  • Member Posts: 149

    Killers are tunneling even more and proxy camping even more.

  • Member Posts: 291

    I've seen the videos of that, it's kinda funny.

    It's super situational, but some streamer is going to have it happen and cry about it enough that it gets forum posts about it and they'll rework Myers Tombstone or something dumb.

  • Member Posts: 317

    I'm a terrible killer (literally only play a few games of killer every few months) so i'm guilty of camping in the past to help secure hits / kills. However, with this new mechanic i'm really encouraged to go away from hook and I feel like it's actually helping me be a better killer lol. My recent killer games today have been really good. I've only really got a few kills per match but honestly I feel so good about myself doing that lol. Sounds stupid but it has kinda increased my confidence playing killer forcing me away from hook 😂

  • Member Posts: 4,903

    Not triggered once during normal gameplay.

    Was able to use the mechanic to spare a survivor on the hook when the 3 others were slugged and lost or dead.

    Pretty good so far.

  • Member Posts: 165

    What does the mechanic actually do? I've seen the meter on the bottom while on hook but I'm not sure what its supposed to do.

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