Pig Needs Nerfed!

When are we going to adress the fact that Pig is busted. She can apply massive slowdown with her trap and use her SECOND POWER to get stealth hits! THEN she can use her second power again to move way too fast too and shut down loops. Lastly, she can literally insta-kill survivors with her OP trap... Her kit is just packed with so much power and I feel like cuz shes not picked much people don't acknowledge it.
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Has to be.
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If Pig needs nerfed then Im the hottest man alive
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Please tell me this is satire
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2019 called, they want their joke back.
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For those who don't get it, its a joke based off of "Dredge Needs Nerfed".
That post was so dumb and funny that it seemed suiting to make this.
Who in their right mind would actually call for pig nerfs???
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All of the Pig mains seeing this, even if it's a joke.
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I mean, all 3 of them should be used to it by now.
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*Roars, knocks you to the ground, and puts a reverse bear trap on your head seconds before a generator is finished.*