Twitch Drops Error - Not received?

So my BHVR account says I've claimed a drop, but it does not register with twitch.
I have connected my BHVR account to my Twitch accounts 3 days ago as below.
But Twitch is not recognising link connection when I attempt to "connect" ??
Seems to be a bug/error as when I press "connect" on Twitch it redirects me here:
Do I log-in with my personal email (in this case, G-mail)?
If so, it gives me the below microsoft.. error anyway?
Weird error? Am I logging in wrong?
Can anyone else help please?
Same here! Got it on Twitch and when the game loaded up I even saw the notification of the item. Looked in inventory and it isn't there, even typed its name and no result.
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Are you sure you didn't get it? The charm is named 'creepy pocket spa' and not 'hatch micro playset'. I have the same message on drops but do have the charm in the game.
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Omg thank you! IDK why its name is different everywhere else... It looks like I did get the charm.
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that's... a very strange mix-up.
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The thing is after claiming the charm successfuly it says Connect now even though I already claimed it but it leads to the BHVR website like you shared as if you're a BHVR employee LOL. It looks like an error. I think you also received them but the name is different.
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Also the Hag's weapon is called "Sugar Claws" for anyone wondering.
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Great that everybody got it! 😁 I was also not expecting a diffferent name lol.
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Now I'm waiting on the Hag weapon lol it says "Pending". I already claimed it 20 mins ago. Maybe it takes some while for this one.
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Oh I had to sign in with my Twitch again on that page and now it's claimed LOL.
Looks sweet! (pun intended)🤠
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Haha very nice! Glad to know it worked :D
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Does anyone know if there will be more streams with more drops? Someone else told me we were just going to have Halloween in-game log in rewards
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make it make sense
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Isn't it supposed to be an Elodie sweater @GoodBoyKaru? Have you tried logging in to your bhvr account again, making sure it shows as "claimed" and then booting up the game?
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Had to log into my BHVR account as well and there ‚finalize‘ my twitch link by signing in again - even though everything was already done before and shown as linked and could claim
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Anybody else having this issue? I still haven't been able to finish the claiming process because of this, and I still keep getting redirected to the BHVR employee e-mail...
Edit: Got mine! It ended up taking quite a while but after a couple log-ins the rewards were there.
Post edited by BearTrapSnap on0 -
Thank you bestie
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Yeah I got the same problem had to switch over to PC to get some progress cause mobile wasn’t working. But anyway I may have to messed with more abs see if I got on my ps4. So yeah I may have to keep checking also. Hope they fixed the issue soon but we will see.
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Mine is like this. Do I have to do anything? cannot connection Behav-->steam
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How do I check on item progress? Ta
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Well I kind of know but also don't how to keep progress. The best I seen was going to this BHVR website which allows you to connect your Behavior account with the platform you play on while also connecting to Twitch. Hope it helps and good luck cause I don't know if It will show up on consoles cause I've haven't checked my Ps4 account yet. But for Pc it seems to work on there but only if you resign into Twitch from my understanding.
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Cheers. I set it all up the other day - honestly took me like an hour for the BHVR site to accept and link everything - but I'm not seeing any progress despite watching and having everything connected.
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You’re welcome and glad I could help and yeah forget to mention that the process is definitely a pain. It took me a long time to. But glad I could help. :)
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I worked it out lol apparently doesn't work on mobile, so I've got the laptop out and it's finally progressing
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Guess you have to claim them within 3 hours? I had to leave after the 2 hour mark. Came back around 8pm. It let me claim the sweater initially but said processing when I refreshed the page.
Opened the game and I got the charm and hags arm but no sweater.
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Yeah I got a a bunch of stuff I had already except this Meg head..
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Post edited by Mhyke on1
I have the same problem. I click the "connect" button and it takes me to a microsoft login screen for my BHVR account, when I am actually linked as a Steam account and play on a PC. I can't claim the items, because I don't have a Microsoft account to claim them on.
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I couldn't get the Microsoft login to work either, BUT I checked my game anyway and still received the drops.
If you've claimed your drops on Twitch and connected your Twitch to your Behavior account and whichever platform you play the game on, try checking your game. Even though the main menu only popped up with the creepy pocket spa charm, I checked Elodie and the Hag and got their new items as well.
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Everything shown as Claimed, but received only Charm.
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Checking now. Mine isn't showing up for Playstation.
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Don't click that just link your stuff then click on the claims at the top it just worked for me, I was getting the same thing when I clicked the bottom link.
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Once I connected on that link it let me click to try the claim thing again and once all 3 said claimed I loaded up again and I have my stuff!
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Don't click the red button.
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bhvr just shows again how to NOT do anything. Its already kind of stupid to be forced to sign up for a bhvr account, while legit any other game doesnt need a seperate account to claim twitch drops, but bhvr just did a pretty job again. i guess i can watch another 3hours dbd to regain my claims and still dont be able to claim them.
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I claimed my drops (5 days ago) and still nothing.
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That’s terrible. Sorry to hear! Have you all attempted to re- log in to your BHVR account online? In the twitch section it should state “CLAIMED”? Then they should be unlocked after booting up the game.. that’s at least what happened to me.