No matter if SoloQ or Killer i see a DC or give up
The title, what happened latetly i could be playing trapper. if things start to go my way with lucky trap = instant DC or give up
same on soloq what is happening its too often to ignore
I was just speaking with a friend about this. The rate of giving up has skyrocketed recently.
I played a bunch of games yesterday, and survivors gave up in so many of them. I’m not even playing with particularly strong killers or builds.
- As Trapper: Someone DCed after the first down and then everyone else gave up on hook.
- As Trapper: Someone got trapped and I picked them up. They didn’t wiggle, and as soon as they were hooked they killed themselves.
- As Hag: Hooked someone in basement and they killed themselves on hook straight away.
- As Wesker: Match was going normally, I’d gotten a few hooks in and two generators had been done. I keep hearing a loud noise notification coming from where someone was unhooked earlier. Turns out they had gone AFK under the hook.
- As Hag: Went against a survivor with Boil Over on Midwich. Their teammate messed up a sabotage save and so I managed to hook them. They killed themselves on hook.
I just don’t get what’s changed all of a sudden.
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When I first started this game, I figured the type that would volunteer to be a victim in a horror game must be tough as nails.
I immediately discovered the exact opposite, the typical survivor player wants an easy escape and an opportunity to tb at the exit. Anything else might make them DC. Delicate little flowers, not tough nails.
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yesterday i used this build on 4 games ( Haunted/ Devour / undying/ coup )
- Clown -----> 2 DC, one aftr first down and the second after devour 3 stack hit on 2 gens left
- Dredge ------------> 1 DC on devour 3 stack and one kill on hook right after
- Dredge --------> kill on hook first down, game is over then
- deathslinger ----------> DC on first gun shot hit ona meg with iri addon of exposed.
- blight with no perks just shadowborn/bbq --------> kill on hook first down
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I had an entire team giving up when I did my 2nd hook with my Clown. All 3 players ran towards me allowing a knockdown. I wonder if it was an SWF.
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I do usually experience players throwing the matches during survivor solo queue, in particular if..-
- The killer decides to tunnel and go right after the unhooked survivor. That unhooked survivor gives up the chase and sacrifices themself on the next hook instantly or purposefully disconnects before even getting to the hook; Happens even while playing as a killer, but I do avoid tunneling even if it costs me the entire match because I hate it;
- The survivor doesn't get unhooked within the matter of five seconds upon being hooked. Yup, five seconds. No more, no less. If nothing, it's purposefully disconnecting or attempting to unhook themselves and refusing to struggle;
- The survivors are healing themselves and not repairing the generators before attempting the rescue, regardless of the situation;
- The survivors are struggling pretty hard, even though almost all of the generators are a bit above ~50%, and so the potential to comeback from that is still there;
- The survivors have had two chases lost within twenty seconds each, and so the player is entitled to believe that there's no point in playing anymore;
- The killer uses XYZ loadout (one or more specific add-ons, specific map offering being burnt, specific perks);
- The other survivors use XYZ loadouts (once again, specific perk slots, and so on..);
- (...).
Honestly, I'm losing sense of what's the issue with those people. It seems like they do play the game to win and can't handle losing, so they do feel entitled to ruin the match to the other players, because they're not having fun.
The common excuse is that the game is or was F2P on EG, and that winning is all that matters. „I don't care about you having fun, I do only care about myself having fun.“
The only times when I don't see a purposeful DC is when the players do play in SWF and actually do apologize for the member of their party leaving the match upon being asked, but that's a huge minority of the playerbase, as most people don't bother with respecting the opposing players. It's a competitive videogame to way too many players, so it's of no wonder that the game triggers them so much that they do feel like the entire world is against them and wants them to suffer, you know.. Or if I start losing so hard that I can't even keep up.. That's when there's no DC to be found, unless it's an emergency or a network issue like I have already mentioned.
It's a shame.. I don't recall the game being treated so competitively back in the day.. People were actually trying to have fun while being considerate of other people.. It's as if the charm has become too outdated and the trend is to hate everybody and spill the hate upon everybody who wants to share love and positive vibes. You know, to be edgy just for the sake of being edgy even though they're aware of how wrong it truly is in certain cases..
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I see this almost EVERY GAME. it's getting so old it makes me want to stop logging in.
I don't mind losing, I stay no matter what. But lately every single game has someone giving up instantly. Someone listed the reasons why and it's all true.
I am so so so sick of 3vs1 because someone got mildly inconvenienced. If they are so frustrated why don't they take a break? If this continues it will make playing pointless. I was already forced to stop bringing items and good offerings as they just get wasted.
It's sooooo boring to keep having every match go 3vs1 so quickly. Make it stop.
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I'll say what I always say. There's zero incentive to stay in a survivor game that looks like it's going badly. You aren't going to win and you aren't going to get any bloodpoints either. Especially true if you are a solo player. The odds of you making a comeback are very low due to how quickly things snowball for the killer. For less experienced players there's also a high probability of them being hard tunneled out so I kind of understand why they give up. The person who gave up might have just been tunneled out five games in a row. It's impossible to really know their motivation for giving up. Give people more of an incentive to stay in games if you want to solve this problem. I don't know how to achieve this but clearly something needs to be done.
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An incentive would help but a penalty is what brings results.
Or you know, just remove the ability to self unhook without deli?
Maybe make dc penalties a bit worse than they are now. People log in and play 5 games(leaving 3 of them) and do the same thing the next day.
Attacking the reasons for why people give up is a good start but it''s not enough in a pvp game and def not enough with how fragile players are in this game.
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Biggest threat to survivors are other survivors.
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If the game's going badly, why not try to make a change? Why'd you go out of your way and even help the killer to make things worse.. It's almost as if you were enjoying losing at that point, because I can't see any reasonable reasoning why'd you wanna promote the stuff you're not fond of, including losing and one-sided matches for example. Like, do something about it instead of giving up, or at least try to..
Another thing you're mentioning are bloodpoints.. Fair. They might matter, but the moment you do get every single perk or the selection of perks you're comfortable with, they do become worthless. At that point, you do no longer care, so that does simply becomes an excuse whenever a veteran player claims so, not applying to the new players.
If you're being tunneled, get Off The Record and Decisive Strike.. Even if it's situational. Do fight what you hate and promote what you love or enjoy, no? So what that you don't get to use it if you equip it.. You were prepared, so you've done the right thing. You do run your loadout to promote your own gameplay and have fun, not to ruin somebody else's match.. So if the killer tunnels you, you do fight it and make it clear that tunneling you is the worst decision they can make.
The incentive isn't there.. It's the lack of morale. The motivation is to stay happy and behave like a person whom you wish to become in the future, nothing more and nothing less. It's no longer about the game, but about being happy with your decision makings.. Which also applies towards this game and the way you treat it; Don't wanna sweat? Then don't, and learn how to be satisfied with knowing that you've given it your all even if it wasn't good enough to outplay the competitive players.
It's up to each individual to learn how to handle losing and learn how to enjoy playing the games, how to learn how to no longer treat them competitively.. If they're incapable of donig that, they're not gonna have fun unless they win, period.
Kinda.. You do have the point, but self-unhooking shall stay in the game; What shall happen is to make self-unhooking without specific perks detectable by the game itself and make some penalties for repeatetive self-unhook actions in case X survivors are healthy, injured, or doing certain actions.
If no survivor is repairing a generator, healing themselves, (...) as shown in the HUD, then self-unhooking shall be OK and no longer punishable; However, the moment at least one survivor is doing something, then self-unhooking shall be detectable by the in-game report system and punish the player for doing so, unless they're running specific perks to increase the odds or having specific offerings burnt to increase them (could be burnt by other players) to promote reasonable unhooking and punish those who give up early.
Implementing a VOD history that can be watched by any BHVR member would be a good start to see, if the players is griefing or isn't griefing. Naturally, with that also implementing a replay feature to be able to tell if the killer who was facing you was cheating or wasn't, and so on..
We're kinda asleep with such features, as no matter where do you look, they're everywhere.. Literally everywhere.
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People are penalized for DCing. You’ll never be able to force (survivor) players to remain in games or play games how you think they should. You need to let these fantasies go. If people don’t want to play, they won’t.
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3 point plan
1) Make joining a game mean, staying with it in spectator mode until the match is finished. Even on restarting the game.
2) make scoring based on team victory conditions. 4 escapes best survivor team score, worse killer score. 5 gens incomplete and all 4 sacrificed is best killer result and worst survivor team score. Grant bonus score for individual accomplishments.
3) both sides need hope that victory is possible. Improve matchmaking quality. For expexted lopsided matches institute a handcap on gen repair times
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yeah its annoying how entitled this community is. Its equal on both sides, but since theres more survivors in each match theres a higher likelihood of an entitled one ruining it for everyone. At least a DC gives you a bot. not that people DC when they've got a free DC with no penalty.
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I often see survivors dc/suicide on the first hook, after the first chase of the match.
How is anyone supposed to evaluate how the match will go, just because that survivor had a bad start? He can´t know how the others will play, if they will last longer in a chase or if they actually know how to push gens. Instead they go "nah, this isn´t fun, lets end this".
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I'll get one dc in about 10 matches nowadays. I've seen worse times.
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Instead of punishing harder those who disconnect, bots were introduced. They sent the message that disconnecting is OK, so here are the results.
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Ever since survivor bots were implemented, I’ve been seeing more games that have at least 1 DC, but less DCs overall.
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Same, I don't see a lot of DCs
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Legit I can only play 1 or 2 matches and then I have to get off for the rest of the day. The game is too frustrating for me especially solo Q survivor.
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And that is fine.. My point was that they do ruin the match to other players and instead of taking a break until they feel better, they do head into the next match only to repeat the entire process once more, because, of course, nitpicking all the faults within the game is a very easy task for them to do to justify their own actions to themselves.
There's really no need to twist my words or to purposefully miss my point just for the sake of thinking that I do gotta be wrong.
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Depends. Was your second hook after camping and hard tunneling the survivor you hooked first? I give up when the killer managed to tunnel the first guy out, because at 5 gens its still lost anyway and why give the killer a thrilling match if he wants to make it boring in the first place.
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Honestly, I wouldn't have believed you if I hadn't seen Otz's Troubleshooter video.
It's actually kind of shocking.
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Yeah at the very least look at games like MWO, I can't log into a new game with that particular mech till the current one is done if I die early.
Maybe start locking players out of their character till the game ends. If they try and play the same survivor they just port back into the game as a spectator.
I know its not the best system but some people get really attached to their mains, so it may be something.
Team outcome should definitely weight pips and MMR.
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Hon, I needn’t twist your words and it’s not about being right or wrong. The essence of your whole comment was that survivors should remain in matches where they aren’t having fun because somebody elses fun is more important than their own. My response was that’s unrealistic, no game can force it, and no matter how you try to dress it up (“they should stay and learn from their mistakes/loss!” “They should play so that other people have fun, be compassionate” or whatever) it’s not gonna happen. People buy and play video games for their own entertainment, not the fulfillment of others. And that goes for killers AND survivors. It’s just the truth.
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Survivors should remain in matches because ragequitting is unsportmanlike. And no one is saying people should be literally forced into staying in a match. But we are saying there should be harsher ragequitting penalties for people that ragequit too much.
And if harsher ragequitting penalties are made, people should still have the choice to ragequit... But we should realize that freedom to ragequit isn't the same thing as freedom from penalties.
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I've seen a ton of justifications for disconnection, not just in the actual game, but on this forum as well. No matter what the reason, just because your gaming experience is boring is not a reason to disconnect.
If someone commits a DC, it is the person who committed the DC, not the other person, who is at fault. It doesn't matter if you're a killer or a survivor.
However, if the other person is clearly intentionally disrespecting and mocking others, or is a cheater in the first place, you need to take that into account.
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I had a couple days last week where the DCing and letting go on hook was nuts. It was just constant. In the past I've never had issues, and thankfully the last few days have been fine again. Dunno what was going on. The only times I usually see DCs or letting go is if someone is being tunnelled, but last week there was none of that.
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What's actually wild to me is in my survivor games the only time people DC/unhook is when they aren't being tunneled. I genuinely think I have only seen one player on my team that's getting tunneling leave the match.
As much as people try and blame it on tunneling and camping, I just don't see it in my games.
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Yes, it's true, lots of people are giant diaper babies.
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I seen like 1 dc over 3 days of playing killer personally.
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Sadly killers are just too opresive and easy to play right now, so the moment the match seems to be lost most survivors will just quit, especially if they are playing alone making a comeback near impossible.
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This is kinda true, but a LOT of people give up even when the game is in our favour.
I can’t count the amount of times we are winning as survivor and then we just lose because someone decided to sacrifice themselves on first hook. Or where I’m killer and getting my ass kicked but end up winning because someone gave up simply because they messed up or I outplayed them.
An incentive to stay won’t necessarily solve the problem either as they’ll still throw just in a different way (AFK, hide all game, etc)
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I disagree strongly. This is classic fixing the symptom not the problem. 2 years ago, basically no one every DC'd. What's changed since then, either in mechanics or style of play? I would argue that most of the recent killers are not as fun to play against in a very specific way. All the recent killers demolish looping and this facilitates easy tunnelling victory. Not all killers tunnel, but if they did, they would win far more of their matches. Tunnelling is too effective. This in turn has fostered the idea that once hooked it is pointless for person bloodpoint gain, rift challenges, or escapes. So why not go next.
This is a terrible set of incentives that have created the current dc / unalive meta.
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The penalties are harsh. Disconnecting players can receive up to a week-long ban, I believe?
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The maximum penalty is harsh, but it either takes too many ragequits to get there, or the penalty decays too quickly, because I’m seeing way too many ragequits.
A lot of people think they get X amount of free ragequits per week, and they want to use all of them.
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The time penalty escalates with each DC and increases significantly between DC 2 and 3, depending on how frequently that player has DC’d in the past. It only shoots up from there, really. People who have DC’d a lot in the past also receive much stiffer penalties.
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All these hard line comments about what "should be" done about DCing rather than what is causing it.
Heaven forbid we actuality hold BHVR accountable for the pathetic state of their own game.
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Hmm, except that you are twisting them to fit your narrtive right now, and have been doing that within your previous response aswell. You're probably oblivious to that, unless you're literally pulling my leg here.
It goes hand in hand - If somebody's not having fun and decides to ruin it to the other players, guess what.. Other players aren't gonna have fun aswell. The only way to break this repeatable cycle is to change your point of view or make it so that the other people will have fun, even if it's at your expense. Sooner or later, you will see people returning the favour, but it's of no wonder that you're not thinking along such lines, as you're only contributing to the issue at hand instead of trying to make things better for yourself and the other people around you.
If you're not willing to stay in the match, please, don't even bother playing the game in the first place. I don't wanna have my time ruined just because somebody's entitled and believes that the world circles around them, but I guess that this goes both ways too, doesn't it.. Which at that point, the discussion becomes pretty much pointless and with no way around what's going on, unless something convinces players to keep playing the matches.
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…If you really feel that people quitting games “ruins” your personal gaming experiences, perhaps you should play with bots? You wouldn’t have to worry about people not playing for your personal enjoyment then, now would you? :)
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I have games where survivors suicide/DC on their first hook after 3 gens have been completed
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That is, unfortunately, still not a possibility; There are no killer bots yet. I have considered that option the moment they've mentioned the addition of bots at some point, but that was a disaster. Although they're better than how they were before, the survivor bots still got a long way to go, and the killer bots aren't even out.