You did a pretty good job with coding Nemesis hitbox BHVR

Pretty good job so far 👍️
Damn, that's tough. What it's like to face Nemmy lol.
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Survivor hitboxes are the same injured or healthy so it doesn’t align well with the injured model/animation. That combined with some lag can probably lead to these hits. We do only get lag icons when the connection is very bad, and sadly still no way to see the direct killer ping (survivor pings can be shown in the menu)
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Indeed. The original ping system was so much better than what they replaced it with. The newer system is useless as it only shows you're lagging or getting packet loss when you're already well aware of it.
It looks like lag is the reason for that hit. The killer seemed to pause a moment before going for the hit instead of right away, so on the killer's screen the survivor probably had just vaulted (or was still in the animation).
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it is not a matter of survivor hitbox anymore, the only difference with the healthy and injured animation is how straight I stand, so injured or healthy the hit remains bs no matter what. tho have you noticed how it NEVER happens with pyramid head? I wonder why with nemesis it happens, projectile logic maybe? less bugged/broken? idk.
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Because Nemesis isnt a shockwave like Pyramid Head and its actually quite interesting how his tentacle works
Imagine 5 horizontal lines in front of Nemesis that start at his head and ends at his feet. Once he uses his tentacle, the first line gets "activated", then the 2nd, then the 3rd, and so on. Thing is these lines move with Nemesis himself, which is why Drag Tech is a thing and also why some hits can look pretty wonky
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which is bs and should be fixed
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Breaking news: ping exists. More at 11.
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This is not a hitbox problem, honestly. The tentacle clearly didn't hit you on your screen. That we can agree on.
But that has little to do with hitboxes and more with latency. Even 50ms latency can make a huge difference and since both your and the killer's respective connections factor into it, you'll easily exceed that. This would mean, that from the server's perspective your character was lacking 0.2 metres (or more) behind when the Nemesis used his tentacle, which would make this much closer than in the visual feedback.
Unfortunately latency has quite a big impact in a game like DBD where mere milliseconds decide between win and loss in many situationd. If you have a friend, who also plays DBD and one of you owns Nemesis, you can try hitting a stationary survivor. You'll find that the hitbox is actually rather small.
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That's not actually how it works. The hitboxes work like this:
So while running, your hitbox is actually a little bit behind you, because the hitbox is accurate for a "standing" survivor. It's even worse while injured because the survivor leans so far forward. So when you take that into account, as well as latency, that was likely a very clean hit from the killer's POV.
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thanks for the reseach, maybe on killer side but on survivor side it's absolute bs.
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That's always going to be the case. Even Counterstrike has this problem with latency. It's what they call "peekers advantage". The person who peeks around a corner is going to have an advantage over the person who is around the corner. Because the person around the corner naturally will "see" the person peeking after they have actually gone around the corner due to latency. By the time they see the person peeking, on the peeker's screen, they already saw the person, and are shooting at them.
So, typically, games favor the person doing the shooting rather than the person getting shot. In an FPS, this works out ok, it feels worse to be shooting directly at someone, and not hitting them, even though you are hitting them on your screen, rather than the person getting shot at who sometimes gets hit even though they are behind a corner. It is just the nature of how the internet works. You have to take the least worst experience, and most people agree, it feels worse to have your crosshair on someone's head, pull the trigger, and not get a headshot, than it does to get killed while you are "behind a corner"
Now, in DBD world, this means that it is naturally going to favor the killer in most scenarios, because the survivor's aren't hitting the killer ever outside of pallet stuns. There are many times as a killer where on my screen i clearly should have hit the survivor, but they somehow pallet stun me.
TLDR: Survivors are always further away than they appear to the killer and the killer is always closer than they appear to the survivor.
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prioritise the attack for as long you aren't the attacker.
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Not really, as then his range would technically be shorter than 5 or 6 meters since the hitbox wouldnt follow him.
The only way to really fix that is to not allow him to move side to side when using his tentacle, which would feel awful
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tank controls nemesis
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And here I was hoping OP is talking about the fact that Nemi tail seems buggy now since I can't even sometimes destroy the dropped pallet even tho it was direct hit on the pallet... anyway.
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Meanwhile I play as Nemesis and can't get my daily ritual done for his tentacle even with 0 hooks the entire match lol
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fix your router, nemmy has one of the most accurate hitboxes to his animation. This isnt on nemmy, its on ping and the minimal survivor hitbox desync.
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Ping is 38 on average, better luck next time buddy.
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Once again, fix your router. that or nemmy needs to fix his. this is barely the fault of hitboxes, when the ping gap is over 1m then its a clear ping issue on someones end.