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Please don't notification spam the killer

Member Posts: 1,719
edited August 2024 in General Discussions

No, it's not what you're thinking. I won't say it's embarrassing or poor sportsmanship or anything like that.

I am an Aspie. That means I have Asperger's, now known as a High-Functioning form of Autism. One of the, let's say, "quirks" that can come with Autism is a sensitivity to certain stimuli. For example, some find being touched to be overstimulating which can cause distress, anxiety, or even physical pain.

In my case, I am sensitive to certain types of auditory stimuli. It's usually not an issue; I hear a notification blip and it's no big issue. But when a notification is spammed constantly, much like the old macros for flashlights, it's... hard to put into words but feels awful. It's like someone is drilling into my skull.

In those instances, I sometimes need to take a break because I have a headache. It sounds so petty to the regular person that might merely find it annoying but no, it causes me physical pain.

So please, I politely ask that you refrain from spamming notifications. I don't care if you want to tbag at the exit gate, just don't do something that can hurt the other side.

Post edited by EQWashu on

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  • Applicant Posts: 107

    Won't have that from me. Only time I purposely make noise is when I'm drawing the killer to a trap I've set at gens. But usually it's only once or twice.

    Doesn't Elon Musk have asie as well?

  • Member Posts: 3,937
    edited October 2023

    Yikes... that's rough my guy...

    Sadly not possible to police people's behaviour on it... the only way to stop it realistically is have an accessibility option to control notification noise volume I suppose.

    Maybe audio engineers might be able to research into something like that... Sony has been researching HRTF profiles to enhance audio and make audio more immersive. I imagine the same technology could be used to dampen extreme noise changes... not sure 🤔🤔🤔

  • Member Posts: 1,520

    I emphatise with you however you should play survivor, and I dont mean this is a bad way, its just that accecibility features for killer are non-existant. Other alternative might be to keep playing killer but on mute, which is not the best and will deny you information but its maybe a solution.

    Why do I say this, because as much as the prople in this thread emphatise with you, relying on good will is naive, the people doing that spam do not care if it gives you something, in fact im pretty sure if they knew it gives you pain theyd do it more. So relying on them to behave is frankly not a real expectation to have.

  • Member Posts: 555

    I feel so bad for you they should add something where it doesn't make the noise but you still see the arrows that point in the direction of the visual notification for this reason. I have dyspraxia which isn't as bad but I don't like noisy environments. Can't imagine what it's like for you.

  • Member Posts: 1,390

    Imo, anyone who (fast) vaults repeatedly so that a killer gets a notification doesn't do it for any practical purpose - other than "distraction by annoyance" maybe --- which frankly, I can very well do without anyway. Imo, two fast vaults - back and forth - can have a number of reasons. But three you don't really need to do - and with two preceeding vaults the audio cue doesn't give additional info either. So I think it'd be a win for everyone if noise notifications are only replayed twice (per survivor in an area around the first vault location and within a certain time). And/or the killer gets an option in the setting to turn off the noise notification and instead get a "notification vignette" when the sound plays, so that they get a visual instead of an audio cue to look around and find the visual cue indicating the location.

  • Member Posts: 1,147

    For this exact reason, I could never play this game while wearing headphones. It's just too much. Though I've never seen a doctor about it, my family and friends all seem to think I have at least a few autistic traits.

    In one of my first ever Killer games against a SWF on comms, anytime someone would miss a skill check all the other players would spam half a dozen notification explosions to try to confuse me or get my attention. It wasn't fun.

    The Doctor is also pretty unpleasant for me to face in my Survivor games for similar reasons.

    DBD may as well be called Overstimulation: The Game. So I do kinda wish we had a way to at least control the volume of the screams and the explosion sound effects. I'm sure it would be a welcome feature, even for many neurotypical players.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    Yeah, I'm aware most aren't going to do anything. But I'd rather fruitless effort than no effort at all. If it helps bring awareness to one person, then it's enough to make sitting at a computer for a few minutes worth it.

  • Member Posts: 10,910

    I definitely feel you. I also am on the autism spectrum and there are certain things that tick me off and make me overly uncomfortable, including touching as you mentioned in the thread and any kind of object getting close to my front neck area are extremely sensitive to me. Even if it’s just something minor like a little bit of air blowing on my neck area, I can’t even describe the amount of discomfort that gives me.

    When it comes to loud noises, it’s not the spamming that sets me off, but it’s rather how loud it is and if I can physically feel the sound. Autism affects everyone differently, but that’s basically a little bit of my experience.

  • Member Posts: 379

    I noticed when they wanted to gut spine chill people immediately pointed out that it was a crutch perk for people who are Deaf or hard of hearing. They immediately acknowledged it because they realized they didn't really have any features in place to accommodate people with these issues. Seemed like it's something they may not have thought of. So they decided to keep it active for a terror radius for the time being, but now we have the heartbeat feature so a perk slot doesn't need to be used for a visual aid.

    All this being said, I think that spamming noise notifications and its effects on people with certain stimuli to noises may never have crossed their minds. So maybe this thread will be another "#########, we never really thought of that. Yeah we can easily fix this" because as a couple of you mentioned, a cool down after two should be enough. After 2 the killer really doesn't get any new information anyway. Hope BHVR sees this thread and takes note of it.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Yeah that's a good point. A similar thing happened when people pointed out flashlight clicking was an issue for epilepsy and they reverted the wiping animation update when it caused motion sickness. And they are adding an FOV slider for that same reason.

    So they do care about accessibility and hopefully this thread does get their attention.

  • Member Posts: 750

    im also autistic and adhd so i 100% feel this, i've kinda managed to get around it by applying an EQ to reduce the noisiness of the notifications, but i understand that not everybody can do that

    hopefully spam in-game becomes less of an occurrence and that people are kinder!

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Honestly, I'm surprised there's not a cooldown or something for notifications from the same source. They gave Spies from the shadows a tiny cooldown for basically this very reason. Why do I need to know the same locker got opened and closed 37 times?

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Speaking of flashlights, they also changed how the screen looks after being blinded so it wasn't blinding ppl IRL too, lol. It use to give you a bright white screen to stare at instead of the reddish one we have now.

  • Member Posts: 1,919
  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Yeah... When I was a new player back in the day, I'd go to bed seeing spots. Youtubers convinced me that Huntress was SUPER good, which also caused me to be haunted by that humming too, lol.

  • Member Posts: 5,347

    Even when not taking into account sensitivity to hearing, those notifications can be rather distracting. Depending on the platform and settings there are options to stop notifications. On Xbox there is an option to silence them - I only get the notification when pressing the big X on the controller and see a notification has been sent. Hopefully there are options for other platforms.

    However, it can be annoying, especially if someone is trying to team with the killer to say where a survivor is.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Different type of notifications being talked about.

    They're talking about the audio ques in the game that the killer gets for survivors doing rushed actions like fast vaults and rushing in and out of lockers repeatedly.

  • Member Posts: 169

    Notis should become silent after spammed more than 3 times. Or whatever theyre using to spam should be blocked off. Nothing is more annoying than playing huntress w/ iron maiden and having to endure survivors spamming the lockers. Very overstimulating and not fun.

  • Member Posts: 1,072

    It can be very annoying especially during EGC. I would assume this is a rarity considering the anti-face camping implementation. But sometimes keep staying if it is a 4-member escape and keep doing it just to bother you. Hopefully, some of these users will read your post and stop doing it in the future.

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    I just did this the other day to get a PH attention... I hope that wasn't you, I was a Kate and my friend was playing pink biscotti...or was it the clown outfit? Either way, if I did cause this I am terribly sorry

  • Member Posts: 273

    Spamming noise notifications can be very annoying even for people without a disability like me. Here's hoping one day we'll at least get an option to deal with it.

  • Member Posts: 2,113

    They just need to an option where you can use a slider to choose a delay between additional notifications after at least 3 notifications happen in a row. This at least leaves room for 3 legitimate various notifications, but any more than that, your slider delay kicks in.

  • Member Posts: 1,719

    Developmental coordination disorder. Whereas Autism primarily affects speech and communication, dyspraxia primarily affects physical coordination and motor skills. There are some overlapping symptoms, however.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    in a way, yes.

    but, afaik, they are also aware that clown causes motion sickness. and nothing has been done about that.

  • Member Posts: 658

    The sound is just annoying

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    Clown actually does have something in place to help with motion sickness. A little crosshair appears when intoxicated so you can focus on that and reduce motion sickness.

  • Member Posts: 555

    Dyspraxia is a learning difficulty that is not as hard on people as autism but is not know as much as autism and dyslexia and ADHD. It affects people in different ways it can affect peoples verbal skills not so much me it can also affect you physically. It is scaled mine isn't as bad as some peoples. Some people can be extremely clumsy and some people may have to live in a bungolow due to falling down stairs I think. Mine is minor so I could work past it but in school I had to use a laptop and I got some learning support. Not as much as people that have it worse or people with dyslexia and autism. I think autism does deserve more help though. Dyspraxia is not known by many unfortunatly. I was lucky and was diagnosed at a young age though so I could get help improving my balence. It does also mean that some people with it don't like noisy environments I think if I remember correctly. Some of this info might be wrong google might have better answers.

  • Member Posts: 1,514

    They do it usually with the sole objective to antagonize you. I would not expect accommodations from these folks.

  • Member Posts: 333

    i have no doubt bhvr will do something about this as long as it draws more attention

  • Member Posts: 50


    Not saying I don't belive you but its strange how many killers always have problems like this when they want something to be changed:

    Epilepsy attacks because of flashlights

    Feeling dizzy or sick seeing the post hit animation

    Now is autism if they hear too many notifications.

    Maybe you are telling the truth. But the community here lies so mucho to get what they want that I am more than skeptical.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    It wouldnt even be tough to fix. You could just make it stop making a sound after like, the third one. seeing the notification would give the same value, and the little red indicator arrow showing you where to turn to see it would still appear. I'd like to believe survivors wouldnt spam you if they knew how bad it was.

  • Member Posts: 3,333

    Have you ever considered that a large portion of people who play the role that requires as little social interaction as possible might be on the spectrum? Or that the world is filled with people who suffer from extremely common illnesses who also like to play horror games.

    Flashlights being able to rapid fired clicked was annoying, gamebreaking as it literally could crash a lobby, and ran the risk of triggering seizures.

    DBD has some of the most aggressive motion sickness triggers in a mainstream game which is compounded due to killer having a forced FoV that's too small for some and too big for others which causes motion sickness. It's a long standing accessibility issue that most games on the market have had the sense to account for early by giving players FoV sliders and trying to keep sudden forced dragging of the camera to a minimal.

    Constant notification spam is a long standing and well known annoyance tactic survivors use to bother the killer. It offers no real value to their team and for players that have issues with over stimulation a round of DBD can become problematic. Again, it's an accessibility issue that most games resolve by either attaching cooldowns to noise notifications or letting players have the option of controlling which things give notifications or the frequency of notifications.

    Killers in this game have gotten the sum total of about 1-2 accessibility features while survivors have gotten some sort of accessibility or annoyance limiting feature pretty much every time they've asked. Not saying that's a bad a thing, but literally the killer role NEEDS basic baseline accessibility features. People have been asking for notification cooldowns, FoV slider, granular audio controls for years. Not because they want to just win a game, but because the game needs these things and should have had these things. Part of the reason people often drop the killer role or DBD entirely is due to lack of baseline features that are present day one of most modern game releases.

  • Member Posts: 1,919

    All of those are valid though and most games now have features already to reduce motion sickness (being able to turn off motion blur, FoV slider for example) and don't have excessive flickering lights or sounds.

    Every accessibility feature killers have asked for are because of the same 2 reasons:

    • Awful FoV which make even the slightest change cause motion sickness because of how small your screen is. Once FoV is fixed most motion sickness complaints will probably be resolved.
    • Something that is excessively fast and in control of the survivor. Both flashlight spam and notification spam is incredibly fast and unnecessarily so.

    I haven't seen any killer players (outside of colourblind) ask for accessibility features that don't fall into one of these 2 categories. So maybe the fact that every accessibility complaint revolves around these 2 features should be a sign to fix these outdated mechanics.

    And none of the things you listed had any impact on gameplay, so why bother keeping something if its only purpose is to be annoying and risk causing people real life problems?

  • Member Posts: 439

    You're not gonna see such gameplay from me, but I'd like to mention that Asperger's can and doesn't always have to be on the high-functioning end. I can work just fine, behave like an ordinary person.. You wouldn't even know that I have Asperger's unless I would've told you, though, you might've found my behavior somewhat odd..

    Whenever I have faced such players, all I have to do is to take my headphones off or click the key combination to mute my volume.. And that's it; They can spam their fast vaults however they want to, but I can't hear anything, so they're wasting their own time while I'm still going around the map and destroying all the dropped pallets and breakable walls.

    Quite a lot of people do treat the game competitively, so you're gonna run into such players from time to time.. They do have double standards for such situations, so arguing or discussing this matter with them isn't gonna do anything, but boost their egos by giving them the so desired attention.

    Take care.

  • Member Posts: 6,556

    does it? never noticed it. I'll pay attention next time I see clown.

    I don't know how much it actually helps since I don't get motion sickness from it... but hope it does help those who do.

    kind of a ######### up thing to say... not gonna lie.

    is it really easier to believe someone is lying over "flashlights quickly blinking trigger epilepsy attacks in me"? you know... the thing commonly known to trigger epilepsy attacks?

    Photosensitive epilepsy is when seizures are triggered by flashing lights or contrasting light and dark patterns. Photosensitive epilepsy is not common but it may be diagnosed when you have an EEG test. Flashing or patterned effects can make people with or without epilepsy feel disorientated, uncomfortable or unwell.

    at this point sensory overload is quite well researched. is it really weird someone might get it from several loud noises that keep happening?

    Sensory overload is associated with several other health conditions, including autismsensory processing disorderpost-traumatic stress disorder (PTSD), and fibromyalgia.

    There are many different things, or combinations of things, that can trigger sensory overload. They include:

    • crowds, or tightly packed spaces
    • loud sounds, such a loud music, fireworks, a crowd, a festival
    • strong smells
    • unpleasant touch—for example, things that are itchy or scratchy, rough, too hot, or cold on the skin
    • sudden or unwanted physical contact
    • drastic or sudden changes in light, temperature, or sound
    • emotionally charged situations or groups of people.

    like... grow an empathy bone somewhere.

  • Unconfirmed, Member Posts: 711

    they should totally add and option for people to make plague use a water gun instead of her esophagus to down you

  • Member Posts: 592

    notification spam needed to be removed years ago. even without having any sensitivity it is hard on the damn ears. It is poor sportsmanship, it is toxic and yes bhvr needs to address it.

  • Member Posts: 8,850

    Why would anyone be against what is essentially a QOL issue rather than a balance issue? Your comment confuses me. Why would you object to any of what you said, even if there's NOT medical issues involved?

    Even if EVERYONE lied about epilepsy and motion sickness, what would be the argument for KEEPING things that make the game feel bad and doesn't affect balance?

  • Member Posts: 2,358

    Thanks for the clarification, makes quite a lot of sense now

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