detective tapp vs dr.gordon and adam - saw chapter

Kuffowi Member Posts: 62
edited October 2023 in General Discussions

so i was just playing around in dbd, as one does, and a thought occured to me : " why did they put detective tapp in as a survivor for the saw chapter and not someone like dr.gordon or adam from the first movie in the saw franchise? "

personally i love the thought of a dr. gordon in the game, and an adam would be iconic, but instead they put tapp in. i get not puttning kramer in since he is literaly dead (( rip to those who want an older aged killer )) but really, i dont understand why we couldnt have 1 of 2 major influences on the whole franchise.

maybe they didnt put gordon becuase SPOILER, he sort of works with kramer in his lifetime. maybe not adam because he died, but if you think about it, wouldnt the entity think adam deserved a second chance since amanda literally sabotaged adam with the bath-tub-key-moment? and hell, dr. gordon survived by chopping his leg off to escape with altruistic intentions of saving adam too! but nope. lets put tapp in instead.

since im kind of butthurt about this, im going to be making 3 perks for both adam and gordon to kind of show how their gameplay would have been cool in the game :D

keeping in mind i havent read or used all of the survivor perks so pardon me if some are similar to others :)



  • perk 1 : Smoker's Habit - 'Years of smoking have made your nerves shot' Smoker's Habit activates whenever you complete a generator with at least 1 other person. while this perk is active, you can see the aura of the killer for 3/5/7 seconds // causes the exhausted and hindered status effect for 12/10/8 seconds
  • --
  • perk 2 : Picture Perfect -' a proffessional photogarapher couldnt have done better' Picture perfect activates whenever you enter a locker within the killers terror radius. if you have a clear view of the killer, you can hit your active ability button to activate this perk. while active, for as long as the killer is within your sight, you gain endurance when you exit the locker (( if you see the killer for 5 seconds you get 5 seconds of endurance ect)) causes the hindered status effect for however long you were in the locker. cannot be activated if already hindered.
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  • perk 3: Do Something About It - ' so are you going to watch yourself die here today, or do soemthing about it?' - this perk activates whenever you are injured. you now see the auras of all survivors within 5/10/15 meters of you, but you leave brighter scratch marks for as long as youre injured.


  • perk 1 : dispassionate : 'a simple mistake, one that could have saved my life' - while you are injured, you heal yourself (with or without a medkit) 5/8/11 % faster if you are not within 20/15/10 meters of another survivor.
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  • perk 2 Diagnose - : 'you know whats wrong with others, even if they themselves dont know' you see all injured survivors auras and heal others 5/8/10 % faster . you heal yourself 2/4/6% slower with or without a medkit.
  • --
  • perk 3 : I'll come back!- : 'the promises you make fill you with dread' - if you are healing a survivor within the killer's terror radius, you get 4/6/8% faster at healing them. if you must leave before theyre fully healed (( 50/40/30% healed)) then this perk activates as well. you now gain endurance for 2/4/6 seconds,and if you take a protection hit for them, you both gain 2/4/6% haste for 4/6/8 seconds. you see this survivors aura for the rest of the trial or untill you fully heal them.

let me know what you all think!! i loved making these perks, and would love to do more :D i know these two wont be in game, and i might have gone awry with the perks, but i had fun! let me know what you think below!


  • Kuffowi
    Kuffowi Member Posts: 62

    this is glitched!! fixing it now !

  • LegacySmikey
    LegacySmikey Applicant, Member Posts: 550
    edited October 2023

    If you cant put kramer in because he's dead?

    kinda flawed though some killers are dead example spirit plus entity could have took him before death, not being sarcastic or trying to pick holes just poonting it out. I'd say kramer wouldn't work because he wanted people to survive making him a killer totally goes against that unless survivors get guaranteed unhooks!!

    Amanda was a killer even when she wasn't supposed to be so she makes sense as would Hoffman though amada I believe is just more iconic as not everyone will watch all the movies.

    As for the survivors Adam died which by your own logic rules him out (we was also really a bit part player & not important enough to be a survivor)

    Dr Gordon


    Well firstly he sawed off his foot sure could get around that but I dont see how him moving & running like everyone else works.

    Second he's working with jigsaw after the first movie he's a convert, a survivor sure but most definitely not on the survivor side of things!

    Again not looking for an argument just passing on my own thoughts.

    Tapp was the only logical survivor from the series in my opinion & Amanda & Hoffman are the only logical killers.

    Have fun in the fog

    Edit to say you updated your post after I worte this so a few bits cover what you wrote. Won't change my post but pretty much answered your own question.

    Most perks are similar to others, & almost all have too many conditions either to activate or once activated but i'll never knock imagination so have at it!

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    Detective Tapp dies in the first SAW movie... so saying that dead people can't be in the game is not true

    Having John in the game can be a thing... and I can't wait for it

    DR. Gordon is an interesting character to propose...

    Detective Hoffman is another interesting character to propose...

    There's a lot of characters to pick from from both sides (Killer and Survivor)

  • Kuffowi
    Kuffowi Member Posts: 62

    i wasnt saying we shouldnt add dead killers/ survivors it was just something i thought might be a reason for behaviour not adding adam or kramer lol not my opinion :D

    also dr.gordon got a prosthetic leg! so it'd kind of be like ashley's robot hand just leg lol

    and thank you for your indepth response!! i love hearing stuff liek this haha

    no harm no foul no argument just talkin you know

  • Kuffowi
    Kuffowi Member Posts: 62

    again, i wasnt saying dead people arent or cant be in the game, its jsut a reason i thought they might not have added them in for lol

    i would love an update or sequel to this chapter honestly :D

  • RaSavage42
    RaSavage42 Member Posts: 5,546

    I'd prefer both... an update to the Pig and a sequel (IDK what the Killer should be called)

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 551

    I would love if they even added legnedary skins for Amanda and Tapp. While I like Amanda much more than Hoffman I would still like to see him as a legendary skin maybe not as a killer. While I would be so happy if they added John his lore doesn't really work with being a killer. Jill I think could be one because she kind of became a villain/anti-hero towards the end. But Hoffmans rigged game one was revenge for Amanda. Even if it was a new collection. For survivor Tapp is the really one of the only good people in the franchise maybe Kerry or Riggs.

  • Kuffowi
    Kuffowi Member Posts: 62

    i havent seen the most recent one but i definitely reccomend the other movies to watch ^^ most can be found on peacock, tubi, hulu, and even freevee i think :D

  • Kuffowi
    Kuffowi Member Posts: 62

    exactly! like maybe a legendary linked set for amanda could even be hoffman ((if thats what youre saying)) like legion is 4 diferent people, so why not :D and i agree with kerry and riggs lol

  • KaTo1337
    KaTo1337 Member Posts: 535

    THIS is whats missing the most in DBD.

  • HansLollos2
    HansLollos2 Member Posts: 177

    Originally BHVR wanted to use Eric Matthews, instead of Tapp. You can still see this by Tapps default Outfit. It's the Police-Uniform that Eric wears in SAW 2. But they decided to use Tapp for whatever reason.

    Dr. Gordon and Adam are better of as Corpses i think. Both together dead in the Room are to good to not use as a reference.

  • CrypticGirl
    CrypticGirl Member Posts: 608

    I would think the reason they don't put in Adam is because we already have an Adam (Francis). True, Tapp's first name is David, so they just call him Detective Tapp, but what are we going to call Adam Faulkner? Just Faulkner?

  • Vulcan7471
    Vulcan7471 Member Posts: 40

    Hoffman as The Disciple, thats what people thought she would be called in the first place

  • Vanishlord
    Vanishlord Member Posts: 551

    Yeah that is and they did it something similar for Cheryl. I know it's different but Hoffman has had a game with the reverse bear traps. And survivors are easily managable and Lionsgate have been very nice with the licence.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 955

    I like Tapp more because he is played by Danny Glover in the movie. Maybe BHVR tried to get his likeness or something, or they picked him because the character was tied to the most recognizable actor in the film.

    But there are other possible reasons to why Tapp was picked: he is the only person in the first movie that gets into an actual confrontation against Jigsaw and survives. Sure, the other two met Pighead/Amanda, but they just had a quickly glance at her before being kidnapped. Tapp was trying to find Jigsaw and bring him down through the whole movie.

    Besides, Adam can't be called a survivor because he didn't exceed at anything compared to the other Jigsaw victims. He got kidnapped, got put into a game and died, like everyone else. Lawrence did excel because he escaped the bathroom, but he became Jigsaw's ultimate successor, it wouldn't be fit for a survivor.

    As for John Krammer, Amanda is more fitting for DBD than him because she was the one who appeared in screen doing the hard work, the "slasher killer work", in the first 3 movies: she was the one going after people with a scary mask and kidnapping them, while Krammer was the mastermind behind the curtain. We only see him tailing and kidnapping his targets by himself in flashbacks that appear on later movies. That's why I think he would be great for a Legendary Pig Skin, but Amanda was the best choice for a killer in DBD.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 955

    Hoffman would be better as a legendary skin instead of another killer. I mean... another killer with a pig mask? It would be redundant, specially when compared to the Pig skin that also has Amanda wearing a black jacket.

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 955

    The Saw chapter actually came before Shattered Bloodline (the Spirit's chapter).

  • Vulcan7471
    Vulcan7471 Member Posts: 40

    I mean to be fair he did a LOT of killing without a mask, I still think he would be a good fit for a second Saw chapter, just don't know what his power would be, the RBT suits him more than Amanda (imo)

  • Malkhrim
    Malkhrim Member Posts: 955

    He did, but without his mask, in-game he would look just like some guy. A survivor with a knife. Wouldn't fit in DbD.

    Also, I still think the RBT suits Amanda more because it was the trap used on her game, the reason why her power's name is "Jigsaw's Baptism". Hoffman also used it once and got hit by it once, sure, but it has more meaning to Amanda, as it represents the day she was recruited by Jigsaw. Still, the fact Hoffman used it once is another reason why he would make a nice legendary skin.