These server crashes happen always and only when I'm crushing a team ...

I'm utterly spanking a team, usually one with some healthy prestige, and suddenly ... poof ... back on the lobby.
It happens quite often and NEVER when I'm losing, and, as far as I remember, never against low prestige teams.
I'm wondering ... is there some foul play involved? Can we have a word from the devs about what this is?
This might be a good feature that could be implemented into the game at some point.. if the lobby is detecting a game where survivors are getting steam rolled and the killer has let’s say 7hooks already with 5 gens still up the lobby should just straight up forfeit the match and any in game bloodpoints earned during that match will be kept.. This can also work vise versa too.
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this has happend to me a few times. Had a speed hacker that just sucked even with hacks. Every time i dropped her and would pick her up it would freeze the game for about 30sec then unfreeze so I tricked her one time she used speed hack an got stick in the corner I downed her an left her there she got a bird so i picked her up and right as I hooked her it froze and I got the same screen as you.
its part of the hack. easy to look up and its there in the read me.
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If the cut was a bit less hash ... why not xD.
Although it may feel slightly insulting.
If devs can confirm this is a hack, maybe these lobbies should be reported.
Unless they detect the crashes themselves and keep track of who is in these hacked lobbies to find the culprits.
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How about that. I just had 3 gens popping in a matter of seconds (2 survivors, no gens were being done a few seconds before) then my game
crashedscratch that : my game closed without warning. (There is no crash log on the event viewer.)There is definitively something new with the wastes of skins out there.
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Dedicated Servers crashing is a somewhat common thing since the latest patch.
But yes, you must be facing Hackers who dont want to let you win. /s
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I think it might just be the game, atleast for me it seems to crash more in the last days. Yesterday it crashed right as I was being deathhooked, must have looked weird from the Killer's perspective.
I assume you're a nurse main, so you probably win more than you lose, so could it just be a coincidence that you see a connection between winning and crashes?
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I main Nurse as killer but I play all killers. The issues have happened with Spirit (my first time ever) and Trapper. (Yes, when survivors are overconfident, even Trapper can rip them a new one.) Once with Huntress too.
That being said it never happened when I play survivor ... but I seldom "win" as survivor.
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I seemingly get sent back to lobbies when I am crushing too. Recently I was playing wesker 3 were dead, hatch was closed and i found zarina on the exit gate then boom back to the lobby mid dash.
People will downplay it, but it happens often enough. Never when I play survivor or when I am losing as killer. It is one of the reasons I have stopped playing killer as much as I used too.
Cheaters are on the rise again sadly.
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I only crashed as survivor, but I also only played survivor recently. I'm not saying that it ist totally unbelievable that your crashes could have been due to cheaters, that wouldn't be a new thing after all, but there seem to be server issues aswell: