Suggestion MMR line-up

If 2 console survivors or more are in the lobby = 1 console killer.
Why though? Like what is your reasoning for it? Are you saying Co sole survivors are that much worse than pc survivors that they cannot keep up with pc killers or what exactly is the intention here?
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I have noticed there is a trick if a PC survivor finds out your a console killer. They can sway the player left to right real fast with the mouse it will cause the console killers autoaim go left to right with out touching the stick.
well you can do it on controller but its easier with M&K.
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What are we talking about here? Restricting console survs and console killers together? This can sorta be done now, if you select CrossPlay off and wait a few hours for a trial.
The playerbase size cannot support this. Most of the players are on console, but most of the killers are on PC. This suggestion would badly hurt queue times for everyone.
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Depends, if they start doing this, more console players will play killer, since it is more balanced when they face console survs. A console killer vs pc surv currently, is in a big disadvantage.
THe same goes for survs in consoles, they would be happier facing console killers.
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The biggest factor why there's fewer console killers is due to having to run them with a controller. This makes all of them much harder to learn and "git gud" with, and some of them unplayable like Trickster and Singularity.
Take Nurse and Blight for example. Widely accepted as the best two killers in the game, both are extremely harder to use and master with a controller, even not including frame rate issues, input lag, deadzones in the sticks, etc.
Simply put none of the killers can be run anywhere near their full potential on console. It's not really the survs they might face. Your proposed change doesn't address that at all.
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I disagree. The killer disadvantage on console is solvable by lining up more console survs and not pc survs, who can 360, walk backwards etc.
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But... I'm a good console Killer... I swear 😥
In seriousness, I kinda enjoy getting spin teched now. The joy I feel when one of these cocky jerks spin and I stop in place for a free m1...
The embarrassment of it usually stops people doing it for some reason xD
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See forum thread to understand the problem: