You had one job BHVR

You give Jake a werewolf costume, which I love
And then you proceeded to not give him a tail
You gave him a stupid and out of place backpack...but you didn't give him a tail
You had one job, ONE JOB, and you messed it up
My disappointment is immeasurable, and my day is ruined
Who's the person on the art team that's so obsessed with backpacks?
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Yep, there are really a bit much backpacks...
Only thing i don´t like is that he does not wear the mask - why is it up?
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And the curse of backpacks continues to ruin otherwise good cosmetics.
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Wouldn't it be cool if next Halloween event...they gave him an alternate mask cosmetic, with it down covering his face?!
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It makes sense for a halloween costume skin. It suggests he is trick-or-treating and carrying a backpack to store all the candy he receives and the material he will use for the tricks.
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Nobody except a crazy person trick-or-treats with a backpack.
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I don't think they can even do tails properly considering dragon Artist and cat Plague both have their tails tightly hugging their body.
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Where the hell you been, loca?