Nurse blinking is slower than a walking 4.6m/s killer.
Nurse is really not that mobile unless she is on an indoor map. This is one of the reasons why I think she shouldn't be nerfed anymore, as she has really weak mobility compared to other killers and only her chase is strong.
the angled line is her distance when blinking, fatiguing, recharging, and blinking again. on the left graph the red line is her walking normally. The blue line on the graph on the right is the speed of a normal 115% speed killer compared to nurse blinking.
credits to my friend david on twitter.
weak mobility??
she has the best burst movement across the board
Clear LOS = death
24 -
Yea but did this person factor in that she can just teleport on the other side of objects? I don't care what any graph says, walking around a wall Vs going through it is going to be slower.
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only issue is that there is no static mobility in this game. mobility also includes how much of a hindrance obsracles are - and sorry, but for Nurse they're non existent. The only exception: her being sucked into collisions, especially map border collision (which is why edge map is actually somewhat decent against her).
The 1 vs 2 blinking is less about covering flat distance and more about distance-that-leads-to-a-hit. If you take two blinks to get close-ish to a surv chances are that by the time you have recovered and could blink again you can't blink with enough precision due to lack of information. If you one blink into that spot you can always precision blink with a pretty much guaranteed hit (provided you have the mechanical skill to do so).
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The shortest path between any two points is a straight line.
Nurse goes in a straight line.
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I mean, in an open field yeah, shes slower.
But did you think about objects? They exist ya know.
Even with a 4.6 level map traversal, she still has one of the most absurd chase powers.
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I wish Evan could walk from the courtyard of Midwich to music class upstair in 3 seconds.
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This is assuming there are 0 obstacles in the way, which in the large majority of cases there are.
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Yeah hold up let me go though thw wall
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It's not really cut and dry. She has insane mobility for some things, but playing against effective W holders is really tedious. As others have said, there's not a killer on the roster that can match her in short range bursts other than Hag (kind of). Early W is extremely effective against her on some maps where she can't cut you off. Learning to zone a player who actually good is a whole thing to learn on Nurse. You have to be insanely patient.
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2 blinks is the keyword there. You don't use 2 blinks for mobility, you use 1.
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Start in the center of Midwitch and see who can get to the second floor the fastest.
I guarantee it's not the 4.6 killer in any scenario.
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This is insanely misleading. This graph is on a flat, open plane of movement. On an actual trial map, Nurse will win most 'From A to B' races.
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You get less distance with your blink if there are obstacles in the way because it takes more charge to get through it. I would bet she is still slower, even accounting for obstacles.
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I suppose 1 way of looking at mobility is what are you exactly using said mobility for.
In most cases when patrolling you don't go right up to a gen... you get to a location, look and listen, then move on if nothing is there. Nurse can quickly go to a spot, see if the gen pistons are wiggling, then start her move on to another spot before other killers have gotten there to check, so the slowdown doesn't really impact her as much as one would think in patrolling scenarios.
She can of course also blink through hills and walls other killers have to walk around. Shortest distance between 2 points is her mobile strength.
So I guess technically she has less mobility, but in practise, she typically has more?
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If we removed all obstacles from the game, Nurse's mobility would be weak? Too bad.
The more interesting thing is not how she traverses the map but how she skips short distances and immediately hits you or goes to the gen without having to walk.
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It would be best to put Nurse in the Recycle Bin and delete forever, along with Skull Merchant.
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her map mobility on maps that arent indoors is hardly baseline at best. ofcourse her mobility in chase is good as she is much closer to the survivor and doesn't suffer from the same issues she has when trying to traverse the map outside of a chase
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who half charges a blink to get around the map??
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woundcowboy I suppose.
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their referring to map mobility, which is important because hers is really nothing special on the majority of maps. meawhile many say she crosses the map in an instant and needs it nerfed etc etc. Nurse has the strongest chase but the weakest map mobility (for most maps, delete midwich)
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the graph calculates for just one fully charged blink though
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Did you not understand what I said? Some objects take more of the charge to get through, so it can take the full charge just for it to spit you out the other side. In other words, you get through the object but get no additional distance. Leary’s is a great example of this.
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Ok but compare that to a normal 4.6 killer and they would need to walk around the entire thing.
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It’s probably the same thing is what I’m saying. If it’s not, it’s really close. This thread really highlights how little the community knows about Nurse. Her power is strong because of chase. Her map mobility is whatever
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Her mobility definitely isnt the strongest part of her kit but to say its weaker than average is just wrong, which is what OP is implying here
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Yeah look, nurse is still the best killer in the game. She always has been, always will it seems.
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This is a good example of what is seen in theory is not reflective in practice.
The graph focuses on one single specific which is rarely encountered in practice.
Plus, if a Nurse is within Blink reach, it will be of little consolation to the survivor to know that, if they were side by side, they'd be slightly ahead, because that distance is taken in an instant.
Also, this ignores her ability to phase through objects.
As a piece of simple information to compare survivors versus the Nurse in a 100m sprint, then this is alright info. However, this plays virtually no role in the trials.
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At best it’s the same as m1 killers (minus two story maps). The perception in this thread is “she has a teleport!” Yet people don’t realize that it does little for map control.
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with hope mft, you can make 2 blinks worth of distance if nurse makes an oopsie.
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Ikr? I wish as a survivor I could walk to the gen down right beneath me without using the stairs or finding a drop. Everyone should be able to wall hack if nurse can. You think I'm joking but I'm not lol. That killer is ridiculous.
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I dont think anyone ever said that she is a mobility Killer. She does not even come close to Killers like Blight or Billy who can traverse the Map with ease.
However, the raw speed is not the thing here. The thing are obstacles. Every Killer needs to either walk around them OR break them (in case of Breakable Walls or Pallets). Nurse does not need either of those. And if you dont need to play DBD in order to get Hits, you will have the best ability in the game.
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Nah the best burst movement speed is huntress throwing a 52m/s hatchet
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your description is exactly what I dislike about nurse. For me, playing against nurse feels like playing against instant-scoping deathslinger that can shoot through walls and zones by sheer existence.
I understand that other killer have zoning capacities but they don't zone by existence and their zoning is avoidable/delayable. there is like skill component to not getting zoned and often a mechanical skill-component to avoid the ability all together. with nurse, you have very little to no agency in term of mechanical skill in avoiding nurse ability and even less agency in zoning. Patient nurses that have good time management and good assessment of risk vs reward for blinks are why I dislike playing vs nurse. I don't think she's overpowered or anything, just uninteresting to play against even when you escape.
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Not speaking on anything else about Nurse, but something people seem to forget is charging up and then blinking all the way to the destination in one go, while it can take you through basically all obstacles (assuming you have the blink distance to make it past its blink hitbox), it’s not actually always ideal to do so.
It’s why despite being able to freely go through walls, while she’s absurd on Midwich, she’s dreadful on Lery’s or similar maps and areas where there’s a lot of close together walls and twisting paths with very short lines of sight at best. Being able to go through everything just backfires if the survivor moves out of the way in the time it takes to charge and travel. Waking killers don’t need to worry about that because they’ll stay close enough in a continuous walk they’ll realistically never lose track without something to suddenly cut off chase info.
Obviously, she’s still very strong. But her form of mobility has downsides way weaker killers don’t ever need to worry about as well, which I find amusing.