Grade progression error / lobby disconnects

Hello ,
My first post here because i'm at a loss , i hope i'm going to get more support from the community than from the technical departement.
It has been a week and they still need more time to investigate this issue.
The issue is that i'm getting booted out of lobby's with friends and i can't rejoin because it will show them "in a match" even after the game ended ( confirmed on voice obviously )
I get the error message at the end of all games : Grade progression error.
It will update , but it's just a indication something is wrong.
This is regardless of survivor / killer / map / perks.
Sometimes i'm playing by myself and i still get the message : disconnected from lobby / party .
Things i have tried so far with no succes :
1) Reboot router
2) network reset
3) flush dns / renew ip
4) change ethernet to wifi and vice versa
5) check files integrity
6) check drivers
Some additional information :
I just changed provider and they are using a new wifi system ( wifi 6 ) , so i'm unsure if the brand installation of hardware or network settings or the latest updates are the issue.
But somewhere between myself and the servers of DBD its going wrong
Extra info : it works fine on my mobile hotspot