How do you complete this challenge?

I have no clue what this means
the haunts are the ghosts you activate from the spirit realm. They show up as white auras, you just have to run the killer/survivor near them
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Survivors only run into my haunts when I don't have the challenge selected. The moment I select it, they all avoid the things with absolute precision. I'm going to try to get it done as survivor, since kiting the killer toward one should be straightforward. Maybe.
Or is it going to give me haste and then disappear because I reach it slightly before the killer does? Ugh, this challenge is going to be stupid, isn't it. As killer, I gave it to some survivors who asked nicely and pointed at their haunts. I doubt I'll get a killer like that, though.
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I just kept getting haunts from the spirit realm and eventually a killer ran into one.
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free haunts from void realm and don't take them in the actual map and hope killer/survivors walk into one. just leave it for last and play normally i'd say
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Try and get a full stack of void. Then enter the void, feed multiple friendly gladys and then exit. You’ll then have a higher chance of the killer looping around them.
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One game I had already killed two survivors, downed one of the last ones, nodded at him and made some moves till he wriggled on the floor and then hauled him over to a haunt, slashing the air and letting them wriggle off. By the time they wriggled off, the haunt had disappeared and I was pretty sad, having no void energy left to try again and with the two last survivors on death hook, it was pretty impossuburu that game :V
Next game I went into the void fully stacked and on my way to feed the second Haunt, the first one must of spawned directly on a survivor and I got the challenge done :D This crazy Haunts of the void, you never know what they are up to, next.
BTW, I have a sinking feeling that the second page of the tome will have us trigger two Haunts in the same match, mark my words
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I think is more easy to do it as killer. It says "opposing player" so survivors must trigger them.
Just release some Haunts and wait for survivors approach them.
Doing it as survivor will be difficut because another survivor would trigger them.
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I did it as a killer. Really I just needed a couple of matches.
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They refer to it as a Trap. What does the trap do to the opponent?
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As survivor, do you have to release the haunt or is enough if the Killer runs into a haunt that was released by a different survivor?
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It's probably the hardest challenge on the current page. Not only do you need to get enough energy to open the portals to the Void AND rescue a ghost, which can be tricky on it's own but nothing major, but you also need your opponents to run into them, which is pretty rare since you usually will only have like one or two on the map at a time and... that's only covering like 2% of the map. Also you can see the haunts from a distance and just NOT run into them.
I got lucky and had a friendly game with a couple Fengs and one of them was beelining to all the haunts.
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Midwich is surprisingly one of best maps for this challenge, most of hte haunts are infront of hook spawns or doorways for some reason, so there's a good chance someone will stumble into it.
But on the note about this challenge, got friendly with a survivor to get it done, all haunt spawn's seem to be on the edges of the map's, it's difficult making a survivor run into one and annoying to get a killer to run into one wihtout picking up the boon and making it go away.
It's apparntly meant to act like a Hag trap and make the camera look at it (the jumpscare) while applying hindered, but it just seem's to only apply hindered from the several times i ran into one on midwhich
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You can check the second page, if you select the sword on the event page.
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Seems more luck based, but just keep feeding the ghosts so they appear in the normal game. It's probably easier as a killer since there's 4 people to run into it and you can try to direct them towards the ghosts (they show up as white). They also don't need to directly hit it, getting close will collect it. I lucked out as survivor and the killer ran into one while chasing someone. Just keep it on, get the ghosts, and eventually you should get it.
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Yes, and i am a bit afraid of this as you really need two triggered on the second page. And the challenge is needed for the cosmetic.
Did the first one as killer. Freed multiple Ghosts and someone walked in...
I hate challenges where "someone else" has to do something.
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This one is frustrating because you can't control it. Also, when you play survivor, your teammates can end up touching the ghosts.
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I can't do this! How do you get the whirlwind to appear to enter the void?
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Pretty easy as killer. Just get a little over half the bar and wait for the portals to open. Go in and use all of it on the ghosts and then just play. Having three or four ghosts out makes it very likely someone will run into one.
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I just got it as Survivor but I think it's busted. I was playing as Nancy and released a Haunt. Mikela ended up running into it and absorbed the void energy. For some reason when The Huntress hung Ada Wong on a hook, I got the completed challenge notice.
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Weird. When I did mine it was easy. I released 3 of them and then as I was chasing a survivor they ran into one and it gave it to me.
Did you release multiple of them and one happened to be near the hook when the killer went there, because that would count.
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I only released one and Mikela ran into it which made it go away. But as soon as Ada was hooked and screamed, I got it. Very weird. The killer was not near where it was anyway as I could see her aura with Kindred.
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I don't know that it has to be a haunt that you personally released. Obviously it does if you're killer, but if you're playing survivor and the killer runs into a haunt freed by another survivor it might count.
Seems weird to have a challenge that you can complete without actually doing anything but it would explain your situation and it might not be intentional.
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Interesting take 🤔
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