Reworking Dated Mechanics: Moris and Hexes.

Vampwire Member Posts: 704
edited October 2023 in Feedback and Suggestions

Currently, moris and hexes are kind of useless in normal gameplay. Hexes have been replaced in not only utility, but concept too by Scourge Hooks. Playing the role of a potentially powerful perk thats dictated by the risk of rng.

Moris themselves are mostly used for trolling or tunneling, since they remove the ability to save the survivor on their final hook. Leaving them in an awkward spot where they aren’t at all “overpowered”, but still somewhat problematic for the game’s health.

What I propose are very simple tweaks.

Hexes: Hexes only become visible once they activate. So for example, when Hex: Ruin regresses a generator, a totem will then light up. And as for other perks, such as Devour Hope, they light after receiving a token.

The idea behind this is to give them a grace period, and to ensure you get at least *a little bit* of value. Hopefully they will come back into play with a change like this. It’s already been shown to be possible with Face the Darkness as well.

Moris: These are suppose to be cool flashy kills. As I stated they unfortunately aren’t used in very fun ways. They still feel very satisfying regardless. For me, Devour moris are the most satisfying of all. You must work to earn them. I think this design philosophy would make them feel better for everyone.

My suggestion is to make them an incentive to spread hook stages. After about 6-8 hook stages (I can’t decide exactly how many would be best, but somewhere around that range) all survivors can be mori’d. Then, offerings would lower the number needed by a small amount.

This won’t stop people from tunneling to get it of course. But I imagine if the killer tunnels enough survivors to get the required hooks, the game is already over.

I’m thinking of going over some survivor mechanics if I decide to do this again. With a focus on maps and keys, maybe even boons.

Post edited by EQWashu on


  • coco_shotz
    coco_shotz Member Posts: 249

    These are some pretty fair changes if you ask me. Hexes for sure need some type of oversight as they have been really downplayed by many of the games updates over the years

  • Caiman
    Caiman Member Posts: 2,211

    Strongly agree with the Hex proposal. Hexes need a buff and working more like Plaything or Face the Darkness would help a lot.

    The Mori proposal isn't bad either and could finally reward spreading hooks a little.

  • Krazzik
    Krazzik Member Posts: 2,322

    Hexes do need something. As it stands the only decent ones are the ones that don't work like normal hexes, like Plaything, Penti and NOED.

  • akaTheBARON
    akaTheBARON Member Posts: 346

    Love this idea when it comes to hexes lighting up only after their effects have activated. I would still argue that if for whatever reason, a survivor just randomly cleanses a totem before a totem lights up, like at the very start of the match, the same audio explosion can be heard by the survivors like with cleansing a hex now, just so they know they cleansed what would have been a hex. It's just nice when you're guessing the killer's perks, it's harder to do if you guess the effects of 3, but can't know for sure if the unknown 4th is NOED or whatever. I'm not married to that, and that wouldn't devalue the idea of hexes only lighting up once they're active. But IDK, not a huge deal I suppose either way I suppose. Love the OPs idea in any case.

  • Tsulan
    Tsulan Member Posts: 15,095

    My change to moris that solves tunneling and makes them more interesting:

    Replace the third hook with a mori. When a survivor is on death hook, the killer simply can't hook that survivor. Hooks get blocked and the killer can only start the mori.

    Mori animation takes way more time. The earlier in a match a survivor is killed (counting total hooks) the longer the mori takes. This gives killers an incentive to spread hooks more.

    Add a dozen different moris for every killer. DbD mobile showed how entertaining they can be. Trigger different moris every time.

  • mca240
    mca240 Member Posts: 456

    He, that’s my idea! Seriously though, I fully agree with the hex change. I proposed exactly the same thing 6 months ago. No response from the developers, nothing indicating they will change it. Back then also everyone agreed it would be a good change.

  • C3Tooth
    C3Tooth Member Posts: 8,102
    edited October 2023

    This is my idea, you're welcome.

    Killers have ability to either destroy totems (Boons), or snuff them.

    The perk Shattered Hope will cause Booner / Cleanser 60sec of Expose.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,302
    edited October 2023

    So NOED stays activated from endgame because of the 4% bonus speed? And what exactly would haunted grounds do? Or Deathslingers Hex perk?

  • Michi
    Michi Member Posts: 119

    I am a huge fan of hexes but they are cleansed before doing anything meaningful. Many scourge-hook perks powercrept hexes by a lot.

    My dream change for totems would be:

    12 crates/small boxes spawn on the map at locations where totems could spawn.

    Totems can spawn only inside of those crates. Survs and Killers can break them open and get a tiny amount of BP for doing so. (you could say it is the exact same mechanic as halloween pumpkins but some of them have totems hidden inside of them)

    This way totems arent exposed to the eye during a chase or while repairing a gen etc. The player has to walk up to the crate, smash it open and check if there is a totem. I think this would do a lot already

  • SMitchell8
    SMitchell8 Member Posts: 3,301

    For me, moris could be hook based. The yellow mori could be 5/6 hooks instead of a worthless last. Could also make one basekit for when you reach X amount of blood points.

    NOED should work on a timer based on how many hooks you got prior to it activating. That way, if a killer was outplayed comprehensively, they get much less time (reward) when NOED activates. Perhaps 10 seconds per hook to reward the killer for better performance.

    Boons should be buffed but permanently breakable like cleansed Hexe's. Could also allow killers to pick the totem in which to set there hex on (tactical)

  • EffenBlue
    EffenBlue Member Posts: 70

    Boons are breakable, Shattered Hope. Unless you mean can't be used on another totem.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,302

    What is Monto doing these days? ^^ He was back for like a week last year and then disappeared again...

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,302

    Base kit mechanics instead of perks... They used to put everything behind perks and that is just not a good idea most of the time... If boons were stronger than they currently are it would be more problematic, but right now it has some time...they should either introduce a cool down for booming or make it have charges or let it take longer the more you used it (on the same totem) to prevent just spamming it... Because the kler has to waste so much time to get rid of it, it is oftentimes not a good trade for him despite being valuable for the survivors.

  • DrDucky
    DrDucky Member Posts: 675

    Very good idea on the hexes, I think this would be a super nice change and completely remove the issue of survivors spawning on them etc.

    The mori idea I also like quite a bit, as if you do tunnel someone out then the power spike of a mori actually becomes less effective (if you tunneled out two guys to get the 6 hook requirement, then the mori is kinda useless since moring the last two will not be that impactful). So this mori change can actually mean that you could have played super fair single hooking everyone up to 6 but actually still have a very good chance of winning. Cool idea I do wish something like that could be basekit but I know that it could lead to issues which I am not thinking of.

  • EffenBlue
    EffenBlue Member Posts: 70

    It doesn't take more than 3 seconds to snuff a boon. It takes a heck of a lot longer to bless a totem.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,302

    Killers time is more valuable than that of a single survivor, the process of walking there however is much longer... Sure if you just happen to walk by it and are not in chase it might be worth it, but not otherwise... That's the whole issue.

  • Vampwire
    Vampwire Member Posts: 704

    You bring up a good point. I think letting those ones stay up regardless is fine. Noed already shows you where its at once somebody goes down anyways.

  • Archol123
    Archol123 Member Posts: 4,302

    Yeah but what does Haunted Do? For the hex to show up it needs to take effect... Soooooo what exactly shows up for you to see that? And does only one survivor need to discover a hex?